IT이야기2016. 7. 13. 05:50

핏빗이 현재 wearable시장에서 가장 점유율도 높도 앞으로도 한동안 그럴것임에는 틀림없겠지요. 그런면에서 주식이 많이 저평가 되어있는 상태입니다. 애플이 큰 경쟁자가 될거라지만, 두 업체가 겹치는 부분이 크지 않다고 보여지지요. 더 큰 경쟁자는 중국업체들의 가격과 물량공세가 되겠지요.

현재는 Fitbit Charge HR을 사용중인데, 아주 만족중입니다. 실시간으로 Heart rate을 측정할수 있는 기계는 많지않지요. Fitbit도 정확하지 않다지만 두개의 optical sensor를  평행하게 배치해서 읽어들이는 것은 기술적으로 신의한수다 생각되고요, fitbit이 특허권을 가지고 있는것으로 보여집니다. 저가형 모델은 원할때 버튼을 누리고 10초간 가만히 있어야하는 것과는 비교가 되지요.

Fitbit은 medical device가 아니므로 현재의 오차수준으로는 아무런 문제가 되지 않을거라 생각됩니다. 사용자가 medical device로 오인할만한 광도도 하지 않았으니까요.


PurePulse는 Surge, Blaze, Charge HR 세 기기에만 들어가 있습니다.



Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2016. 4. 12. 02:06

핏빗 주주로서 Aria를 하나 구입했습니다. 가격이 어느세 65불정도까지 떨어져서 살만해 진것 같습니다. 원래 가격은 130불 가량 됐었던듯.

무엇보다 fitbit app과 연동되어 자동으로 몸무게를 track해준다는 것은 좋은 기능인것 같습니다. 수동으로 넣을수 있게도 되어있지만 사람이 매일매일 할 일은 아닌것 같으니까요.

하얀색을 샀는데, 모양은 아주 맘에 듭니다. 예쁘고 튼튼하게 보입니다. 걷모습은 완전 합격.

그런데 설치부터 좀 읽어봐야 할것이 많습니다. 다른 fitbit 제품과는 다른게 Bluetooth가 지원이 안되고 WIFI밖에 없어서 WIFI를 ARIA가 제공하는 네트워크를 잡고 다시 인터넷때문에 집공유기를 잡고... 하고 나니 쉬웠지만 이런것은 기능이 간단하듯이 설정도 읽을게 없어야지요. 여기에서 점수 확 깍았습니다.

설치하고 나니 손이 안가고 아주 좋네요. 하루하루 몸무게와 BMI를 track해 주는데 50불 정도면 사람들에게 좋은것 같습니다. 가족이 몸무게가 비슷하지 않는한 사람마다 다 구별해주니 그것도 좋고요.


아마존 리뷰는 4500개 정도에 평균 3.5는 되는듯. 제 점수도 4.0 이상은 주기 어려울듯.

Fitbit Aria WiFi Smart Scale

by Fitbit

 리뷰를 읽어보니 호불호가 극명히 갈리는데, 불만사항으로는 제가 지적했던 설정, 특히 WIFI connection, 그리고 배터리 문제가 있다고 하네요. 헐 사용한지 일주일밖에 안되서 배터리는 모르겠는데, AA건전지 4개가 들어가는데 6개월 이상 가지 않는다면 에러지요.



Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2016. 2. 15. 11:16

인텔이 IoT의 발빠르게 움직이고 있습니다. PC쪽에서도 높은 기술력뿐만 아니라 광고/마케팅으로 모든 경쟁자를 눌렀지요. 1년 마케팅 비용만 $2.1B 가 넘는것으로 알려져 있습니다. 엄청난 금액이지요.

이번에도 인텔이 사물인터넷(IoT)분야에서 좋은 전략을 가지고 나오는 것으로 보입니다.

Curie(큐리)로 IoT 기술과 제품을 선보이고

3D 카메라 기술을 어디다 적용하기 어려웠는데 스포츠 중계를 하는 방송사에 FreeD라는 이름으로 마케팅을 시작한것 같습니다.

미국 스포츠중에서 가장 중계기술을 많이 이용하는 game이 NFL(풋볼, 미식축구)입니다. 역시 이 기술도 NFL 중계 기술로 이미 고려가 되고 있는것 같고요, X Sport같은 곳에 중계 기술과 IoT 기기에서 실시간 data를 가져와서 시청자들에게 보여줄 계획인것 같습니다.

