IT이야기2016. 8. 9. 08:48

임백준 작가의 '실리콘앨리의 반격'이라는 글을 보고 찾아보고 깜짝놀랐습니다. 뉴욕이 실리콘 밸리처럼 많은 스타트업이 생기고 있는 곳은 이미 여러 채널을 통해서 알려진 사실이고 같이 일하던 젊은 친구도 좋은 오퍼를 받고 가기도 했습니다.

놀란것은 Digital New York City라는 사이트 인데요. 실리콘 앨리에서 일어나는 모든것을 찾을수 있는 포털이라고 해야할까요? startup 기업들도 여기에 리스트되고 job도 나오고요, 지도 정보도 한군데 모여있습니다. 투자자들도 연결시켜 주고 이 지역에서 하는 event도 일목요연하게 모아놨네요.

이렇게 도와주는데 잘 안되는게 어려울것 같습니다.

한국 사람들이 잘 모르는 문제하나, 뉴욕시티는 미국에서 가장 세금이 높은 지역입니다. 월급 받아보면 아마 놀라자빠질 겁니다. 이건 함정이지요. 실리콘 밸리도 그렇고 실리콘 앨리도 좀 저렴한 지역에 대규모 단지를 만들면 참 좋을텐데 말이죠.


실리콘앨리의 반격


Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 9. 12. 01:13



Ten Startups at Qualcomm Robotics Accelerator Make Their Big Debut

the 10 startups that comprise the first class to graduate from the Qualcomm Robotics Accelerator, powered by Techstars:

Carbon Robotics, founded last year in San Francisco, has been developing an industrial robotic arm that can be used by small and medium-sized businesses for such tasks as decorating a cake (based on a design drawn on an iPad), pasting shipping labels on boxes, and using pipettes in biotech lab experiments. “It doesn’t make sense to spend $100,000 for [robotic] tools that only operate a few hours at a time,” said Rosanna Myers, a co-founder and CEO.

CtrlWorks, founded in 2011 in Singapore, has developed the Axon, a robot that resembles a submarine periscope on wheels. The Axon can be attached to carts and pallet jacks used to move material around a warehouse, and wheelchairs used to move people around airports. Co-founder and CEO Sim Kai said the innovation lies in Axon’s connection to a cloud-based navigation platform that enables the robot to find its way around any shop floor or warehouse—and enables CtrlWorks to generate recurring revenue by charging a monthly subscription fee for its software as a service.

Skysense, founded in Berlin in 2014, has created a modular “drone service station in a box” that serves as a landing pad, charging station, and on-site storage unit for multi-rotor drones. Operators also can remotely re-program drones while they are being stored in the box. Co-founder and CEO Andrea Puiatti said one of the company’s first customers is Singapore Aerospace, which requires 10 drones.

Rational Robotics, founded last year in Edmonton, Canada, has developed a robot that uses 3D scanning technology to spray-paint parts in auto body shops—“all done without human intervention and at higher quality,” according to co-founder and CEO Ashley Reddy.

Skyfront drone on exhibit at Demo Day

Skyfront drone on exhibit at Demo Day

Skyfront, founded in Hoboken, NJ, in 2014, has developed a hybrid-electric technology that converts gasoline to electricity in flight—and extends the typical 20-minute to 30-minute flight time of a battery-powered drone to four hours. Co-founder and CEO Troy Mestler said Skyfront’s lawnmower-size Tailwind drone is ideal for use in search and rescue operations, and in scanning a “large farm the size of 1,000 football fields.”

CleverPet, founded in San Diego in 2013, has developed Internet-connected robotic technology that keeps stay-at-home pets occupied by interacting with kibble feeders and smart toys. The company has been collecting data from 1,000 CleverPet units in the field, and is targeting the estimated $7 billion a year that Americans spend every year on doggie day care. The crowd roared in laughter when co-founder and CEO Leo Trottier said, “Our user base literally has nothing better to do.”

Inova Drone was founded in San Diego last year. Co-founder and CEO Chad Amonn said the company has sharpened its focus on four technologies developed to operate its heavy-duty drone as an “aerial vision platform.” Amonn said Inova Drone’s high-performance Eagle 1 drone is ideally suited for public safety missions like wildfire spotting and surveillance and for such tasks as bridge and utility power-line inspections.

Muse Robotics, founded in Athens, Greece, in 2013, is focused on developing electro-mechanical components that can be used across a wide variety of robots. “Standardization is the way all industries grow,” co-founder and CEO Alexandros Nikolakakis told the audience.

Solenica, founded two years ago and based in Rome, Italy, has developed Lucy, a solar-tracking mirror (which is also solar-powered) that reflects sunlight into a home or office. According to co-founder and CEO Diva Tommei, the startup team spent its time at the accelerator working mostly on product development and market validation, yet Solenica still sold 320 Lucys and accrued over $60,000. A complementary smartphone also measures how many lumens Lucy has delivered, and tracks electricity savings.

