경제이야기/Stock2015. 7. 24. 02:40

공개자료만 모았음을 밝힙니다.


Qualcomm Corp. moved to appease an activist investor and slash costs in response to a nearly 50% drop in quarterly profit.

The San Diego-based chip designer said would cut spending by $1.4 billion and consider restructuring its operations, such as separating its design and patent-licensing businesses. Qualcomm previously has considered splitting into two but always wound up rejecting the idea.

Chief Executive Steve Mollenkopf on Wednesday promised to take a fresh look at potential breakup options to reflect recent heightened competition. He told analysts Qualcomm now would examine “any and all ways to maximize shareholder value.”

The cuts include paring 15% of its full-time employees and “significantly” cutting its temporary staff. Qualcomm last year employed about 31,300 full-time and temporary employees, indicating that more than 4,500 workers could be affected.

Qualcomm also plans to cut $300 million from its annual share compensation grants to employees. The staff cuts will result in between $350 million and $450 million in restructuring charges, it said.



2015Q3 (날짜로는 Q2)


회사에서 밝힌 회생방안(Strategic Realignment Plan)


Reported on the income statement, it is the sum of all direct and indirect selling expenses and all general and administrative expenses of a company. 

Direct selling expenses are expenses that can be directly linked to the sale of a specific unit such as credit, warranty and advertising expenses. Indirect selling expenses are expenses which cannot be directly linked to the sale of a specific unit, but which are proportionally allocated to all units sold during a certain period, such as telephone, interest and postal charges. General and administrative expenses include salaries of non-sales personnel, rent, heat and lights.


지난분기 Q2(일반 달력으로 Q1)

Qualcomm Q2 2015 Financial Results (GAAP)
Gross Margin19.4%29.1%31.3%
Operating Income$1.336B$2.064B$1.990B
Net Income$1.053B$1.972B$1.959B
Earnings Per Share$0.63$1.17$1.31

Qualcomm Devices
MSM Chip Shipments233M270M188M
Total Reported Device Sales$75.8B$56.4B$66.5B
Est. reported 3G/4G device shipments384-388M284-288M295-299M
3G/4G Device Average Selling Price$193-$199$194-$200$221-$227


For fiscal Q1 2014, the company had QCT revenue of about $4.6 billion and MSM shipments of 213 million. These two metrics will be areas of focus for investors on Wednesday's earnings call. The other metric is revenue per shipment, which has been in decline:







Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 14. 00:50

저는 애플 주주일뿐 애플제품은 비싸서 살수 없는 가난한 사람이며 애플빠는 아니다는 점을 다시 한번 강조하고 시작합니다. 제 현재 핸드폰은 노트4이며 거의 공짜로 2년계약으로 샀습니다.(애플빠는 아니지만, 애플이 만드는 세상에는 항상 감사하고 삽니다)

정말 10년간 애플의 행보는 믿어지지 않는 일의 연속이네요. 삼성과 애플이 합쳐서 스마트폰 시장 영업이익의 90%를 넘게 차지하던 때도 있었는데, 이제는 삼성은 15%로 폭락했고, 애플이 혼자 92%를 차지하게 됐습니다. 이 결과는 대화면으로 대표되는 아이폰 6가 대히트를 친것과 삼성의 하이엔드 역영까지 다 가져갔기때문에 가능한 결과인것 같습니다. 애플과 삼성의 합은 107%입니다.

결국 하이엔드, 비싸고 좋은 핸드폰은 아이폰 하나이고, 다른 핸드폰은 중저가로 만들어 버린것 같습니다. 너희들끼리 레드오션에서 경쟁해~



더욱 놀라운 것은 아이폰6가 7000-8000만대 팔았다면 이번 가을에 발표될 Iphone6S는 8500-9000만대로 20% 정도 더 팔릴것으로 보고 있다고 합니다. 이것이 경쟁자들을 흔들어 놓기위한 작전인지, 실제로 예상하는지 알수는 없지만, 삼성은 이럴 저지하기 위해 갤럭시 S6 마케팅비를 올리고 가격을 낮추고 있으며, 심지어 아이폰과 판매량에서 경쟁 상대도 아닌 노트5를 한달빨리 조기 등판한다고 발표하고 있습니다. 작전이라고 내놓고 있지만 결국 완전 작전에 말리고 있는거지요.