김연아가 높은 점프와 점프속도로 유명한데 해설자에 따라서 설명이 달랐지요. 이 기술이 적용되면 선수별 점프높이와 속도, 궤적까지 다 그러줄수 있습니다. 기술 수준의 객관적 정보를 시청자들에게 더 직관적으로 전달할수 있고, 결국 심판진들도 이 정보를 이용할 날이 올것 같습니다.

다른 기업들은 기술력은 있는데 이것을 어떻게 이용할까에 대해서 너무 소극적인것 같습니다. 소비자에게만 팔아서는 경쟁이 금방 격해지고 레드 오션으로 바뀌어버리기 때문에 기업을 상대하고 방송사를 공략할수 있어야 되겠지요. 좋은 움직임입니다.


Intel is changing how we watch sports forever

Intel's freeD and Curie technologies are changing how we watch sports.


FreeD: Revolutionary 5K streaming technology creates 360-degree football replays


Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 8. 17. 07:32

퀄컴이 2014년 10월에 발표했던 CSR인수를 마무리 지었습니다. $2.4B에 2100명, 20개 사이트를 인수하는 딜이었는데 상당히 큰 편이지요.

결국 IOT/IOE, Automotive시장을 겨냥한 수인데. 그때 인수를 발표한것은 잘한것인데 이제야 마무리 된것에는 좀 문제가 있네요. 이쪽 시장은 변화가 무쌍한데 결국 회사도 내리막길이고 빨리 대응도 못하고 문제가 좀 있네요. 멀리 본 수는 잘한것 같고요.


작년 인수기사에 쓴 글

Today we announced our plans to acquire CSR, a leading innovator of multifunction semiconductor platforms and technologies focusing on automotive, consumer, voice and music, connectivity and location. Headquartered in Cambridge, England, CSR has more than 2,100 people working in over 20 locations worldwide.

뉴스에 보면 스마트폰이 slowdown하고 있어서 다른쪽에서 수익을 얻고자함이라고 회사 관계자가 소개하는것 같은데요. 다른것은 automotive밖에 안보이고요. 아래 회사소개 첫번째 두번째는 현재 우리가 가지고 있는 기술과 중복이네요. 애서로스가 WIFI는 좋은지 모르겠는데, BT쪽은 업계 leading회사와 차이가 큰것 같더라고요. 문제도 너무 많고. 그것을 catch-up하려는 것도 포함되어 있는것 같아요.(그럼 애서로스의 이부분과 통합해서 정리가 필요하겠네요)

첫번째 Voice & Music을 분석해보니, SOC에다가 WIFI/Bluetooth와 Codec까지 포함시킨것 같네요. 정말 좋은 아이디어 같아요. 응용 제품도 벌써 많이 있을것 같은데, 좋은생각이네요. 

인수잘해서 잘되면 모르겠는데, 지금까지봐왔던 management로는 잘 융합시킬수 있을까 의문이 드네요.어제 인텔뉴스에서 인텔이 오래전에 새워졌다는 것을 알았네요.(Intel is founded, July 18, 1968) 인텔은 아직도 PC는 독점으로 하고 있고, 업계리딩하는 분야가 있는데요,  QCOM은 인텔처럼 50년동안 쌩쌩하기를 바랄수 없을것 같다는 생각이 드네요.

회사 소개 Page

  • Voice & Music - delivering amazing audio with wireless audio technology platforms that provide exceptional sound and remove all the barriers to an immersive consumer listening experience
  • Bluetooth® Smart – combining disruptive thinking, a hunger for innovation and powerful Bluetooth Low Energy platforms to simplify the complex challenge of developing breakthrough wireless products quickly
  • Automotive Infotainment – making the vehicle a better place by combining wireless connectivity, location and audio technology to create immersive in-car infotainment that delights drivers
  • Indoor Location -providing highly accurate location services that transform people’s mobile lifestyles - both indoors and out
  • Document Imaging - providing innovative, cost-optimised document imaging platforms that deliver feature-rich printers that operate seamlessly with the latest PCs and mobile devices


