오프라 윈프리가 투자한 Weight Watchers
세계적으로 유명한 오프라 윈프리가 죽어가는 회사에 지분을 투자하면서 며칠만에 회사를 다 살려놓았습니다. 스스로 이 회사를 통해서 살도 빼고 좋아해서 투자가가 되기로 했다고 하고, 자신의 사진과 이야기를 이회사의 광고로 사용할수 있도록 하겠다는 조건도 달려있는것 같습니다. 회사의 주식을 10%를 사고 board of director자리도 얻었는데, 헉 완전 땅짚고 헤엄치기입니다. 손해보고 나올 확률은 거의 0에 가깝네요.
6불하던게 18불을 넘어섰고, 오프라는 8불대에서 지분을 구입한것으로 나옵니다.
한국 유명한 연예인이라면 강남에 빌딩이나 사면서 인생을 너무 쉽게 살려고 하지 말고 자기가 좋아하는 회사를 산다거나 만든다거나 하면서 돈도 벌고 일자리도 늘리고 하면 좋겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 죄다 돈많다는 놈들은 강남빌딩이고 돈좀 없으면 고깃집이고...
People generally turn to Weight Watchers to lose something, but in Oprah Winfrey's case she's gained a whole lot: $72 million.
That's what Winfrey has earned -- at least on paper -- in the day and a half since she took a 10% stake in the company.
Weight Watchers (WTW) announced Monday that Winfrey bought 6.4 million shares at $6.79 a share, which was Friday's closing price.
But shares more than doubled in value after the company announced Winfrey's stake on Monday. And they climbed another 30% in midday trading Tuesday.
Even after a huge rally, shares are still off more than 25% this year.
Winfrey made her $72 million profit on her investment of $43.2 million. Still, her Weight Watchers' stake only represents about 4% of her estimated net worth of $3 billion, according to Forbes.
Related: Oprah comes to Weight Watchers' rescue
The company has been struggling. Sales were down 22% and profits were off nearly 50% in the first half of this year. But Winfrey has typically had a golden touch. Her endorsements have juiced the sales of products and books she mentioned on her show.
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