- 현재날짜/시간 format대로 출력
- 현재 dir가 그 dir가 맞는지
- file/folder 있는지 확인후 만들기, 없으면 에러나 만들기
- if else
- for loop, while
외부 프로그램 실행하기- Input parameter받아 command에 넣기
- parameter validate하기
- website에서 label읽어오기
- sleep, timeout = sleep
- 외부파일을 읽어서 parameter 순차적으로 읽기
Bash header, 날짜구하기, 시간
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------- # Fred Oh (email) # 2015/01/01 starting new life #------------------------------- ulimit today=`date +%m%d` source ~/.bashrc today=`date +%m%d_%H%M%S` $ NOW=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y")
Pattern Matching
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------- # Fred Oh (email) # 2015/01/01 starting new life #------------------------------- au_archive_dir="....../LA.BF64.1.2.1" branch_name='LA.BF64.1.2.1' au_prefix='AU_LINUX_ANDROID' cd $au_archive_dir post_fix_temp=`ls -t[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9] | head -1` echo $post_fix_temp #Removing last :, first of all why it ends with : post_fix="${post_fix_temp//:}" echo POST_FIX is $post_fix #Extract only last 3 digit number #au_number="${post_fix:-3:3}" doesn't work T.T au_number="${post_fix:13:3}" echo TODAY_AU ${today}_au${su_number} /^([[:Digit:]]{2}\.){3}([[:Digit:]]{3}\.){2}.*$/{ printf("matches\n"); }
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------- # Fred Oh (email) # 2015/01/01 starting new life #------------------------------- if [ -d "$buildpath" ]; then buildpath="${buildpath}_1" echo new $buildpath fi count=1 while [[ -d $buildpath ]]; do if [ $count == 1 ]; then buildpath=${buildpath}_$count fi buildpath=${buildpath:0:-2}_$count let count=count+1 echo New $buildpath done echo Final $buildpath mkdir $buildpath cd $buildpath echo PWD is $PWD if ! [ $buildpath == $PWD ]; then echo CD failed exit 1 else echo same directory fi
taking input parameter
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------- # Fred Oh (email) # 2015/01/01 starting new life #------------------------------- today=`date +%m%d` source ~/.bashrc #check input is NULL if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "give me AU label" exit 1 fi echo "AU Lable = $1" #or check input is NULL or not if [ "$1" != "" ]; then echo "Positional parameter 1 contains something" else echo "Positional parameter 1 is empty" fi
Sync to latest label and Build
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------- # Fred Oh (email) # 2015/01/01 starting new life #------------------------------- today=`date +%m%d` source ~/.bashrc au_archive_dir="...../LA.BF64.1.2.1" branch_name='LA.BF64.1.2.1' au_prefix='AU_LINUX_ANDROID' cd $au_archive_dir #must be 16 character like #Fred don't know why post_fix_temp ends up with ':', need to remove ':' post_fix_temp=`ls -t[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9] | head -1` echo $post_fix_temp post_fix="${post_fix_temp//:}" echo $post_fix #au_number="${post_fix:-3:3}" doesn't work T.T au_number="${post_fix:13:3}" echo TODAY_AU ${today}_au${su_number} buildpath="/local/mnt/workspace/hyosubo/8992_au${au_number}" count=1 while [[ -d $buildpath ]]; do if [ $count == 1 ]; then buildpath=${buildpath}_$count fi buildpath=${buildpath:0:-2}_$count let count=count+1 echo new $buildpath done mkdir $buildpath cd $buildpath echo PWD is $PWD if ! [ $buildpath == $PWD ]; then echo CD failed $buildpath $PWD exit 1 fi au_name=$au_prefix'_'$branch_name'.'$post_fix echo $au_name #/usr/local/bin/repo init -u git://git.quicinc.com/platform/manifest.git -b LA.BF64.1.2.1 /usr/local/bin/repo init -u git://git.quicinc.com/platform/manifest.git -b refs/tags/$au_name -m versioned.xml touch README2.txt /usr/local/bin/repo sync -j8 -q #/usr/local/bin/repo sync -j8 > reposync_$today.txt #/usr/local/bin/repo forall -c 'git checkout -b au33 AU_LINUX_ANDROID_KK.' #/usr/local/bin/repo start tip$today --all source build/envsetup.sh lunch msm8992-userdebug /usr/bin/make -j12 > Buildlog_$today.txt
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