그렇다고 많이 못판다는 생각하는 것은 아닙니다. 2년전 Iphone5가 대히트친것을 생각하면 2년이 지나 교체수요가 이미 어마어마하게 시장에 대기하고 있습니다. 이미 안드로이드에서 하이엔드는 다 죽었다고 해도 될정도로 비싼 안드로이드가 망가진 시장까지 가만하면 9000만대를 목표로 해도 충분하다고 생각됩니다.

애플의 주가는 어떻게 될까요? 계산기좀 두드려봐야겠네요. 현재주가도 여전히 너무 낮다고 생각됩니다. 거져 용돈벌수 있는 기회가 또 오네요. 주가 예상은 다음번 글에서 정리하겠습니다.


Posted by 쁘레드
자동차이야기2015. 7. 5. 13:55

현대자동차의 위기에 대한 기사가 올라왔습니다.

  • 현대 라인업이 SUV,CUV 선호도를 제대로 반영못하고 있었다. 뒤늦게 add하고 있지만 회복할수 있을지 미지수다
  • 6월 중국 자동차 판매량이 현대가 30%나 폭락했다. 가장 성장률이 낮을것 같다
  • 한국 생산도 줄이고 있다
  • 미국 판매도 줄고 있다
  • SUV비중이 높은 기아는 계속 성장하고 있다
  • 2017년까지 중국에서 경쟁력 향상을 위해 공장을 2개 더 지을예정이다 (이게 젤 위험해 보이네요)

중국은 현대가 50%지분을 가지고 장사하는 회사라는 특수성과 현대가 경쟁해야하는 회사는 외국의 쟁쟁한 회사가 아니라 중국내 저가 브랜드들인데 한번 크게 질러서 성공할수 있을까하는 생각이 드네요.

한전부지 10조에 인수해서 매년 부지 개발비로 들어가야할 돈이 상당히 있을텐데 그것도 위기를 계속 키울테고, 그 돈으로 연구개발 못한것도 두고두고 회자 될테지요.

SUV선호화 더불어 디젤엔진도 중요해 지고 있는게 제대로된 디젤엔진도 없다고 하고요.

하이브리드나 전기차, 수소차, 무인자동차 어느하나 선도하지 못하고 따라만 가고 있는데, 재계 2위인 현대의 앞날이 너무 어둡네요.


Hyundai Loses Traction in Fight to Lift Profit

Sales fall despite Korean auto maker’s move to add SUVs to sedan-heavy lineup


In particular, Hyundai is struggling to compete in China, which accounts for over one-fourth of the auto maker’s global sales. Data released Wednesday showed that vehicles shipped from Hyundai’s Chinese factories for sale in China fell 31% to 60,000 in June from a year earlier. China’s auto-sales figures for June haven’t been released yet, but in May industry sales of passenger cars there rose 1.2% year-to-year, the slowest expansion since February 2013.

Hyundai in April posted its fifth-straight decline in quarterly net profit, while its operating profit fell 18% year-to-year. Its shares have fallen 20% so far this year to a five-year low, underperforming the broader Korean market’s 10% rise. Hyundai cut production at its Korean plant by 25% for two days in late May—its first such move since the 2008 global financial crisis.

Hyundai is also moving to shore up its business in China. The company this year said it would build by 2017 two new production plants in China, instead of one, to compete with bigger rivals in the world’s largest automobile market. In June it broke ground on its fifth car-manufacturing plant in the country, in the central Chinese city of Chongqing. Yet, with car sales in China easing in line with the broader economic slowdown, the groundbreaking might have occurred too late to take full advantage of growth there.

Posted by 쁘레드
경제이야기/Stock2015. 6. 22. 01:56

퀄컴에 대한 Sell과 Buy의 의견이 둘다 있어서 공유합니다. 어느 주식이든 둘다 있을수 밖에 없고 판단은 각자 알아서 하는것이지요. 저는 어느쪽일까요.