이 codec 알고리즘이 80년대에 개발된것이라고 하고 90년대초에 chip으로 만들어져 방송용으로 판적도 있네요. ADPCM과  psychoacoustic auditory masking에 기초했다고 하니(ADPCM + G.711 조합정도가 맞겠네요) 아주 대단한 break thru를 한건 아닌것으로 보여지고요. 발명한 사람이 회사를 차렸는지는 모르겟지만, 과학자가 아니라 타고난 엔지니어였다고 생각이드네요. 방송국 요구사항을 좀 안사람이었것 같네요. 두개의 조합으로 엄청난 비지니스를 만들어 냈네요. ISDN, IP폰용 코덱으로도 넣고, BlueTooth에도 넣었으니까요. 결국 CSR에 인수되고 퀄컴까지왔네요.

인생 완전 성공했네요. 하고 사람을 서치해봤더니...
창업하고 IT버블도 못보고 팔고 나온것 같네요. DTS에도 스카웃되고 결국 창업하고 말아먹고 다시 창업해서 살고 있는것같네요. 퀄컴까지 그대로 달려왔으면 좋았을텐데. 그래도 돈은 평범하게 벌지는 않았겠죠.


Here's what's next for Qualcomm as it completes its $2.4 billion CSR buy

Qualcomm must adapt its business model to sell chips for the internet of things. Here’s how it will change.

Qualcomm’s $2.4 billion purchase of fellow chip company CSR closed Thursday, and while it wasn’t the biggest chip deal the industry has seen since Qualcomm said it would purchase the UK firm in October last year, this is a deal that has high stakes for Qualcomm—a company that is struggling to remake itself completely as its core cellular radio business becomes an ever smaller portion of its portfolio and activist investors pressure management.

Back in October, when Qualcomm  QCOM -0.19%  said it would purchase CSR, the company that was an initial champion of the now-popular Bluetooth technology found inside headsets, speakers and phones, it was seen as an obvious technology bolt-on acquisition. The addition of CSR would pair with Qualcomm’s interest in the internet of things and its $3.1 billion purchase of Wi-Fi chipmaker Atheros back in 2011. That’s still true today, but since the deal has been announced Jana Capital has taken a significant stake in Qualcomm and pressured the company to make changes. Last month it said it planned to lay off 15% of its workforce and said it would only focus on five businesses: mobile phones, the internet of things, data centers, small cells, and automotive.

Qualcomm also has the unenviable task of becoming a chip firm that has to adapt from having a relatively small and captive customer base to one serving a huge number of customers across many verticals. It also doesn’t have a radio technology or a limited number of competitors to lock customers in when it’s selling its Wi-Fi products, and soon its Bluetooth chips. In interviews with Fortune, Qualcomm and CSR executives explained how this deal will help Qualcomm handle some of these challenges both technically and strategically.

With CSR Qualcomm isn’t simply buying a radio chip firm as it did with Atheros. It’s also buying a company that makes an entire package of chips and software that fits into cars, headsets, and Bluetooth speakers, which dovetails nicely with Qualcomm’s own design philosophy of squeezing the brains of a smartphone into the same package with the radios and the graphics core. This integrated single-package approach lowers the cost of materials, saves on space, and tends to save on battery life. That’s essential for cell phones and the chips powering your Bluetooth headset.

CSR is also the keeper of some fancy software that turns Bluetooth radios, which are usually point-to-point radios, into a mesh network designed for the smart home or office. This CSRMesh technology is part of several big lighting products expected out in the fall, and parts of it will undoubtedly make it into the next generation of the Bluetooth standard.

Anthony Murray, formerly a senior vice president with CSR and now the senior vice president and general manager of IoE (Internet of Everything) at Qualcomm, explained that not only could we see the CSRMesh technology in Bluetooth, but one day we may even see Qualcomm supporting the Thread protocol created by Samsung, Nest and other big names in home automation on top of the Bluetooth radio.

“So far the Thread protocol has chosen to support one radio [ZigBee], but there are many of radios out there that it could support and there are advantages in using the Bluetooth radio in some use cases,” Murray said. “We can’t not support Thread given the strength of the supporters behind it.”

