클리앙에 산타그로세님이 정리하신 한국의 종교관련 현황. Pew Research Center에 대해서 알게됩니다. 이 기사는 2014년 8월 12일 기사로 6개월전쯤 내용입니다.

미국 한인중 70%정도는 크리스챤이라고 하네요. 헉~. 평균적으로 완전 치우쳤네요. 크리스챤만 이민오는 것은 아닐테고, 공항에서 교회분들이 픽업하고 미국이주를 도와주는 노력의 결과인가요?



6 facts about South Korea’s growing Christian population

29% of South Koreans were Christian in 2010

Pope Francis will travel to South Korea this week for Asian Youth Day, making his third international trip as pontiff. He’ll be visiting a country that has experienced considerable religious change in recent decades. Here are six facts about Christianity in South Korea:

1South Korea has no majority religious group. Its population includes a plurality of people with no religious affiliation (46%) and significant shares of Christians (29%) and Buddhists (23%). South Korea’s current president, Park Geun-hye, is an atheist with connections to Buddhism and Catholicism, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Christian share of South Korea's population2In 1900, only 1% of the country’s population was Christian, but largely through the efforts of missionaries and churches, Christianity has grown rapidly in South Korea over the past century. In 2010, roughly three-in-ten South Koreans were Christian, including members of the world’s largest Pentecostal church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, in Seoul.

3The majority of Christians in South Korea belong to Protestant denominations, including mainline churches such as Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches as well as various Pentecostal churches. Since the 1980s, however, the share of South Korea’s population belonging to Protestant denominations and churches has remained relatively unchanged at slightly less than 1-in-5. Catholics have grown as a share of the population, from 5% in 1985 to 11% as of 2005, according to the South Korean census. The growth of Catholics has occurred across all age groups, among men and women and across all education levels.

86% of South Koreans have a favorable view of Pope Francis4Only about 11% of South Koreans are Catholic, but a survey we conducted in March found that the population has a positive view of Pope Francis. More than eight-in-ten South Koreans (86%) said they have a favorable opinion of the pope, higher than the share of Americans (66%) who had a favorable view of him in February. (Among U.S. Catholics, 85% said they have a favorable view of the pontiff.)

5The share of Christians in South Korea (29%) is much smaller than the share of Christians among Korean Americans living in the U.S. Nearly three-quarters of Korean Americans (71%) say they are Christian, including 61% who are Protestant and 10% who are Catholic.

Religious breakdown of Korean Americans and South Koreans

Religious restrictions in South Korea6As of 2012, South Korea had low levels of government restrictions on religion and social hostilities toward or among religious groups, based onour most recent analysis. In fact, religious restrictions in South Korea are lower than in the U.S., and significantly lower than the median level of religious restrictions in the Asia-Pacific region.

Posted by 쁘레드

Muslim (이슬람 종교 믿는 사람) 인구가 2050년까지 폭발적으로 증가할거라는 연구가 나왔나봅니다. 재밌는것은 미국이 있는 North America쪽에 증가율이 눈에 뜁니다. 결국 2070년이면 Muslim이 최대 인구로 바뀔거라고 합니다.

Christian(가톨릭 + 개신교 등 일것이라고 보여집니다)이 인구가 종교인구중에서는 젤 많지만 증가율이 줄고있어 무슬림과 차이가 많이 줄것으로 보입니다. 재밌는 부분은 종교간 이동 예상을 보니Christian이 엄청나게 많고 무교도 엄청 증가하는것 같습니다. 결국Christian이 종교에 회의를 느끼고 무교로 돌아선다고 보이네요.

한국도 개독교라는 말로서 젊은 세대가 교회를 보는 분위기가 설명되는데, 한국이 잘못된 대형교회, 목사들이 교회를 비지니스 수단으로 생각하고 사금고화 하고 세습하는등... 좀더 심각하지만 전세계적으로 크리스챤의 양적증가는 한계에 다다르고 있네요. 주님이 모두가 크리스챤이길 바라지 않으셨다는 것을 알고 질적으로 성장하는 계기가 되었으면 좋겟네요.









10 projections for the global population in 2050

A new Pew Research Center report examines global public opinion on the challenges posed by aging populations and analyzes projections for the populations in the U.S. and in 22 other countries. Here are 10 major findings regarding the demographic future of the world’s population in 2050.

1The global population is getting older: The number of people 65 and older is projected to triple by mid-century, from 531 million in 2010 to 1.5 billion in 2050. In the U.S., the population of seniors is expected to slightly more than double, from 41 to 86 million.


2The world is graying faster than the U.S.: The global median age, eight years less than in the U.S. in 2010, is projected to be only five years less by 2050.



3Who will be among the oldest? By 2050, the majority of people in Japan, South Korea and Germany are expected to be older than 50. Some Latin American countries, which are now younger than the U.S., will likely be older than the U.S. by 2050.



4Trading young for old: Most countries, including the U.S., are projected to see the share of their population that is 65 and older surpass the share that is younger than 15 by mid-century.



5Pressure on workers: As populations age, working-age people in the developed world may have to support more dependents, while workers in India and several major African nations will likely have to support fewer dependents.



6Population 2050: The global population is expected to increase by 38%, from 6.9 billion in 2010 to 9.6 billion in 2050. The population of children younger than 15 is projected to increase by only 10%, a consequence of falling birth rates.



7How big will the U.S. be? The U.S. population is projected to grow by 89 million residents from 2010 to 2050. The U.S. is likely to grow faster than European and East Asian countries, but slower than Nigeria, which is expected to replace the U.S. as the world’s third most populous country.



8A population shift to Africa: Africa’s population is projected to increase the most and make up a greater share of the global population by 2050. The shares of Europe and Asia in the global population are expected to decrease, while the Americas will hold steady.



9India replaces China as the world’s most populous country: India’s population is expected to increase by 400 million by 2050. Its projected population of 1.6 billion will be almost equal to the populations of the U.S. and China combined. China is projected to add only 25 million residents.



10Population losers: The populations of Japan, Russia and Germany are expected to decrease by more than 10% by 2050. For Japan, this means a loss of 19 million residents; for Russia, 23 million; and for Germany, 10 million.



Read the full report: Attitudes about Aging: A Global Perspective

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Posted by 쁘레드