Reach Robotics, founded in Bristol, U.K., in 2013, is focused on the game industry. But co-founder and CEO Silas Adekunle told the audience, “The gaming landscape is changing, bringing the game out of the screen and into our world.” The startup said its crablike MekaMon is “the world’s first intelligent battle robot.” Players use augmented reality technology to create a futuristic world around the game.


Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 6. 08:13

상당히 자세한 분석인데 평균이다 보니 각 지역의 현실을 잘 반영하는것 같지는 않습니다. 추세정보 비교는 가능할것 같네요. 이런 data를 분석해서 인포그래픽으로 만들어 내는 사람들 정말 존경합니다.

  • what to learn
  • which role to play
  • startup or not


If we look at a software engineer’s salary as a journey of many steps, at every step we’ll see that where you are, what you do, what you value most, and when you join the company determines your salary according to recent research by Startup Compass.

How can you get paid the most?

Before we dive into the statistics, let’s see what kind of a software engineer would get paid the most. Let’s call our hypothetical engineer Alex.

When Alex chooses the programming language to learn, she should go for the less user-friendly and hard to learn ones. C++ is the best. She should also focus on programming the backend.

Become the CTO, right away

Next, Alex should aim for being a CTO or VP of Engineering as soon as possible. Being an architect would be the next best thing.

But being a CTO right away is ambitious, unless Alex heads to work in a startup. Luckily, startups tend to pay more than the other two options – traditional IT firms and freelancing. Being the CTO of a startup from day 1 is possible, as long as Alex is really good.

Now that we know Alex is looking to work in a startup, how big should the startup be? Ideally, 51-100 people.

Does it matter that Alex does not yet have experience? Yes. Her salary will rise significantly after 6 years. It will go up almost twice once she has 20 years of experience.

But salaries changes thanks to raises. Alex would likely get a significant raise after the third year. So it makes sense to stay at the startup at least that long.

Just money or a piece of the pie?

But Alex might see more meaning in her work than just getting money. She might be interested in getting a piece of the company she works for – equity. Here, she will have to sacrifice a little. As the CTO, she will get around 13% of the company and about $96,000. Were she a VP of Engineering, she could get 2% of the company instead and take home $120,000.

So at what stage should Alex join a startup? Her salary will be the lowest at a startup with no funding or seed funding. If she wants a higher salary,  she should wait until the startup raises their series B round of funding. Of course, by the time series B comes around there will probably be another CTO at the startup. But that CTO could leave, so joining a well-funded startup as the CTO is still possible, but at that point there will be less equity to go around.

All startups can be divided into consumer product oriented ones and enterprise oriented ones. While building things for consumers might be more exciting, the enterprise oriented startups tend to pay more. So Alex should be looking at startups that describe themselves as “SaaS”, “B2B”, “platform.” If that sounds too boring, there are always more consumer startups out there.

Lastly, there are many kinds of a software engineer Alex could be, aside from her CTO title. The highest-paid kind would be a software architect. The next best thing would be a data scientist.

By now Alex probably realizes that the advice on how to get a higher salary is conflicting. By now she may wonder whether getting the highest salary is less important than her freedom to choose a less popular programming language, to get more equity in a company, or to become a different kind of software engineer. She will have some deciding to do.

Where did we get this data?

In October 2014, Startup Compass  conducted a Tech Salary survey of the engineering community from around the world to gather data on salary and equity. They included basic salary information from different countries, roles and skills as well as technologies from other sources such as Elance-oDeskToptalGlassdoorAngellist and Payscale.

Margaret Hamilton - lead software engineer of Appolo, in action

Margaret Hamilton – lead software engineer of Appolo, who coined the term “Software Engineering”

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 5. 9. 02:38

내 꿈이 이루어지는 나라!

스마트와치로 상당히 빠르게 성장했던 Fitbit(핏빗)이 상장을 추진한다는 소식이 들렸습니다.

2014년에 revenue가 $745고 profit이 $135M 이었다고 합니다. 아직 상장도 안한회사치고는 완전 알짜입니다. 저도 스마트 와치에 관심이 많아 이것저것 써봤지만 배터리가 1-3일밖에 안가는 것은 오래 못쓰겠더라고요. Fitbit은 이런 사용자의 요구를 가장 잘 알고있고 대체로 배터리 life도 좋고, 시장에서 스마트 와치에 가장 적합한 제품중에 하나라고 생각됩니다. 직접쓰는 사람도 만족도가 상당히 높습니ㅏㄷ.

다만 타이밍이 애플와치 첫번째 버전이 시장에 나온 시점이고 모든 기업이 스마트 와치에 집중을 하는 때라 더욱 경쟁이 격화되기전에 빨리 상장해서 먹튀하려는 것 일수도 있겠습니다.

IPO로 $100M정도 모으고 싶다고 밝혔는데요, 주식의 몇 퍼센트를 내놓을것인지 밝히고 있지않아 예상 시가총액을 모르겠습니다. 경영실적과 시장에서 차지하는 위치를 봤을때 $10B (10조)정도 market cap으로 상장되지 않을까 합니다. 창업자들이 어마어마한 돈을 손에쥐었다고 상장후 나오겠지요.

