
Who the heck is Popcorn Time?

쁘레드 2015. 4. 15. 11:22

Popcorn Time(팝콘 타임) 우리는 누구인가 하는 글이 있어서 간단히 요약합니다.

많은 소문이 있지만 우리는 오픈 소스 community가 맞다. Popcorn time project는 240여명의 다른 사람이 commit을 했으며 우리는 돈을 받고 일하지도 않고 어떤 조직에도 속해있지 않다.

일년된 프로젝트 치고는 정말 놀랍습니다.

프로젝트는 png, java, js 파일이 대부분을 차지합니다. 직접 받아서 열어봤는데 믿어지지가 않을 정도입니다. 왜 무엇이 믿어지지 않을 정도인지는 다음기회에.


10 Mar 2015

Who the heck is Popcorn Time?

It's come to our attention lately that people are really confused about the answer to "Who is behind Popcorn Time?", The question has been asked in plenty of places, has been answered with some creative replies, such as that we're owned by another company, or we are actually a project part of various torrent sites... These aren't the right answer. These incorrect answers tend to cause a lot of confusion and even sometimes negative attention for others. We feel it's important to clear up exactly who is behind Popcorn Time.

Many of you have noticed in Popcorn Time it says "Made with love by a bunch of geeks from around the world" and not any particular name or business. That's because we are a community of people. Regular people who think this project is amazing, help spread the word, and make the project better as a whole. Everyone is part of Popcorn Time, the people who help others out on our forum, the people who submit bugs, and make amazing changes to our source code, or the people who help translate, and our users who spread Popcorn Time love every day.

We aren't sponsored by anyone, we don't have a paid team of people behind the project, we aren't a business, and we don't have any affiliations. We are a community. Just some people who are truly dedicated, spending well over forty hours a week to a couple hours or minutes a day. Everyone contributes with the goal of making it amazing for everyone else. Every little bit makes us who we are. The thanks goes to every single contributor.

Just to show how many people have helped make Popcorn Time a reality, here is a short video visualizing the thousands of changes made to our source code. It just goes to show that hundreds of people have made changes... Some of them from the beginning who never left, and some who come and go. On top of all that, it doesn't even show the thousands who submitted bugs and suggested features. If you're interested in more videos, you can find them here

On that wonderful note, Popcorn Time has been around for a year! That's right... Popcorn Time came out February 2014 and continues to go strong today because of everyone mentioned above.

Lets keep the popcorn going for many years to come!
