이 리포트를 만든 사람이 다니는 회사도 상당히 재미있다. Business solution을 E2E로 지원한다고 하는데 사람 숫자는 많지 않고 machine learning과 AI관련 솔루션 정도를 소개하는 수준 정도로 일을 하는것 같다. 오피스는 독일 베를린(Berlin)과 네델란드 암스테르담(Amsterdam).
영화 If I Stay 영화를 보면 Portland, Clackamas 지역에 눈 경보가 있다는 뉴스가 나오면서 지역이 포틀랜드 지역이라는 것을 이야기 합니다. 주인공이 사는 집과 지역은 전형적인 미국의 Pacific Northwest의 (중하) 중산층 가정으로 그리집니다. 그러나 영화촬영은 캐나다 밴쿠버 지역에서 했다고 나오네요.
오레곤 서부해안에서 그렘린 (Gremlins, 1984)이 촬영된 것으로도 유명한데요, 궁금해서 포틀랜드를 기반으로 한 영화는 어떤것이 있는지 알아봤더니오
Major blockbusters:
Twilight saga (2008-2012):The entire series,including iconic locations like Forks High School and Bella's Swan family home.
Free Willy (1993):The heartwarming story of a boy and his orca whale was filmed at the Oregon Coast Aquarium and Keizer Station Park.
Animal House (1978):The legendary college comedy classic used the University of Oregon campus as its primary filming location.
Acclaimed independent films:
Gus Van Sant's works:He often features Portland as a backdrop,including "Mala Noche" (1985),"Drugstore Cowboy" (1989),"My Own Private Idaho" (1991),and "Elephant" (2003).
Paranoid Park (2007):Gus Van Sant again captures the city's underbelly in this gritty coming-of-age tale.
Leave No Trace (2018):A poignant drama about a father and daughter living off the grid,filmed in Forest Park and the surrounding wilderness.
Other notable mentions:
Untraceable (2008):Diane Lane stars in this thriller against the backdrop of Portland's urban landscape.
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993):The heartwarming animal adventure features scenes filmed in Washington Park and along the Oregon Coast.
Kindergarten Cop (1990):Arnold Schwarzenegger patrols the halls of Astor Elementary School in this action comedy.
Night of the Living Dead (1968):The iconic low-budget horror film utilized local cemeteries and Forest Park for its eerie atmosphere.
Recent TV series:"Portlandia" (2011-2018) hilariously satirized the city's culture,while "Grimm" (2011-2017) incorporated Portland's unique atmosphere into its fantasy-crime narrative.
This is just a small selection, and there are hundreds of other movies and TV shows that have been filmed in the Portland area. Exploring resources like:
Twilight (2008): Some scenes from the popular vampire romance film were shot in St. Helens, Oregon, which is near Portland.
Portlandia (2011-2018): Although not a movie, this television series is a satirical sketch comedy set and filmed in Portland. It humorously portrays the city's unique culture.
Drugstore Cowboy (1989): This film, directed by Gus Van Sant, is set in and around Portland. It follows a group of drug addicts and their criminal activities.
Wild (2014): Starring Reese Witherspoon, this film is based on Cheryl Strayed's memoir and features scenes shot on the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon, which includes areas near Portland.
My Own Private Idaho (1991): Another film by Gus Van Sant, it's set in Portland and stars River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves.
Grimm (2011-2017): Again, not a movie, but this TV series is filmed in and around Portland. It's a fantasy crime drama that incorporates Portland's urban and natural landscapes.
Paranoid Park (2007): Directed by Gus Van Sant, this film is set in Portland and follows a teenage skateboarder who becomes involved in a murder investigation.
지금까지는 스타벅스 네트웍이 그남아 안정적이고 빠른 편이라서 스타벅스에서 충전도 하면서 유튜브에 올리면 됐었는데, 스타벅스가 돈이 없는지 upload 속도가 2-4배 느려졌다. 스타벅스는 구글에서 네트웍을 셋업해 줬는데 그 관계까 끝났나?
피닉스 아리조나에서 어디가면 좋을까 바드에거 물으니
Sure, here are some places with good wifi near Phoenix, AZ that you can go to upload your soccer videos:
Jobot Coffee, Diner & Barat 333 E Roosevelt St,Phoenix,AZ 85004,USA has a rating of 4.5 stars on Google Maps.
Scooter's Coffeeat 4030 N 7th Ave,Phoenix,AZ 85013,USA is a drive-thru chain serving espresso & other coffee drinks,plus a variety of smoothies & pastries.It has a rating of 4.5 stars on Google Maps.
Songbird Coffee & Tea House - Phoenix, AZat 812 N 3rd St Ac,Phoenix,AZ 85004,USA is a hip cafe with brewed-to-order coffee & tea,comfy sofas & house-baked pastries (with vegan options).It has a rating of 4.7 stars on Google Maps.
Window Coffee Barat 903 W Camelback Rd,Phoenix,AZ 85013,USA has a rating of 5 stars on Google Maps.
Lola Coffeeat 1001 N 3rd Ave #6,Phoenix,AZ 85003,USA is a bright & airy cafe offering fair-trade,hand-roasted coffees,homemade pastries & poetry nights.It has a rating of 4.5 stars on Google Maps.