팔자에 대한 생각은 인텔과 비교했을때 프리미움이 붙어있다고 보여지는데 이제는 그럴 만한 이유가 없다고 지적합니다. 성장도 못하고 있고 심지어 margin까지급격히 줄고 있습니다. 그리고 4G, 5G로 갈수록 license 비율이 떨어져서 수익이 줄거라 생각하고, 다른 chipset업체와의 경쟁이 치열해 지기때문에 어려울 것이라고 합니다.

사자에 대한 생각은 smartphone 시장이 계속 grow하고 있고, 로얄티 비즈니스가 아주 잘되고 있다. 그리고... 읽어봐도 납득할만한 다른 이유는 못찾겠네요. ^^


Why I'm Selling Qualcomm

This Fool has held Qualcomm for over two years, and the mobile chip giant has lagged the broader market for the whole time. Is it time to move on?

On valuation
In some ways, Qualcomm represents the Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) of the mobile world. It was quite a symbolic milestone when Qualcomm's market cap overtook Intel's for the first time, although Intel has since reclaimed a higher valuation. However, if we look at how the two companies stack up right now, Qualcomm's premium valuation relative to Intel may not be fully justified.










Revenue growth (TTM)



Operating margin (TTM)



Return on equity (TTM)




Qualcomm trades at a premium relative to Intel's valuation metrics, yet fundamental metrics related to growth and profitability don't do much to justify the relative premium.

On royalties
Qualcomm has a lock on 3G technologies, but Qualcomm has a relatively weaker hold on 4G technologies. To be clear, Qualcomm still enjoys its fair share of royalties, but its average royalty rate is undeniably on the decline. Its average royalty rate has fallen from an estimated 4.3% in 2008 to 3.2% in 2013.

There are a couple of other royalty headwinds going forward. Since Qualcomm's royalty depends on the prices of phones, the continued hardware commoditization that's taking place will hurt Qualcomm's piece of the action. Additionally, Qualcomm has been having trouble collecting its royalties in China, believing that local OEMs were underreporting their shipments in order to skirt paying up.

None of this is to say that Qualcomm's royalty business is falling apart; the licensing business saw revenue jump 17% last quarter. Rather, my concern is just that there are some noteworthy challenges going forward.



Why I More Than Doubled My Qualcomm, Inc. Holdings

A cheap stock with improving prospects? Count me in.

What could make the stock rise?
I view Qualcomm's technology licensing business as a stable "cash cow". The business' revenue is more or less a function of the royalty rate that Qualcomm is able to command and "total reported device sales." The smartphone market is growing, and it seems as though cellular technologies could become more prominent in other areas of computing, spanning from notebook PCs to the Internet of Things.

That's a pretty solid foundation for the company's "cash cow" wireless technology licensing business for years to come.

The chip business, on the other hand, is a bit trickier. MediaTek isn't going away, Samsung's own applications processors seem to be improving, and if Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) ever gets its act together in smartphones, the competitive environment for merchant smartphone silicon will become fiercer.

If Qualcomm can stay ahead of the competition when all is said and done, however -- and I believe Qualcomm's technology is best in class -- the company should retain solid market share, and should benefit from industrywide smartphone unit growth.

Qualcomm also has ambitions to compete outside of the traditional smartphone chip market and is aiming to attack the data center, where unit volumes are lower but average selling prices (and gross profit margins) are higher. Whether Qualcomm will ultimately be successful in leveraging its mobile technology in servers remains to be seen, as competing against Intel will be quite tough.




이번분기 다음분기 이 가치를 유지할수 있을지가 관건일것 같습니다.

Forward P/E (fye Sep 28, 2016)1:13.04

Profit Margin (ttm):26.03%
Operating Margin (ttm):31.24%

Growth & Valuation

Earnings growth (last year)+12.53%
Earnings growth (this year)-8.85%
Earnings growth (next 5 years)+11.50%
Revenue growth (last year)+6.52%
P/E ratio15.8


Next reporting dateJuly 22, 2015
EPS forecast (this quarter)$0.95
Annual revenue (last year)$26.5B
Annual profit (last year)$7.5B
Net profit margin28.46%

Posted by 쁘레드
자동차이야기2015. 6. 4. 02:11

Ford의 침체가 생각보다 더 문제네요. 엔저 때문에 일본 자동차 기업의 원가경쟁력이 올라가는 상황에서 포드의 주력제품이자 미국에서 가장 많이 팔리는 자동차인 F-150가 수요는 충분한데 알루미늄 수급불균형으로 공급이 딸리고 있다고 합니다. 정확히 얘기하면 알루미늄 가격은 계속 하락했으니 알루미늄이 문제가 아니라 알루미늄을 가공해서 차체로 만드는 량이 예상보다 안나오는것 같습니다. 2015년 3분기부터는 해결할수 있다고 하는데, 이상황에서 해결이 불가능하다고 할사람이 없을테니 믿기는 좀 어려워 보입니다.