Qualcomm will also get a few esoteric technology holdings, such as a document imaging software business that may eventually be spun out, but for the most part CSR’s silicon and software will boost Qualcomm’s internet of things and automotive businesses easily. It also helps bring Qualcomm another set of managers who are used to selling to a wide range of customers and a more traditional customer base. Qualcomm historically sold radios based on technology it developed, which meant that once it convinced a network operator, such as Verizon, to buy into a technology, any company that wanted to sell a handset to that network operator had to license that radio technology from Qualcomm.

In many cases they bought the radio from Qualcomm too. As Qualcomm grew it developed the brains behind smartphones as well and integrated that tech with radios, which meant its customers were still the handset makers. Qualcomm grew along with the smartphone market, providing some of the most powerful application processors inside handsets. For the most part, it was the Intel of smartphones, with the exception of the iPhone once Apple decided to build its own chip.

However, competition from China’s Mediatek was looming, and Qualcomm stumbled last year with one of its designs. It lost Samsung, which is still affecting its earnings. With these challenges in mind, diversifying its customer base isn’t a bad idea. Raj Talluri, senior vice president of product management, said Qualcomm brought in $1 billion from the internet of things in 2014 and expects to bring in 1.6 billion in 2015.

He said much of that comes from adding connectivity to existing devices, especially as a way to future proof them even if the manufacturer isn’t sure how they want to use it. “China is the most advanced and we see a lot of white goods with connectivity,” he said. “There are so many rice cookers that are shipping with connectivity in them.”

As for structuring Qualcomm to sell chips for thousands of different devices, from rice cookers to drones, as opposed to making a few different lines of chips for mobile phones, Talluri is optimistic that the San Diego-based company will rise to the challenge.

“That’s how most semiconductor companies are,” he said. “It’s a model that we know how to set up and CSR is one such company. The idea is you have multiple people each responsible for a segment and pick the technologies that they need … and you build the distribution channels and let the machine start rolling.”

He admits it may not be as “exciting” as winning or losing a chip inside a handset, but it is a far more stable business and as a veteran of Texas Instruments he’s been there before. First with Atheros and now with CSR, Qualcomm is adapting to what may be a far less exciting path, but one that could provide greater diversity and stability.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 15:16

퀄컴 주가가 약세를 면치 못하고 있는데요. 이후 먹거리를 아직 못찾고 있는것으로 보이는데, IoT시장이 향후 5년간 엄청난게 크게 성장한다는 예상에 따라 모든 노력을 집중할것이라는 뉴스입니다. 향후 5년간 $5 trillion까지 성장한다고 하니 10-20%만 먹어도 충분할것 같습니다. IoT시장은 한 회사가 독점하기는 어려운 시장이지요.

Qualcomm Targets The Internet of Things Sector Full Force

Continued from page 1

Leading mobile chipmaker Qualcomm recently provided guidance on how big the Internet of Things (IoT) sector is for the company. The company said it made $1 billion in revenue last year on chips used in a variety of city infrastructure projects, home appliance, cars and wearables. There were 120 million smart home devices shipped with Qualcomm chips in them last year. In addition, there are 20 million cars equipped with its chips, and Qualcomm silicon is used in 20 types of wearable devices. Even though the company makes the most money selling the wireless chips and processors for a large share of the smartphone market, it expects about 10% of its chip division revenue to come from non-smartphone devices in 2015.

In the semiconductor and telecom industries, along with Qualcomm, other major IoT players are AT&T, Cisco, ARM Holdings, Intel, and Samsung Electronics. Qualcomm doesn’t break out its IoT revenue (like Intel does) so we don’t know the precise size of the company’s IoT offering right now. But that doesn’t mean it’s not positioning itself in the space

In this article, we discuss the growth potential of the IoT segment and how Qualcomm is adapting its business model to accommodate this major trend.

Our price estimate of $71 for Qualcomm is marginally higher than the current market price.

A Perspective On The Internet Of Things: Sizing Up The Opportunity

As broadband Internet becomes more widely available, the cost of connecting things is decreasing. More devices are being created with wifi capabilities and censors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smart phone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a perfect storm for the IoT segment. Simply put, IoT is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet and, by extension, to each other. This includes everything from coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. This also applies to components of machines. The IoT revolves around increased machine-to-machine communication; it’s built on cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors. It offers mobile, virtual, and instantaneous connection.

