
Crude oil 원가 - 강에서 물 퍼서 장사하는 애들도 있네

쁘레드 2015. 11. 26. 03:17

몇가지 기사가 계속 있었기는 했는데 다음에 다시 track하기 위해서..

중동지역의 오일 생산 원가는 배럴당 $10로 예전에 $150씩 유가가 오를때 미국이나 러시아를 살수 있는 돈을 모을수 있었을 정도네요. 하늘은 공평하게고 엄청난 부를 주는 땅에서 태어나게 해 주셨지만 그들은 머리에는 좋은 것을 주신것 같지가 않다.

이슬람동맹의 자금의 원천에도 원유가 있는데 아무리 폭격해도 다시 그 담날 옆에다 구멍뚫으면 된다고 하는 말이 장난이 아닐정도.


What it costs to produce a barrel of oil

Everyone in the energy industry is suffering as crude oil prices have slumped. But some oil producing countries are hurting more than others.

In the United Kingdom, it costs $52.50 to produce a barrel of oil -- which is trading right now around $42.

Oil production in Brazil costs nearly $49 per barrel. Production costs around $41 a barrel in Canada.

In the United States, production costs are $36 a barrel -- still below the trading price.

Those findings are from Rystad Energy's UCube database, which has information from roughly 65,000 oil and gas fields around the world.

Of course, it's hard to make money when the cost of producing oil is higher than the sales price.

It's no secret that many major energy companies have already announced a range of cut backs in high-cost countries.

See more: What is costs to produce oil

On the other side of the coin, Saudia Arabia and Kuwait can pump a barrel of oil for less than $10, on average. Iraq can produce oil for about $10.70 per barrel.

