'editor'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2023.12.06 AI Powered Video editor
  2. 2016.03.18 프로그래머의 친구 HEX Editor
  3. 2015.09.30 VIM resource file
IT이야기2023. 12. 6. 07:46

AI로 비디오 에디팅을 좀더 쉽게 해주는 프로그램을 찾고 있는중. 당연히 적당한 돈을 지불할 의양이 있는데, 요구사항은

  1. Auto crop
    1. 16:9로 찍은 비디오를 인스타그램 용으로 1:1 또는 vertical하게 쉽게 변경해 줄것. 사람이 있으면 object를 track해주면 좋겠음
  2. 4K Upscaling
  3. Image Stabilization 적용
  4. 화려한 color 보정
  5. de-noise
  6. 중간에 silence있는 것 자동제거
  7. (Optional) Caption 지원

Topaz AI툴이 광고를 많이 하는데, Bing과 Bard 추천리스트에는 없음



There are several AI-based video editing software available in the market. Some of the popular ones are:

Kapwing: Kapwing offers a range of AI-powered video editing tools that can help you edit, trim, and enhance your videos with ease. You can generate videos just from typing or automatically remove silence and background noise in a single click. Kapwing’s AI tools are free to get started, easy to use, and simple for anyone to learn. The best part is, they exist right in your browser, so no complicated downloads or setup are required to start 1.

Adobe Premiere Rush: Adobe Premiere Rush is a great video editor app that has several advantages in today’s world of instant video sharing on social networks. It is a free AI-based video editing software that can help you create professional-looking videos in minutes 2.

KeyFrames Studio: KeyFrames Studio is another AI-based video editing software that can help you create stunning videos with ease. It offers a range of features such as automatic video editing, video stabilization, and more 3.

Pictory.ai: Pictory.ai is an AI-based video editing software that can help you create engaging videos with ease. It offers a range of features such as automatic video editing, video stabilization, and more 3.

Munch: Munch is an AI-based video editing software that can help you create stunning videos with ease. It offers a range of features such as automatic video editing, video stabilization, and more 3.



Sure, here’s a list of some popular AI-powered video editors:

  • Synthesia: This online tool uses AI to create hyper-realistic talking avatars that can lip-sync to any script you provide. It’s perfect for creating explainer videos, product demos, and even YouTube intros.
  • Lumen5: This AI-powered video editor uses your existing content, like blog posts or articles, to automatically generate video scripts and storyboards. It’s a great way to quickly create professional-looking videos without having to start from scratch.
  • Descript: This AI-powered video editor allows you to edit your videos by simply editing the script. You can add or remove words, change the order of sentences, and even adjust the intonation of the speaker’s voice.
  • Kapwing: This free online video editor offers a variety of AI-powered features, including auto-cropping, background removal, and green screen effects. It’s a great option for creating short social media videos.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: This industry-standard video editor now offers a number of AI-powered features, such as automatic speech recognition, scene detection, and color correction. It’s a great option for professional video editors who want to save time and improve their workflow.
  • Wondershare Filmora: This popular video editor offers a few AI-powered features, such as smart video trimming and AI music composer. It’s a good option for beginners who want to try out AI editing without having to learn a new tool.
Posted by 쁘레드
Programming2016. 3. 18. 01:48

요즘 젊은 개발자들도 그러는지 모르겠는데 프로그래머라면 사람이 볼수없는 Binary data를 열어보곤 하지요. 저는 인생이 항상 그래서 HEX viewer/editor가 없으면 살수가 없는데요, 요즘은 WEB에서도 아주 좋은 툴들이 많이 있네요.


Javascript으로 개발했다고 개발자가 소개하고 있습니다. client script이라 상당히 빠르고요 예쁘고 여러 기능들도 잘 갖추어져 있어서 다른 프로그램 설치없이도 잘 쓸수 있습니다. (개발자 page = http://www.duttke.de/)

최근에 big endian plaform에서 일을 하느라 처음으로 big endian data를 reading해 봤는데(이론적으로는 많이 공부했지만) 정말 좋은 경험 많이 했습니다.



HEXPlorer는 전통의 강자인데 개발이 중단되었고, 글씨가 작게나오는 문제가 있어서 많은 사람들이 버렸지요. Setting에서 FONT만 System Fixed Font로 바꿔주면 됩니다. Open Source에다가 아주 괜찮은 툴이에요.


그밖에 Beyond Compare에서 HEX comparison도 좋고요

Visual Studio에서도 Binary data를 잘 보여주고요.

Slick Editor도 좋았던 경험은 있습니다.

Posted by 쁘레드
Programming2015. 9. 30. 09:46

vim with ctags, cscope


Download VIM plug-ins from vim.org

Source Explorer

Nerd Tree

Tag list

unzip copy to vim plugins folder



"VI env"
set nu
set ai
set ts=4
set bg=dark

ctag db"
set tags=/home/fred/host/kernel-3.10/linux-3.10.89/tags

"cscope db"
set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
set csto=0
set cst
set nocsverb
cs add /home/fred/host/kernel-3.10/linux-3.10.89/cscope.out /home/fred/host/kernel-3.10/linux-3.10.89
set csverb

"tag list"
filetype on
nmap  :TlistToggle
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = "/usr/bin/ctags"
let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 0
let Tlist_Auto_Open = 0
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1

"Source Explorer"
nmap  :SrcExplToggle
nmap  h
nmap  j
nmap  k
nmap  l

let g:SrcExpl_winHeight = 8
let g:SrcExpl_refreshTime = 100
let g:SrcExpl_jumpKey = ""
let g:SrcExpl_gobackKey = ""
let g:SrcExpl_isUpdateTags = 0

"Nerd Tree"
let NERDTreeWinPos = "left"
nmap  :NERDTreeToggle"


make ARCH=x86 COMPILED_SOURCE=1 cscope tags

cscope -d  ; do not update cross reference


F7, F8, F9 ;open plugins

CRTL + H J K L ; windows switching

SPACEBAR ; previous window

CTRL + ] ; jump to definition

CTRL + t ; back to previous code

cscope command

:CS find s <SYMBOL_NAME>

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Posted by 쁘레드