The global IoT market is expected to grow by more than $5 trillion over the next six years, according to research firm International Data Corporation. IDC estimates the global IoT market will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020, as people around the world – and particularly in developed nations – develop an affinity for full-time connectivity. Economic value-add (which represents the aggregate benefits that businesses derive through the sale and usage of IoT technology) is forecast to amount to $1.9 trillion across sectors by 2020. The verticals that are leading IoT’s adoption are manufacturing (15%), healthcare (15%) and insurance (11%).

For semiconductor companies, IoT is a high-volume, low-revenue opportunity. Since, the competition is high, as almost all the companies are looking forward to this new segment, the price war is anticipated. Companies would be playing on the volumes by collaborating with high end brands and customizing them accordingly. To grow and increase their share of the IoT opportunity, chip companies will have to differentiate their product offerings. IoT will therefore drive product marketing managers in the semiconductor industry to focus on innovation targeting end product features and on new ways to sell as the primary means to differentiate their offerings targeting the IoT market.

Qualcomm Marches Forward Into The Internet Of Everything

The largest growth opportunity for Qualcomm over the next five to ten years is in the IoT segment, in the company’s view. We believe that Qualcomm is positioned advantageously to profit from this emerging industry. Consider our reasoning as follows:

Qualcomm has made strides to leverage the Internet-of-Everything (IoE) by implementing its technologies in automobiles, homes, cities, wearables, and integrated devices. The company acquired Cambridge Silicon Radio in 2014 for $2.5 billion. It is a UK-based semiconductor company that makes Bluetooth and wireless radio frequency devices (i.e., radios) for machine-to-machine communication. This acquisition isexpected to drive the Qualcomm’s growth by 8% to 10% in the coming years by fortifying its position in providing critical solutions for the IoT market.

Qualcomm is using much of the same technology it puts into phones in IoT devices. It’s modifying its Snapdragon processors for mobile phones, for example, for use in automobiles and smartwatches. To date, the company has invested a total of $33 billion in research and development aiming to bring together technologies. Within IoT, the company is looking to connect everything from wearables and cars to lightbulbs and health care devices. Qualcomm is beefing up its own IoE tech industry partner ecosystem with six new integrations for cloud and software services. Among them are LogMeIn’s Xively, an Internet of Things platform catering to enterprises building connected products, and Proximetry, an IoT performance management provider.

It makes sense that Qualcomm commands so dominant a position in the market, given its strengths in wireless communications. The company holds a large share of global wireless baseband revenue, and it only seems natural to parlay its strong wireless chip business into IoT. Last year Qualcomm turned over its AllJoyn protocol to the Linux Foundation and set up the AllSeen Alliance. The basis of the alliance is for tech companies to use the standards Qualcomm created with AllJoyn to allow different companies to connect their IoT devices to each other. The alliance includes 50 companies in all right now.

Hardware competition among manufacturers preparing IoT products will be fierce, so Qualcomm will have a number of competitors to deal with in the coming years. Unlike the smartphone market where Qualcomm had a first-movers advantage, we don’t believe one – or a small group of companies – will be able to snag control of the IoT market. Qualcomm, however, can look forward to a strong position.

Posted by 쁘레드

사물인터넬=IOT 가 급속도록 성장할 것. 시장이 크게 급변하고 작은 회사들이 더 유리한점도 많을것 같습니다.


맥킨지연구소 전망

[ 김순신 기자 ] 앞으로 10년간 사물인터넷(IoT)시장이 최대 11조달러(약 1경4314조원) 규모로 성장할 것이라는 전망이 나왔다.

글로벌컨설팅업체 맥킨지는 28일 ‘IoT 광고를 넘어 가치를 만들다’라는 보고서를 통해 2025년에는 IoT시장이 연 3조9000억~11조달러 규모로 성장할 것으로 예상했다. 맥킨지 연구기관인 맥킨지글로벌연구소(MGI)는 “소비자가 누릴 부가가치를 포함한 잠재적 경제효과를 분석했다”고 밝혔다.

맥킨지는 IoT의 활용 분야를 9가지로 분류했다. 공장, 대중교통 등 도시, 건강, 소매, 물류, 작업장, 차량, 가정, 사무 등 산업 단위가 아닌 실제 환경 단위로 나눈 것이 특징이다.