미국은 정말 부러운 세상입니다. 시계 쪼가리 만들어서 거대한 부를 쥔다는 것이 제가 자란 나라에서는 상상이나 됩니까?

'IT이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

MIPS processor  (0) 2015.05.11
스마트 와치 시장 점유율과 전망  (0) 2015.05.11
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팟케스트 들을때 쓰는 앱  (2) 2015.05.06
Engadget Infertility Hacking  (0) 2015.05.05
Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 5. 5. 02:10

파퀴아오 vs 메이웨더 경기가 파이팅 머니에 걸맞지 않게 아주 싱겁게 끝난후로 여러 후폭풍이 있습니다. 세기의 대결이라고 광고하더니, 역시 이 세상은 자본력으로 마케팅만 잘하면 뭐든 다 성공할수 있을것 같습니다. 원래는 2차전까지 염두해 뒀겠지만 지금 분위기로는 팬들이 원하지 않을것 같네요. 빨라야 2016년 말에나 가능할텐데 그때는 더 안싸울려들거니까요.

이번에 Pay-per-View 수입도 역대 기록을 다 갈아치웠다고 하는데, 공짜로 LIVE 보는 방법도 많았다고 합니다. 그중에 스마트폰 기반으로 하는 방송앱이 상당히 흥행했다고 합니다. 핸드폰에서 중계하는 TV를 찍어서 방송하는것이라 저작권을 빗겨갈수 있다고하는데, 이것도 법적으로 다시 검토가 되겠네요. 돈좀 벌려고 하는 기득권들이 기술의 발전으로 판이 깨질까봐 좌줄안석이겠네요. Napster(넵스터)같다는 말도 심심찮게 나오고 있습니다.

Periscope 은 iOS만 지원합니다. 12명정도 일하고 있는 start-up인것 같습니다. Twitter(트위터)가 인수했다고 합니다.

Meerkat 은 iOS와 Android를 동시에 지원합니다. 여기는 좀더 성장한 기업같습니다.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 4. 27. 07:48

모처럼 한국 밴쳐기업의 이름을 듣네요. 줄넘기에서 LED가 나와 넘는 개수가 앞에 보이게 하고 블루투스(Bluetooth)를 통해 스마트폰과 연동되게 하겠다는 사물인터넷(IoT)의 대표적은 제품입니다. 저도 줄넘기를 안한지 오래됐고 주변에서 줄넘기 많이하는 사람을 본적은 없으니 상품성은 좀 떨어질거라 생각하지만, 기술을 응용할 분야가 상당히 많은것 같습니다. 킥스타터에서 20만불가까이 모금을 했습니다. 페이지가 깔깜한것이 생판 초짜 밴쳐는 아닌것 같고 자본력이 있는 회사라고 보여지네요.

탱그램(Tangram) 회사정보를 찾아보니 2008년에 한국에서 창업된 회사네요. 그동안 어떻게 생존했는지는 참 궁금한데, 이것을 기반으로 미국으로 진출하면 좋겠습니다.


101-202 Galleria Foret 85, 
Seoul, 133-923 

401 Park Ave South, 
10th Floor, 
New York, 10016

'IT이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

MS 개발자 회의 2015 Build  (0) 2015.05.02
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Qualcomm 퀄컴 실적  (0) 2015.04.26
MS Windows NT 4.0 source code  (0) 2015.04.24
Amazon vs Microsoft on Cloud  (0) 2015.04.24
Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 4. 10. 11:36

내 꿈이 이루어지는 나라!

미국의 e-learning site 중 하나인 이 $1.5B에 Linkedin에 인수된다고 하네요. 헉. 또하나의 '내꿈이 이루어 지는 나라'에서나 생길법한 일이네요. '내 꿈만 이루어지는 나라'에서는 상상할수가 없네요. 이런 업종으로 1.5조원의 가치를 인정받는다는게.

Lynda.com은 여러가지 온라인 교육을 받을수 있는 곳인데 1년전에 우리회사도 모든 직원에게 여기 강좌를 access할수 있게 열어줬지요. 너무 초보적인것이 많고 포토샵과 그와 비슷한 강좌가 많아 별로였으나 시간이 갈수록 수요가 많은 강좌를 계속 추가해가더군요. 가끔씩 들어가서 보고 앉아있을수 있으면 좋은 내용많이 있습니다. 빠르게 강좌도 계속 추가되고요. 기업 교육용 시장을 잘 개척한것 보면 수익도 내고 있을것으로 보입니다.

가장 부럽다고 생각하는 점은 자기가 좋아하는 것을 꾸준히 하면 꿈을 이룰수 있다는 평범한 이야기가 동화속에만 있지 않는다는 것을 보여주는 나라네요. 제가 이 나라에서 자랐더라면 아마 밴쳐기업을 만들던지 밴쳐에 들어가서 일을했을것 같네요.

Lynda Weinman's e-learning website was acquired by LinkedIn for $1.5 billion. PHOTO:MICHAEL GERMANA/EVERETT COLLECTION

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Posted by 쁘레드