
알버슨 인수한 하겐 파산

쁘레드 2015. 10. 21. 11:04

년초에 Albertsons과 Vons를 (전체가 아니라 개별 스토어들) 인수하며 왕성한 식욕을 보여준 9월에 파산보호 신청을 했네요.

이제 개별 store 인수자가 나오면 팔아 현금화 하고 아무도 관심없으면 close하겠지요. 우리 집앞에도 하나 있는데 아직 인수자가 없다는 후문.

대규모 인수후 역사상 가장 빠른 파산이라는 오명을 벗기 어려워 보이네요. 오래동안 깨지지도 않을것 같고.

구린내가 많이 나서 아무래도 먼가 파보면 엄청큰 대어를 건질수도.


he Haggen grocery chain that took over numerous Albertsons and Vons stores earlier this year but quickly ran into financial troubles that led to a bankruptcy filing announced it will close all of its stores in California, including 25 in San Diego County.

The company announced it is pulling out the Southwest market, and will focus its operations instead around 37 stores in the Northwest as part of its bankruptcy realignment.

"We're pretty frustrated and disappointed," said Mickey Kasparian, president of San Diego’s chapter of the United Food and Commercial Workers International.

The closure leaves more than 1,500 San Diego-area grocery workers out of a job, and several communities without a place to shop.



Haggen bankruptcy: Failure is the 'fastest' in modern grocery store history

Sept. 9, 2015 

Updated Sept. 10, 2015 9:04 a.m.

Industry analysts are calling the collapse of Haggen, the Northwest newcomer to California, one of the grocery segment's biggest failures. “This is the fastest (failure) in modern supermarket history,” said grocery strategist Burt P. Flickinger. “In all of retail, I haven't seen anything like this.” The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy 



$1 billion lawsuit: Beleaguered Haggen sues Albertsons for undermining its rollout

Sept. 1, 2015 

Updated Sept. 3, 2015 8:08 a.m.