맥킨지는 올해는 공장 자동화 등 기업 간 거래(B2B) 시장이 전체 IoT시장의 60% 이상을 차지할 것으로 내다봤다. 10년 뒤 예상되는 B2B시장 규모는 연 1조2000억~3조7000억달러 규모로 9개 활용분야 가운데 최대 수준이다. 현재까지 IoT는 자율주행 차량 등 소비자를 위한 애플리케이션(앱·응용프로그램)을 통해 주로 관심을 받았으나 앞으로는 B2B용 앱에서 더 많은 가치가 창출될 것이라는 분석이다.

맥킨지는 보고서에서 “센서 3만개가 내장된 석유 굴착장비의 데이터 가운데 단 1%만 생산성 제고를 위해 활용되는 등 현재 IoT 데이터가 생산성 최적화와 예측 분야에서 충분히 활용되지 못하는 상황”이라며 “공정 개선을 위해 데이터를 이용하는 소프트웨어 보급이 일반화하면 B2B분야의 성장 속도는 탄력을 받을 것”이라고 강조했다.

최승혁 맥킨지 서울사무소 부파트너는 “지멘스 GE 미쓰비시 등 글로벌 제조업체들이 적극적으로 IoT분야에 뛰어들고 있다”며 “국내 제조업체들도 IoT분야에서 사업 기회를 찾을 필요가 있다”고 말했다.

김순신 기자


Here are the top business-to-business and government applications:

  • Connected advertising and marketing. Cisco believes that this category (think Internet-connected billboards) will be one of the top three IoT categories, along with smart factories, and telecommuting support systems.
  • Intelligent traffic management systems. Machina research, in a paper prepared for the GSM Association, sees $100 billion in revenue by 2020 for applications such as toll-taking and congestion penalties. A related revenue source will be smart parking-space management, expected to drive $30 billion in revenue.
  • Waste management systems. In Cincinnati, residential waste volume fell 17% and recycling volume grew by 49% through use of a “pay as you throw” program that used IoT technology to monitor those who exceed waste limits.
  • Smart electricity grids that adjust rates for peak energy usage. These will represent savings of $200 billion to $500 billion per year by 2025, according to the McKinsey Global Institute.
  • Smart water systems and meters. The cities of Doha, São Paulo, and Beijing have reduced leaks by 40 to 50% by putting sensors on pumps and other water infrastructure.
  • Industrial uses including Internet-managed assembly lines, connected factories, and warehouses, etc.

Read more:

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 20. 05:11
퀄컴이 만들어파는 드래곤보드. 레즈베리 파이 같은 거라고 생각하면 될듯. raspberry pi.
410c가 나올예정인데 내부사람들도 안쓰는 dragonboard인데, $50정도에 판다면 하나 사고싶다. s410은 8x16칩이 들어간 모델이다. 모뎀빼고 apq8016. 저럼한것이 전력도 적게 먹고 적당한 성능도 내준다.

DragonBoard 410c brings affordable prototyping to the Internet of Everything

Qualcomm products mentioned within this post are offered by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
The potential of a completely connected world has galvanized people’s imaginations. Every day we see new predictions about how the Internet of Everything (IoE) will streamline our lives and radically change how we interact with each other and our environment—and how we might use it to build a platform for the future.

When it comes to the business side of the IoE, though, some developers, innovators, and entrepreneurs looking to contribute have been discouraged by the lack of affordable technology. Without collaboration and the resources necessary to serve as the foundation for a scalable IoE solution, many of the great ideas they come up with fizzle out when faced with real-world financial considerations.

With the DragonBoard 410c, based on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor, a low-cost development board the size of a credit card, Qualcomm Technologies and Arrow Electronics aim to democratize the business of IoE so that big thinkers and innovators—whether tinkering in corporate labs or suburban garages—can turn their projects into venture-ready prototypes.

From kiosks in bustling bus stations to manufacturing plants buzzing with robots, Snapdragon processors are at the heart of a number of OEM-created products for the IoE. Now the power and efficiency of Snapdragon processors can be utilized at a much smaller scale with the DragonBoard 410c (the “c,” as a side note, stands for community), allowing developers to work on prototypes without having to drain their savings accounts. The board is designed to be compatible with Linaro’s 96Boards Consumer Edition specifications, providing an open platform targeted at software developers, the maker community, higher education, and embedded OEMs.

