Toyota Engine Excessive Oil Consumption
도요타는 20세기에 최고 기술력 정점을 찍고 그 뒤로부터 quality engineering과 marketing에 너무 집중한 case인것 같다. 2000년대초 차들은 정말 잘 만들었는데, LEXUS도 초기에 좋았고. Qulity engineering도 기술이라면 기술력이 너무 좋은듯. 미국 회사들이 망한 이유중에 하나지요. 기술력이 너무 좋아서.
Toyota Engine Excessive Oil Consumption
Owners Are Burning Through 1 Quart of Oil Every 1,200 Miles
An increasing number of Toyotas are experiencing excessive oil consumption which may be the result of defective piston rings. Toyota, in all their deny-til-we-die splendor, is reportedly denying warranty coverage on many oil consumption related problems and telling owners that burning through oil is normal.
Burning the midnight oil in college? That's normal. Burning through a quart of oil in 1,200 miles? Not so much, at least in our book.
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The Cause of All the Oil Burning
Even the most judicious oil-changers are reporting issues that probably shouldn't happen. Things like:
- Having your "oil pressure" light come on halfway through your maintance schedule.
- Having you engine burn through as much as 1 quart of oil in 1,200 miles
- Being told that your engine burning through oil is "normal" and "nothing to be alarmed of"
- Having to come back with a damaged, oil-deprived engine only to be denied warranty coverage
Guess which of these is happening to Toyota owners? Go on, I'll give you a minute. (Hint: this is a multi-choice test)
If you guessed all of them, you're absolutely right.
Toyota Issues a TSB
On August 11, 2011, Toyota issued a technical service bulletin (TSB)[1] to dealerships which says:
So what about those that are outside the standard powertrain warranty or fail the test? They're left to pickup the bill which can be thousands of dollars. Take it from these folks on
"So after loving my Toyota for many happy years imagine my heartache when it began using oil to the tune of visible loss on dipstick at <100 miles. Having always prided myself on taking car maintenance very seriously and never owning a vehicle less than a decade this one is a total disappointment" -scaredgrammy in Dry Ridge, KY
"At some point around 100,000 miles I was shocked to find little or no oil on the dip stick so I started watching it closely. The car no has 149,000 miles on it and burns a bit more then 1 quart every 1200 miles. This just happens to be the amount that Toyota calls a problem and excessive, BUT our car is out of warranty. Amazing two weeks ago I ask the Toyota service manager about it and he said he never has heard of this … That is a totally false statement since there is a TS bulletin about this problem! Toyota's engineers made an error with the design of the pistons." -pstef in Newton Falls, OH
Affected Vehicles
Take a moment to browse through the Toyota section of and you'll see just how many people have reported problems with the oil consumption in their engines, including Camry, Corolla, Matrix, RAV4 and Solara owners. This problem also extends to some Scion vehicles, which is one of Toyota's brands.
A Potential Class Action Lawsuit
Now is the time to get your voice heard. After you've told your story on and griped about it to the NHTSA, you may also want to contact Chimicles & Tikellis. They are in theinvestigation phases of a potential class-action lawsuit for Toyota owners and lessees who have experienced excessive oil consumption. Head over to their site for more information.