Intel i7-5500U vs i7-6500U 가격차이만
최근에 Intel Core I7-5500U 노트북을 저렴하게 하나 샀는데, I7-6500U랑 비교해보면 DDR4를 사용한다는 것과 새로운 아키텍쳐라 좀더 빠를것으로 생각되는데... 실제 성능은 두가지를 이득을 고려해도 가격차이를 설명하기 너무 어려운 차이라 보여짐.
인텔 독점체제라 기술개발을 일부러 천천히 하는 느낌이랄까. Broadwell vs Skylake 인텔이 좀더 열심히 해줬으면 좋았을텐데...
Mini Review
Intel Core i7-5500U advantages
Intel Core i7-6500U advantages
i7-5500U vs i7-6500U specifications comparison
The charts below compare the most important features of the i7-6500U and Intel i7-5500U CPUs. These characteristics, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Number of cores / threads" graph displays the number of cores (darker area). Lighter area on the graph corresponds to the number of additional threads, provided by Hyper-Threading technology. The "Operating frequency" chart uses dark color for base frequency, whereas lighter area is for extra frequency, provided by Turbo feature. Darker area on the "On-chip cache" graph is for the On-chip L2 cache. Lighter area is for the L3 cache cache. Although the L3 cache cache is usually larger than the On-chip L2 cache, it is always slower.
Higher is better |
Higher is better | ||||||||||||||||||
Higher is better |
Lower is better |
Intel Core i7-5500U | Intel Core i7-6500U | |
Market segment | Mobile | |
Manufacturer | Intel | |
Family | Core i7 Mobile | |
Basic details | ||
Model number | i7-5500U | i7-6500U |
CPU part number | FH8065801620004 | FJ8066201930408 |
Introduction date | January 5, 2015 | September 1, 2015 |
Current official price | $393 (as of Sep 2015) | |
CPU features | ||
Core name | Broadwell | Skylake-U |
Microarchitecture | Broadwell | Skylake |
Technology (micron) | 0.014 | |
Data width (bits) | 64 | |
Socket | BGA1168 | BGA1356 |
Frequency (MHz) | 2400 | 2500 |
Turbo Frequency (MHz) | 3000 / 2900 | 3100 / 3000 |
Clock Multiplier | 24 | 25 |
L1 cache | 64 KB (code) / 64 KB (data) | |
L2 cache (KB) | 512 | |
L3 cache (KB) | 4096 | |
Max temperature (°C) | 105 | 100 |
TDP (Watt) | 15 | |
Cores | 2 | |
Threads | 4 | |
Multiprocessing | 1 |