Moreover, these developers will have access to one of the greatest strengths of Snapdragon processors: optimization for mobile integration. Snapdragon processors have been integral in transforming hand-held devices from cell-and-text-machines to mobile computing powerhouses—a wealth of experience which has been particularly useful in furthering the robotics industry. The DragonBoard 410c has the same focus on mobile, allowing innovators and entrepreneurs to tackle IoE applications that execute on platforms found in nearly everyone’s pocket (smartphones, not robots. At least not yet).

Announced today, the board will be available from Arrow through their web site. Featured applications of the DragonBoard 410c will debut on June 18 at this year’s Maker Faire in Shenzhen, which is showcasing how the IoE community is turning the board into a bridge between robotics and smartphones. View feature highlights at the Qualcomm Developer Network site.

For dreamers and developers, those great ideas no longer have to be shelved by the fear that IoE products are too capital- or resource-intensive. Just like its applications, the Internet of Everything can now be reached by everyone—from the largest OEM down to the smallest garage lab— giving developers the ability to realize their visions, and maybe even change the world.

Feature Highlights

  • OS Support: Android 5.1 (Lollipop) on Linux Kernel 3.10 , Linaro Linux release based on current Linux kernel and Ubuntu, and planned support for Windows 10
  • CPU: quad-core ARM® Cortex® A53 at up to 1.2 GHz per core, 32-bit and 64-Bit capable
  • Memory/storage: 1GB LPDDR3 533MHz/8 GB eMMC 4.51/SD 3.0 (UHS-I)
  • Graphics: Qualcomm Adreno 306 400MHz GPU for PC-class graphics
  • Video: 1080p HD video playback and capture with H.264 (AVC)
  • Camera support: support for 13 megapixel camera with Wavelet Noise Reduction, JPEG decoder, and other post-processing techniques done in hardware
  • Connectivity and Location: Connectivity – integrated 802.11 b/g/n, BTS
    • Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz
    • Bluetooth 4.0
      • On-board BT and Wi-Fi antenna
    • GPS
      • On-board GPS antenna
  • I/O Interfaces: HDMI Full-size Type A connector (1080p HD @ 30fps), one micro USB (device mode only), two USB 2.0 type A (host mode only), micro SD card slot. Note: Micro USB (device mode) and USB 2.0 (host mode) are mutually exclusive and cannot be operated at the same time.
  • Expansion:
    • One 40 pin low speed expansion connector: UART, SPI, I2S, I2C x2, GPIO x12, DC power
    • One 60 pin high speed expansion connector: 4L-MIPI DSI, USB, I2C x2, 2L+4LMIPI CSI
    • Footprint for one optional 16 pin analog expansion connector for stereo headset/line-out, speaker and analog line-in
      • The board can be made compatible with Arduino using an add-on mezzanine board

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 14. 23:16

일반 소비자에게는 별로 중요하지는 않을것 같은데, 좋은 비교표가 있네요.

A = 미디어텍, B=삼성, C=인텔 이라고 합니다.

이들도 제품이 많은텐데 어떤 제품을 비교로 했냐가 문제겠지요. 최근것은 좀더 좋을거라 생각됩니다. 자기것은 최신것을 놓고 경쟁자는 오래된것을 두지 않았을까 하는 의구심도 있습니다.

앞으로 IoT, Wearable 시장이 급속히 팽장한다면 좋을것 같네요. 여러 IT회사가 거기서 먹거리를 찾을것 같고, 소비자들도 혜택을 많이 볼수 있을것 같습니다.

Qualcomm Gets Aggressive In Taiwan At Computex 2015

Going after connectivity

Qualcomm’s Computex activities were mostly surrounding their new MU-MIMO chipset announcements as well as attempting to extend their market share dominance of the LTE market with a partnership with AllWinner. In fact, Computex itself seemed like Qualcomm was trying to assert their dominance in everything wireless, be it Wi-Fi or LTE. During their press conference, Qualcomm showed a series of slides comparing themselves against competitors, A, B and C. Qualcomm was not shy about who these competitors were, but they avoided directly naming each competitor. I think MediaTek Inc. was “A”, Samsung “B” and Intel “C”, but I can’t say for sure. During their presentation, Qualcomm went as far as to claim that one of their competitors wasn’t even worth mentioning because they don’t really ship in any substantial amount of phones. I surmised that was a shot at Intel, even though they have made big strides with their 7160/7260 modem.

