
미국 10대 자살률 통계

쁘레드 2024. 11. 26. 10:07

미국 10대들의 자살률도 계속 증가하고 있는 추세인데, 20년간 인류에게 무슨일이 일어난 것일까요. 많은 사람들이 인정하는 TOP3 요인으로는 경제가 안좋은 것, 무분별한 소셜미디어의 악영향, 코비드19 팬데믹으로 보입니다. 최근에는 AI 폭풍성장이 인류에게 정신적 안정감을 줄지 아니면 거꾸로 인류의 정신건강에 악영양을 주게될지 중요한 변곡점을 만들것으로 예상하고 있습니다.



The US Teen Suicide Rate Is On The Rise | Charlie Health

Citing data from authoritative government sources, we examined the rising rate of suicide among adolescents, specifically looking at data for 15-19-year-olds.


Main Reasons for the Trend

Several factors have contributed to this alarming increase in teen suicide rates:

  1. Economic Instability: The 2008 recession and subsequent economic challenges have led to increased anxiety about the future among teens.
  2. Social Media and Technology: The rise of social media has coincided with the increase in suicide rates. While not necessarily causal, it may play a role in exacerbating issues like cyberbullying and social isolation
  3. Mental Health Issues: There has been an increase in depression and other mood disorders among teens, which are primary risk factors for suicidal behavior

  4. Societal Stressors: Factors such as climate change anxiety, increased frequency of school shootings, and rising student debt have contributed to teens' stress levels
  5. COVID-19 Pandemic: The isolation and lack of socialization resulting from the pandemic, especially in its first year, have exacerbated mental health issues among teens

  6. Disparities in Risk: Certain groups face higher risk, including LGBTQ+ youth, racial and ethnic minorities, and female students
  7. Substance Abuse: Problems with drug or alcohol abuse can increase the risk of suicidal behavior in teens

  8. Family and Social Factors: Issues such as parental depression, divorce, or exposure to suicide within social circles can contribute to increased risk