I hope this helps!
Bing에게 미국에서 어디 가야하는지 물으니
Upload까지 고려하면 Dunkin' Donuts와 Joe & The Juice를 가야한다고 한다. 2024년에는 좀 달라졌을 수도 있을듯.
I can understand that you are looking for a coffee shop chain with fast network speed to upload videos to YouTube. According to a recent study by PCMag, the fastest coffee chain Wi-Fi in 2019 was Joe & the Juice1. They have an average download speed of 42.4Mbps 1. However, if you are looking for a big national chain, Dunkin’ Donuts has the fastest Wi-Fi speed compared to Starbucks 12.
I hope this information helps you find a coffee shop with fast network speed. Let me know if you have any other questions.
여기에 이름 올리면 안되는데. 머스크는 정말 매년 새롭습니다. 2024년에도 또 좋고 나쁜 뉴스로 또 놀래켜 줄거라 믿습니다.
Elon Musk
Disney CEO Bob Iger
Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker
Credit Suisse CEO Ulrich Körner
Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao
China Renaissance CEO Bao Fan
Country Garden chairperson Yang Huiyan
Adani Group founder Gautam Adani
Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer
BP CEO Bernard Looney
From top, clockwise: Disney CEO Bob Iger, Credit Suisse CEO Ulrich Körner, Tesla, SpaceX CEO, and X (formerly Twitter) owner and former CEO Elon Musk, China Renaissance CEO Bao Fan, Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker, Country Garden CEO Yang Huiyan, BP CEO Bernard Looney, Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Rosalind Brewer, Adani Group CEO Gautam Adani, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao.
NVidia가 2023년에 ChatGPT열풍으로 매출이 달나라로 갈때 AMD는 전혀 수혜를 받지 못했는데 내년 MI300 family 매출 6B, 그후 10B 20B이런식으로 급속도로 늘어날 것으로 예상되기 때문에 상당히 매력적인 성장주식중 하나로 보인다. Lisa Su는 2027년까지 AI Market size가 $400B로 예측했는데 AMD가 30%면 120B, 20% 라면 80B인데, 2023년 AMD총 매출이 $22B 임을 감안할때 매출 100B돌파가 2-3년 내에 가능할것으로 보입니다.
TSMC의 chip-on-wafer-on-substrate (CoWoS) packaging 캐파를 2024년말까지 2배로 늘린다는 것도 호재입니다. 알려진 바에 따르면 TSMC의 advance package가 칩 생산의 병목입니다. 이를 두배로 늘린다는 이야기는 Apple, nVidia, AMD에게는 호재입니다. 특히 AMD chiplet구조가 수율이 좋기때문에 수요만 꾸준히 있으면 매출을 늘리기는 다른 경쟁사 보다 더 쉬울 것으로 보입니다.
대체로 리눅스로만 쓰는데 윈도우를 쓸일이 가끔 있고, 같은 프로그램이라도 윈도우 드라이버가 더 안정적이거나 다 빠른 경우가 있어서 윈도우에 대한 요구가 생기기도 합니다.
1. 처음부터 설치한다면, 윈도우 설치하고 리눅스를 설치하면 grub으로 부팅되면서 grub list에 마지막에 윈도우 옵션도 나오게 됩니다. 이러면 깔끔하게 정리되는데...
2. 리눅스가 설치되어 있는 서버에 윈도우를 설치했더니 손이 좀 많이 갑니다. Windows OS Bootloader가 grub을 업퍼버려서 그냥 윈도우로만 부팅됩니다. 물론 리눅스로 부팅하려면 F12를 눌러 부팅옵션으로 가고 리눅스가 설치된 디스크를 고르면 리눅스로 부팅도 가능합니다. 자주 쓰다보니 grub으로 부팅해야 겠다 생각이 들어서 찾아봤더니 좀 손이 많이 갑니다.
Ubuntu Live CD로 부팅후
Mount Ubuntu Partition
sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu
Chroot into Ubuntu Environment
sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/ubuntu/dev
sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/ubuntu/proc
sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/ubuntu/sys
sudo chroot /mnt/ubuntu
Install GRUB
For BIOS systems:grub-install /dev/sda(replace with your actual disk)
For UEFI systems:grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi
Exit Chroot and Reboot:
Exit the chroot environment:exit
Unmount partitions:
sudo umount /mnt/ubuntu/dev
sudo umount /mnt/ubuntu/proc
sudo umount /mnt/ubuntu/sys
sudo umount /mnt/ubuntu
Reboot your system:sudo reboot
Boot into Ubuntu
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub
sudo reboot
sudo os-prober
sudo update-grub
Incorrect Partition:Double-check the partition where Windows is installed usinglsblkor other tools.
Windows Boot Manager Overwriting:Useefibootmgrto ensure GRUB is the default boot manager for UEFI systems.
Fast Boot:Disable Fast Boot in Windows to avoid potential conflicts.
Boot Repair:If issues persist,consider using the Boot Repair tool from an Ubuntu Live USB or CD.