Wrapping up

Computex turned out to be an interesting one for Qualcomm watchers. The company really showed its teeth in their AllWinner announcement, showing their ambitions in the Chinese market. They also made their dominance in LTE and Wi-Fi wireless a key point and they weren’t afraid of naming and shaming their competition. This uncharacteristic behavior from Qualcomm may end up fueling even more competitive dialogue between the different SoC makers, and ultimately will result in more wars of words. Qualcomm also showed how they plan to expand further into existing markets that maybe haven’t been as strong for them, or are still growing, but their future in those markets remains to be seen. Right now, they clearly still rule the smartphone roost.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 5. 05:36

Fitbit에 투자한돈이 Fitbit IPO로 현금화 하는데 도움이 된다는 이야기와

중국시장에서 AllWinner와 협력한다는 이야기


The wireless fitness trackers made by Fitbit are among the most popular in the country.

The wireless fitness trackers made by Fitbit are among the most popular in the country.

On Tuesday, it added more information such as the ownership stake of Qualcomm, which invested in Fitbit two years ago.

A handful of existing shareholders, including Qualcomm, will offer an additional 7.5 million shares to investors.

According to the prospectus, Qualcomm owns 3.39 million shares of Fitbit – less than 2 percent of shares outstanding.

If Fitbit goes public at $15 a share, Qualcomm’s stake would be worth about $51 million. The company expects to sell up to 169,000 shares in the IPO, which would net it $2.54 million on the first day of trading.


Qualcomm Executive Looking For Next Big Thing

Chairman and CEO of Qualcomm, Paul Jacobs, speaks at the WIRED Business Conference: Think Bigger at Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 7, 2013 in New York City. (Brad Barket/Getty Images for WIRED)

Chairman of Qualcomm, Paul Jacobs, speaks at the WIRED Business Conference: Think Bigger at Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 7, 2013 in New York City. (Brad Barket/Getty Images for WIRED)

Founded in 1985, the San Diego-based company Qualcomm has been at the forefront of the technology we carry in our pockets every day.

Its products are in cell phones, cars and medical devices, and the company’s executive chairman Paul Jacobs tells Here & Now’s Robin Young that the medical sector is an area in which he is personally invested in possible advances.


Xiaomi greets MediaTek with a handshake, Qualcomm feels awkward

I think we should see other processors


Qualcomm Wants to Push Chips Further Into Internet of Things

Plans for chips in light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, cars and medical devices


Next for Qualcomm: faster WiFi and a gateway to cheap tablets

Computex is the perfect sort of tech convention for a chip giant like Qualcomm. It's all about companies showing off their wares so that other companies will actually want to buy them. And this year, Qualcomm made two major announcements that should intrigue plenty of potential customers: advancements in MU-MIMO (multi-user multiple input/multiple output) technology, which aims to make our 802.11ac WiFi speeds more efficient and ultimately faster, as well as a partnership with AllWinner, a Chinese firm that designs low-cost mobile chips.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 5. 12. 02:20

kickstarter에 재밌는 프로젝트가 올라왔네요. 라즈베리 파이보다 더 싼 $9 짜리 컴퓨터입니다. 가격이 참 좋습니다. 저렴한데 connectivity에 대한 생각도 많이 한것 같습니다. CPU는 중국산 ARM 칩을 쓰는것 같습니다. 중국AP를 엄청나게 싸게 구할수 있나보네요. OS는 open source 리눅스 같고요. 다만 사양이 좀 떨어지는것 같습니다. 지금 팔아도 가격에 비해 쬐금 싸다할 느낌인데 내년에 판다고 하면 경쟁자가 엄청 많아질것도 같습니다.

>At the heart of the C.H.I.P. is a 1GHz Allwinner SoC

마케팅도 잘하는 것 같고 구성원을 보니 9명이나 포함된 큰 팀입니다.

2015년 말이나 shipping이 가능할것으로 보이고요, 배터리/screen까지 포함된 제품은 2016년 중순예정입니다. 이렇게 자본을 모아 재품을 개발할수 있다는 것은 재밌는 일이네요.

이미 73만불이나 모금해서 내년까지 충분히 R&D를 진행할수 있을것으로 보입니다.

pledged of $50,000 goal

days to go,news-20906.html

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Posted by 쁘레드