
LNG 공급과잉으로 혜택받는 아시아 국가들

쁘레드 2015. 6. 21. 03:56

천연가스, 액화가스는 저장과 이동이 쉽지 않아 공급과잉이 가격급락으로 이어지기 쉽지 않지요. 미국의 쉐일가스 혁명으로 인한 가스공급과잉으로 미국도 LNG 수출을 허가하고 계속 진행중입니다. 전세계적으로 공급이 계속 늘어날 예정이라 LNG를 많이 수입하는 아시아 국가들이 혜택을 많이 볼거라고 합니다. 일본은 후쿠시마 원전 사고이후 가스로 인한 전력생산을 늘리고 있으니 가장 큰 수혜국가가 될것 같습니다. 한국도 분명 수혜를 볼텐데, 가격을 공급가격에 맞혀 많이 내려주면 좋겠습니다. 가격 내릴 계획은 없겠지요.

Japan imported more liquefied natural gas than usual after the Fukushima nuclear disaster forced it to take its reactors off line. Above, a tanker arrives in Yokohama. PHOTO: KOJI SASAHARD/ASSOCIATED PRESS



SINGAPORE—As billions of dollars of investment continues to flow into natural-gas production and exports globally, there are signs that supplies of the energy source have already caught up with demand.

Prices of liquefied natural gas—fuel supercooled to change it into liquid form for transport—have fallen to record lows in Asia this year, enabling buyers to drive a harder bargain in contract negotiations. With the U.S. due to start shipping LNG later in 2015, concerns about potential future shortages of gas have dissipated, at least for the near term.

“Global LNG balances are easing fast,” shifting the market’s concerns from how demand can be met to how supplies can be absorbed, the International Energy Agency said in its latest medium-term gas report. The shift, it said, “will shape LNG markets over the next few years.”

In the spot market, Asian LNG prices fell below $7 a million British thermal units in May, a level not seen since before the Fukushima disaster forced Japan to take its nuclear power plants off line in March 2011. The price is roughly one-third of the peak level of $20 a million BTUs last year.

Stagnant demand in Asia is also driving change. Japan’s nuclear reactors are slowly restarting, South Korea has large stockpiles of LNG, and China has access to cheaper gas via pipelines from places such as Turkmenistan. Consumers in these countries are seeking better terms on existing contracts.