
Raspberry Pi를 이용한 응용

쁘레드 2015. 3. 14. 05:57

저도 Drupal을 많이 이용하긴 했는데, Raspberry Pi를 cluster로 묵어 가방속에 들어가는 data center를 만든 사람이 있네요.

Raspberry Pi Dramble

A cluster (Bramble) of Raspberry Pis on which Drupal will be deployed using Ansible.

Raspberry Pi Dramble - Hero Image

Read the rest of this README and the official Dramble Wiki for more information about the Dramble.


I'm doing presentations on Ansible, and how easy it makes infrastructure configuration, even for high-performance/high-availability Drupal sites. WiFi/Internet access is spotty at most conferences, so deploying to AWS, DigitalOcean, or other live public cloud instances that require a stable Internet connection is a Bad Idea™.

Deploying to VMs on my own presentation laptop is an option (and I've done this in the past), but it's not quite as impactful as deploying to real, live, 'in-the-flesh' servers. Especially if you can say you're carrying around a datacenter in your bag!

A cluster of servers, in my hand, at the presentation. With blinking LEDs!


  • 24 ARMv7 CPU Cores
  • 5.4 GHz combined compute power
  • 6 GB RAM
  • 96 GB microSD flash-based storage
  • 1 Gbps private network

Getting the Pis (and other accessories)

Many people have asked for a basic list of components used in constructing the Dramble, or where I found particular parts. In the Wiki, I've added pages listing the following:


삼성 전무출신의 김규호씨도 Iphone과 Raspberry Pi로 엄청난 물건을 만드셨네요. 진정한 난방열사이신듯.


김규호 씨가 아파트 난방 밸브에 설치한 ‘라즈베리파이’ 보드와 온도 센서, 무선인터넷 장비.


집 안 난방용 온수의 온도를 웹브라우저에서 실시간으로 볼 수 있도록 했다.


퀄컴도 값비싼 dragon를 계속 공급하고 있습니다.