싸이노젠 - Cyanogen
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구글로 부터 안드로이드를 가져오고 싶다는 말도안되는 회사에서 이제 가능할것 처럼 보이는 회사가 되었네요. 아주 오래된 삼성 노트1에 싸이노젠을 설치했더니 정말 날라다닙니다. 지금 노트4보다 더빠릿해진것 같네요.
이미 투자회사도 많이 있고, 요즘 hire하는것 보니, 이미 날라가기위한 펀드는 충분한것으로 보입니다.내년 상장을 목표로 하고 있을듯.
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Cyanogen Taps Microsoft, Qualcomm Veterans For Fight To Control Android
It’s hard to keep Kirt McMaster quiet.
The CEO of Cyanogen, the Palo Alto startup with a bold plan to wrest control of Android from Google, is known for his brashness and bravado. Minutes into my first interview with him in January, he was summing up Cyanogen’s improbable mission: “We’re putting a bullet through Google’s head.” Even one of his leading investors told me they wished McMaster wouldn’t “poke the bear too many times and so loudly.”
Yet in the past few months, McMaster has been unusually circumspect. After a flurry of partnership announcements at the Mobile World Congress in early March, and news that Microsoft MSFT +1.16% had joined forces with the company in April, Cyanogen and McMaster went largely silent.
But on Tuesday, when I caught up with him to check on the progress of his crusade, McMaster was his usual, blustery self.
“I’m even more bullish,” he said.
On Wednesday, Cyanogen announced two key engineering hires: Stephen Lawler, a veteran of Amazon and Microsoft, who is joining as senior vice president of engineering, and Karthick Iyer, a Qualcomm QCOM +0.27% vice president and engineering lead on Android, who will be vice president of global systems.
McMaster said Lawler, an Amazon vice president who previously worked as CTO for Bing Maps at Microsoft, will help to lead Cyanogen’s efforts to develop a suite of mobile services — in house and through partnerships — to compete with those offered by Google GOOGL +0.87%. Iyer, he said, will help broaden the Cyanogen platform as more and more manufacturers agree to build smartphones based on the Android variant.”When we are able to attract people like that to the team, it’s invigorating,” McMaster said. “Other people tend to follow. It’s good for the company. It shows people we can deliver on the promise.”
사이애노젠모드(CyanogenMod)는 안드로이드를 구동하는 일부 스마트폰에 설치 및 구동할 수 있는 비공식 안드로이드 펌웨어이다. 현재 60개 이상의 안드로이드 스마트폰에서 펌웨어 업데이트가 가능하며,FLAC, 멀티터치, microSD 카드에서의 프로그램 설치 및 실행, 향상된 메모리 스왑(compcache), 거대 APN 리스트, 재부팅 메뉴, 블루투스 및 USB를 이용한 테더링 등 기존의 AOSP에서 지원하지 않는 기능등을 다수 탑재하고 있다. 모바일 OS 중에서는 최초로 BFS를 작업 스케줄러로 사용하는 운영 체제이기도 하며(이는 현재 안드로이드 공식 소스 트리에도 시범 반영되었다.[1]) 경우에 따라서는 공식 안드로이드 펌웨어보다 높은 성능을 발휘하기도 한다. 2015년 1분기 현재 정식 배포 중인 CyanogenMod는 CM7과 CM9, CM10, CM10.1, CM10.2,cm11이 있고, 나이틀리로 배포 중인 Android 5.0.x 기반의 CM12과 그의 메니저 업데이트 버전인 안드로이드 5.1.x 기반에 cm12.1이 있다
Cyanogen and Qualcomm Collaborate to Raise the Bar on User Experience
MARCH 1, 2015Cyanogen and Qualcomm Collaborate to Raise the Bar on User Experience
Cyanogen, Powers New Offering for Snapdragon Processors
Palo Alto, CA. — March 1, 2015 — At Mobile World Congress today, Cyanogen Inc. and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, announced details of a collaboration that will provide support for the best features and UI enhancements of the Cyanogen Operating System on certain Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ processors. This will be available for the upcoming release of Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) planned for April.
Cyanogen is widely known through the industry for its commercially distributed Cyanogen OS and the CyanogenMod community distribution. Through the enhanced solution, Cyanogen brings a number of feature-rich enhancements, including a new launcher and personal information management apps across dialer, messaging, contacts, and calendar. The Cyanogen OS experience arrives on the most current Android™ 5.0 Lollipop release, and will be available to device makers globally.
"We're delighted to collaborate with Qualcomm on their QRD program," said Kirt McMaster, CEO, Cyanogen Inc. "We're addressing the needs of device makers in developed and developing markets looking for a truly differentiated software experience that matter to consumers."
The features and UI enhancements will be available from Cyanogen Inc. for Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ processors in the 200, 400 and 600 series, bringing the Cyanogen experience across multiple device tiers. Additionally, Cyanogen features such as the new Launcher will also be available for the QRD program across these tiers of Snapdragon processors. The QRD program is designed to streamline the rapid introduction of devices at lower development costs — drawing on the technical innovation and product quality that have made Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. an industry leader.
"We chose to work with Cyanogen based on their deep Android expertise and innovative approach to enhancing smartphone software," said Jason Bremner, SVP of Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies . "By collaborating with Cyanogen, we are able to offer unique experiences to users of Snapdragon based devices."
Through this ongoing collaboration, Cyanogen will be adding exciting new features and services in future releases as the company continues to drive advancements in mobile computing across a range of devices that incorporate Snapdragon processors.
About Cyanogen Inc.
Cyanogen is reimagining mobile computing, giving power to the people to customize their mobile device and content experiences. The CYANOGEN® operating system is built on Android and known for its revolutionary personalization features, intuitive interface, speed, improved battery life, and enhanced security. With a rapidly growing global user base and a vibrant community of developers, we're intelligently connecting smartphone and tablet consumers to people, apps, and things they love. For more information, visit Cyanogen's website, Google+, Twitter, and Facebook.