NASA API portal = data and code
NASA가 예산이 줄어들면서 Open NASA로 방향을 잡고 있습니다. 정말 제대로된 나라는 악조건을 선순환으로도 돌릴수 있습니다. 망할나라는 좋은 호재도 악재로 바꾸는 재주가 있지요. 부러운 동네입니다.
NASA가 제공하는 API로 무엇을 할수 있는지는 제가 다시 조사해서 좀더 detail하게 소개하겠습니다.
나사가 공개하는 code들은 여기에 모여있습니다.
NASA has launched an API portal as part of its ongoing attempts to encourage reuse of the significant data sets available from the U.S. space agency’s missions and other ongoing projects. The API portal complements other initiatives, including the recently launched NASA Data Portal, open source code libraries and GitHub account.
Getting Started
Most developers getting started with wish to leverage NASA data in their applications and services, and this is encouraged! There are also developers that have existing APIs that they may wish to contribute to the NASA API site. Below describes two paths on how to "use" our APIs as well as "contribute" to our API catalog. First, to get started with using NASA APIs, we recommend applying for an API key, reviewing the Authenticationsection, then once ready, dive in to API calls.