>>> ord(b'A')
>>> ord(b'!')
>>> list(b'Example')
[69, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101]
>>> chr(65)
>>> chr(33)
>>>'This is an example, with punctuation and UPPERCASE.'.encode('ascii')
b'This is an example, with punctuation and UPPERCASE.'
>>> ascii = 'This is a test'.encode('ascii')
>>> ascii
b'This is a test'
>>> ascii.decode('utf-8')
{0}, {1}
>>> import os.path
>>> '{0:>20}{1}'.format(*os.path.splitext('contents.txt'))
' contents.txt'
>>> for filename in ['contents.txt', 'chapter.txt', 'index.txt']:
... print('{0:<10}{1}'.format(*os.path.splitext(filename)))
contents .txt
chapter .txt
index .txt
>>> heading('Standard Format Specification')
'=====Standard Format Specification======'
>>> heading('This is a longer heading, beyond 40 characters')
'=This is a longer heading, beyond 40 characters='
>>> heading('Standard Format Specification', padding='-', width
'---------------Standard Format Specification----------------'
print string + str(123)
days = ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]
for i, d in enumerate(days):
print i, d
0 Mon
1 Tue
2 Wed
3 Thu
4 Fri
5 Sat
6 Sun
String and Parsing
str1 = "this is string example....wow!!!";
str2 = "exam";
print str(len(str1))+ " " +str(len(str2))
print str1.find(str2)
print str1.find(str2, 10)
print str1.find(str2, 40)
print str1.find("this", 0, len(str1))
str = "Line1-abcdef \nLine2-abc \nLine4-abcd";
print str.split( )
print str.split(' ', 1 )
f = open("textfile.txt") # by default, read only
f = open("textfile.txt","r")
f = open("textfile.txt","w+")
f = open("textfile.txt","a+")
if f.mode == 'r': # check to make sure that the file was opened
txt = f.read() # read entire content
fl = f.readlines() # readlines reads the individual lines into a list
for x in fl:
print x
# write some lines of data to the file
for i in range(10):
f.write("This is line %d\r\n" % (i+1))
File Path
import os
from os import path
import datetime
from datetime import date, time, timedelta
import time
def main():
# Print the name of the OS
print os.name
# Check for item existence and type
print "Item exists: " + str(path.exists("textfile.txt"))
print "Item is a file: " + str(path.isfile("textfile.txt"))
print "Item is a directory: " + str(path.isdir("textfile.txt"))
# Work with file paths
print "Item's path: " + str(path.realpath("textfile.txt"))
print "Item's path and name: " + str(path.split(path.realpath("textfile.txt")))
# Get the modification time
t = time.ctime(path.getmtime("textfile.txt"))
print t
print datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime("textfile.txt"))
# Calculate how long ago the item was modified
td= datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime("textfile.txt"))
print "It has been " + str(td) + "The file was modified"
print "Or, " + str(td.total_seconds()) + " seconds"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Regular Expression
import time, os, re
# display time corresponding to your location
txt = f.read()
result = re.search("AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.\w+.\d.\d.\d.\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{3}.\d{3}", txt)
#result = re.search("AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.(HB|BF64).[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}", txt)
print result
if result:
print tmp1
#print tmp2
#RUN SINK command with this AU