하지만, 알루미늄으로 시도한것을 높히 사고 있고, 이번 위기를 넘기면 다른 자동차업계랑 차원이 다른 수준의 바디를 주요 차종으로 deploy할수 있을거라 생각됩니다. 게다가 지금 떠오르는 전기차에는 자체가 현재의 강철로는 한계가 있지요. 포드가 이 위기를 잘 극복하면 내년부터는 큰 성장동력이 가능할것으로 생각됩니다.

#1Ford F-Series61,87068,520-9.70%302,009305,265-1.10%
#9Ford Fusion31,32533,881-7.50%127,749137,894-7.40%
#11Ford Escape29,24831,896-8.30%122,29127,780-4.30%
#14Ford Focus23,93423,6831.10%95,02894,6900.40%
#18Ford Explorer22,30422,623-1.40%99,85587,17014.60%
#30Ford Edge14,39910,75633.90%51,00851,368


U.S. Sales 2010
U.S. Sales 2011
U.S. Sales 2012
U.S. Sales 2013
U.S. Sales 2014
U.S. Sales 2015


Ford's U.S. May Sales Are Down Less Than Estimated

Overall 1.3% down

F series 9.7% down

Fusion 7.5% down

Escape 8.3% down


Inside Ford’s F-150 Pickup Slowdown

Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) on Tuesday posted a U.S. sales decline of 1.3% year over year in May, to 250,813 Ford and Lincoln vehicles, compared with May 2014 sales of 254,084. May retail sales fell 2% on all models, while fleet sales were flat. Truck sales declined 5.1%.

Total sales compare to estimates of about 245,000 units from Edmunds and 249,000 from Kelley Blue Book. Both estimates were below May 2014 sales.

Sales of the all-new Ford F-Series pickups declined by 9.7% in May to 61,870 units and sales so far this year are now down 1.1%. Ford noted again that its second F-150 assembly plant in Kansas City is expected to reach its full line speed in the second quarter and that inventory continues to build as the plant comes fully online. Last month Ford noted that the Kansas City plant fills many fleet orders, especially for pickups with regular cabs and long cargo boxes.


Ford F-150 output pinched by frame shortage, workers say

A truck carries frames for the Ford F-150 north on Interstate 75 from a supplier plant in Kentucky to Dearborn, Mich.


WSJ에서는 1Q에 딜러에게 공급/배달되는 F-150가 전년대비 40%나 감소했고, $1B 영업이익 손해를 나가 했으며, 영업마진이 6.7%에 그쳤던 것을 10%도 거뜬이 넘기게 했을수 있다고 했습니다. 애라이~ 내려와라.

It is unclear how many units of production are affected by the shortage.

F-150 output is among Ford’s single biggest profit generators, and getting the redesigned truck up to full production since its December launch has been closely watched by investors and analysts.

Deliveries of the truck were off 40% in the first quarter compared with the same period in 2014, costing Ford about $1 billion in operating profit, or enough black ink to have lifted margins over 10%. Ford’s first-quarter North America operating margin was 6.7%.

Ford executives are hoping for a better second quarter, saying stock of the new truck will improve on dealership lots. Ford Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks said in April, as more of the new trucks become available, full-year North American margins will grow as high as 9.5%.



포드의 시도에 계속 박수를 치는 이유는.

  • 알루미늄으로 차체를 만들수 있다는 새로운 도전을 한점
  • 이 도전이 결국 많은 회사들을 바꿀수 있다는 점
  • 전기자동차 처럼 새로운 자동차는 알루미늄 바디가 많이 필요할거라는 미래를 예상한점
  • 알루미늄 가격이 같이 폭락한점
모든것이 다 맞았다면 주가가 20불도 넘었을텐데~


Posted by 쁘레드