
토렌트, BitTorrent

쁘레드 2015. 4. 24. 22:16 ; streaming ; torrent client c++ ; torrent file viewer and editor ; hash checker ; transmission torrent client, pascal

 distributed hash table (DHT라는 것이 2000년대 초반에 정부기관에서 펀드도 많이해주고 개발이 많이 됐었네요.


In 2001, four systems—CAN,[3] Chord,[4] Pastry, and Tapestry—ignited DHTs as a popular research topic. A project called the Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems (Iris) was funded by a $12 million grant from the US National Science Foundation in 2002.[5] Researchers included Hari Balakrishnan and Scott Shenker.[6] Outside academia, DHT technology has been adopted as a component of BitTorrent and in the Coral Content Distribution Network.

Streaming 지원은 은 2007년 부터 만들어졌다고 되어 있네요.


In general, BitTorrent's non-contiguous download methods have prevented it from supporting progressive download or "streaming playback". However, comments made by Bram Cohen in January 2007[11] suggest that streaming torrent downloads will soon be commonplace and ad supported streaming[12] appears to be the result of those comments. In January 2011 Cohen demonstrated an early version of BitTorrent streaming, saying the feature was projected to be available by summer 2011.[13] As of 2013, this new BitTorrent streaming protocol is available for beta testing.[14]

piece picking

This question is answered by torrent::request_time_critical_pieces() in libtorrent.

download queue time



Podcast SW에서도 지원했었네요.

  • Podcasting software is starting to integrate BitTorrent to help podcasters deal with the download demands of their MP3 "radio" programs. Specifically, Juice and Miro (formerly known as Democracy Player) support automatic processing of .torrent files from RSS feeds. Similarly, some BitTorrent clients, such as µTorrent, are able to process web feeds and automatically download content found within them.

블리자드가 게임 download를 위해서도 썼다니.