
퀄컴 모뎀 LTE 기능 비교표

쁘레드 2015. 6. 14. 23:16

일반 소비자에게는 별로 중요하지는 않을것 같은데, 좋은 비교표가 있네요.

A = 미디어텍, B=삼성, C=인텔 이라고 합니다.

이들도 제품이 많은텐데 어떤 제품을 비교로 했냐가 문제겠지요. 최근것은 좀더 좋을거라 생각됩니다. 자기것은 최신것을 놓고 경쟁자는 오래된것을 두지 않았을까 하는 의구심도 있습니다.

앞으로 IoT, Wearable 시장이 급속히 팽장한다면 좋을것 같네요. 여러 IT회사가 거기서 먹거리를 찾을것 같고, 소비자들도 혜택을 많이 볼수 있을것 같습니다.

Qualcomm Gets Aggressive In Taiwan At Computex 2015

Going after connectivity

Qualcomm’s Computex activities were mostly surrounding their new MU-MIMO chipset announcements as well as attempting to extend their market share dominance of the LTE market with a partnership with AllWinner. In fact, Computex itself seemed like Qualcomm was trying to assert their dominance in everything wireless, be it Wi-Fi or LTE. During their press conference, Qualcomm showed a series of slides comparing themselves against competitors, A, B and C. Qualcomm was not shy about who these competitors were, but they avoided directly naming each competitor. I think MediaTek Inc. was “A”, Samsung “B” and Intel “C”, but I can’t say for sure. During their presentation, Qualcomm went as far as to claim that one of their competitors wasn’t even worth mentioning because they don’t really ship in any substantial amount of phones. I surmised that was a shot at Intel, even though they have made big strides with their 7160/7260 modem.

Wrapping up

Computex turned out to be an interesting one for Qualcomm watchers. The company really showed its teeth in their AllWinner announcement, showing their ambitions in the Chinese market. They also made their dominance in LTE and Wi-Fi wireless a key point and they weren’t afraid of naming and shaming their competition. This uncharacteristic behavior from Qualcomm may end up fueling even more competitive dialogue between the different SoC makers, and ultimately will result in more wars of words. Qualcomm also showed how they plan to expand further into existing markets that maybe haven’t been as strong for them, or are still growing, but their future in those markets remains to be seen. Right now, they clearly still rule the smartphone roost.