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쁘레드 2015. 11. 6. 02:14

뭐든 방향이 맞는 곳에 투자해야 위험은 덜하고 수익은 극대화할수있지요.

국제유가의 방향은 이번년은 계속 하방이었죠. 세계경제가 중국과 유럽이 메롱이다 보니 아직도 하락가능성이 더 큰것 같아요. 골드만은 $20까지 떨어질수 있다고 했는데 설마 그정도까지 가겠냐만은, $30불대는 가능할것으로 보입니다. 12월에 미국이 금리를 올린다고 믿는다면 그 날이 더 빨리 올수도 있을것 같습니다. 재미도 크게 볼수 있을듯.

저는 빨리 올것 같다는 생각에 예전애 개피봤던 DWTI를 유심히 보고 있습니다. (안되는데...)


United States Short Oil Fund (DNO)

This is an unpopular and liquid ETF in the oil space with AUM of $24.7 million and average daily volume of 32,000 shares. The fund seeks to match the inverse performance of the spot price of light sweet crude oil WTI. It charges 60 bps in fees per year from investors and has gained about 28.2% in the trailing 13-week period.

PowerShares DB Crude Oil Short ETN (SZO)

This is an ETN option and arguably the least risky choice in this space as it provides inverse exposure to the WTI crude without any leverage. It tracks the the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index – Oil – which measures the performance of the basket of oil futures contracts. The note is unpopular as depicted by AUM of $28.5 million and average daily volume of nearly 35,000 shares a day. Expense ratio came in at 0.75%. The ETN gained 30.2% over the last 13-week period.

ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Crude Oil (SCO)

This fund seeks to deliver twice (2x or 200%) the inverse return of the daily performance of the Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil Subindex. It has attracted $152.7 million in its asset base and charges 95 bps in fees and expenses. Volume is solid as it exchanges nearly 1.7 million shares in hand per day. The ETF returned about 56% over the last 13 weeks (read: Oil Tumbles to Six-Year Low: ETF Tale of Two Sides).

PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN (DTO)

This is also an ETN option providing 2x inverse exposure to the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index-Light Crude, which tracks the short performance of a basket of oil futures contracts. It has amassed $47.7 million in its asset base and trades in a moderate daily volume of roughly 103,000 shares. The product charges 75 bps in fees per year from investors and is up 28.3% in the same time frame.

VelocityShares 3x Inverse Crude ETN (DWTI)

This product provides 3x or 300% exposure to the daily performance of the S&P GSCI Crude Oil Index Excess Return. The ETN is a bit pricey as it charges 1.35% in annual fees while average daily volume is good at over 1.8 million shares. It has amassed $222.6 million in its asset base and delivered whopping returns of nearly 72.2% in the same period.



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