DSLR 또는 Mirrorless 카메라로 사진잘 찍는 법
1: Shoot at ‘one over focal length’
2: Only ever shoot in Raw
3: Always use Aperture Priority!
4: Expose to the right
5: Shoot at ISO100
6: Focus on the eyes in portraits
7: Narrow for landscapes, shallow for portraits
8: Focus a third into the scene
9: Multiple AF points for movement
10: Keep things simple
11: Follow the Rule of thirds
12: Get down to eye level
13: Don’t forget the background
14: Include leading lines
15: Don’t forget the foreground
16: Balance the sky
17: Slow down water
18: Keep the sun over your shoulder
19: Get your timing right
20: Shoot at the golden hours
20 golden rules of photography (and when to break them)
Take great shots every time by following our simple rules of photography – but know when to break them too!
예전엔 이런것 많이 공부도 하고 사진동호회도 같이 하고 했지만, 요즘 사진잘찍는 젤 유용한 한가지 팁은 최신 IPhone으로 찍는다 정도가 아닐지.
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