
World's worst cities for rush hour traffic

쁘레드 2015. 4. 1. 01:27

교통지옥 TOP 10정도. 이런 도시에서 차 끌고 다닐려면 느긋하게 팟케스트나 들으면서 다녀야지 생계때문에 빨리 달려야 하는사람들은 속터져 죽습니다.

Source : http://money.cnn.com/gallery/news/economy/2015/03/30/worst-traffic-cities/index.html?iid=HP_River




Hate that evening traffic jam? Spare a thought for commuters in Istanbul, who have to put up with the worst congestion in the world.

Istanbul, with its bridges connecting Asia and Europe, has the worst traffic at peak evening hours, and overall, in the world.

Commuters there spend a whopping 125 hours stuck in traffic every year -- a number based on two 30-minute commutes per working day.

GPS manufacturer TomTom says a journey that would normally take 30 minutes in free-flowing traffic takes more than an hour during evening peak times.




Driving through Moscow's ring-like highway system during the evening hours is for the patient -- rush hour traffic adds more than 31 minutes to their commute.

That's the second worst rush hour in the world.

Traffic jams in the Russian capital are notorious even outside peak hours -- Moscow has the fourth worst traffic overall.


Saint Petersburg


Another Russian city, the cultural center of Saint Petersburg, is not far behind.

Drivers there have to allow for a delay of nearly 29 minutes to their evening commute. And they lose an average of 110 hours waiting in traffic every year.


Mexico City


Traffic in Mexico City is bad. So bad that the Mexican capital ranks as the second most congested city overall, and the fourth worst for rush hour traffic.

An average 30-minute journey takes 58 minutes during the peak evening times.




Chongqing is the worst Chinese city for traffic, with an average delay of 25 minutes during the evening rush hour.

The city in southwest China is built on several rivers and mountains, and its road network is full of bridges and tunnels.

Nick Cohn, TomTom's traffic congestion expert, explains that bridges often create traffic jams, as drivers are unable to avoid them.




Brazil's Recife is the most congested city in south America.

An average evening rush hour journey is delayed by over 24 minutes. Add in morning delays, and that means drivers lose 94 hours behind the wheel each year.




Bucharest's inclusion on the list might surprise some, but it makes perfect sense to its drivers. They also lose 94 hours stuck in traffic each year.

An average evening rush hour journey through the Romanian capital is delayed by 24 minutes.


Rio de Janeiro


Rio de Janeiro's record has improved in the last two years, thanks to investment in its transport infrastructure before the 2014 World Cup.

It was the world's third worst city for rush hour traffic in 2013 -- now it ranks eighth.

But drivers still have to put up with a delay of 24 minutes to their evening commute, and Rio still ranks among the top 10 most congested cities in the world.




Shenzhen, the second Chinese city on this list, also has a severe traffic problem. Its drivers are delayed by 24 minutes per journey during peak hours.

But Shenzhen is also one of the cities where avoiding the rush can make a big difference. That can cut the average delay to 10 minutes.


Los Angeles


The drive along the Pacific coast is one of the most scenic in the U.S., but that's of little comfort to Los Angeles drivers stuck in traffic.

The average rush hour delay per 30-minute journey is 24 minutes. That adds up to 92 extra hours behind the wheel each year due to jams.

L.A. is the worst U.S. city on TomTom's list of top 100 for rush hour traffic, followed by Seattle (18), Houston (27), San Francisco (28) and New York (62).
