IT이야기2015. 8. 17. 06:22

지금까지 퀄컴이 독점공급했던 아이폰에 Iphone 6S부터 인텔이 50% 정도 공급하는 vendor로 참여하게 됐습니다. 인텔입장에서는 오래동안 숙원사업이 이루어진것이고요, 독점지위를 유지하던 퀄컴은 또다른 매출 쇼크를 맞게 됐습니다. 다행히 모뎀은 매출 기여도는 높지만 순이익 기여도는 낮아서 다행인 면이 있습니다.

Iphone 6S, 6S plus, 6c(아직 정확하진 않지만) 어떻게 퀄컴과 인텔이 나눠가질지 궁금한데, 지금까지 뉴스로는 주요 시장은 퀄컴칩으로 아시아나 남미시장은 인텔칩으로 간다는 얘기가 있습니다.

인텔은 애플과의 계약으로 인해 내년에 $1B($750Mㅡ - $1.25B)정도 매출에 도움이 될거라고 합니다.


Intel modems may be in up to half of next-gen iPhone shipments, analyst estimates

Chipmaker Intel may have won as much as half of the orders for modems in Apple's next-generation iPhones shipping this fall, an analyst with Northland Capital Markets claimed on Wednesday.

Apple has been considering an Intel modem "for a while," according to Gus Richard, who didn't identify a specific chip in an investor memo. In March a report sugested that Apple would use Intel's XMM 7360 LTE modem, but only in 2016 and for markets like Asia and Latin America.

Assuming a 50 percent order share, Richard suggested that Intel could generate an extra $750 million to $1.25 billion in revenue during 2016.

"This is a marque win for Intel and would go a long way to reducing the mobile business losses," he wrote.

Although Intel is an overwhelming force when it comes to desktop, laptop, and server processors, the growth of smartphones and tablets has undermined it financially. Most smartphones are based on processors with ARM architecture, including the iPhone, although Apple performs heavy customization to suit its needs.

Modem production is likely well underway for upcoming iPhone models. Apple may announce the new devices as soon as September 9, and launch them later in the month — typically, the company needs between one and two months of non-stop manufacturing to build up launch stock.

It's still uncertain whether there are only two new models planned — commonly referred to as the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus — or if Apple is also working on an iPhone 6c, which might potentially revive the 4-inch display size used for the iPhone 5, 5s, and 5c.


Analyst: expect Intel LTE modems to find their way in up to 50% of Apple's iPhone 6S shipments

According to an analyst from Northland Capital Markets, we might be in for one of the strangest of partnerships between two tech giants next month. If a new report is to be believed, half of the phones from the upcoming iPhone 6S series will make use of Intel 4G LTE modems.

Gus Richard, an analyst with North Capital Markets, recently stated that Intel has won orders for half of Apple's iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus shipments. According to Apple Insider, this information lines up well with reports dating back in March which claimed that Apple is planning to integrate Intel's XMM 7360 LTE modem in the iPhone 6S series units that will be sold in markets around Asia and Latin America. 

Although Intel dominates the processor market when it comes to traditional computing machines such as desktops, laptops, and servers, Intel's mobile arm has been reporting huge financial losses during the past years. Reports claim that Intel has been heavily subsidizing its tablet processors in an attempt to catch a foothold among entry-level tablet makers in China, although Chipzilla has been unable to compete with ARM designs, either stock or custom, which find their way in the vast majority of smartphones and tablets models. 

According to Richard, this new deal with Apple will translate into a substantial revenue for Intel during 2016, one that will help alleviate some of the pain of its mobile division. The analyst estimates that Intel could generate somewhere between $750 million and $1.25 billion in revenue, which "would go a long way to reducing the mobile business losses". These are good revenue numbers, and Intel will surely welcome the cash despite the fact that company is primarily a processor designer and manufacturer, not a company that specializes in LTE modems.

If this report is accurate, chances are that Intel is currently hard at work manufacturing LTE modems for the first batch of iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus shipments, as multiple reports hinted that Apple's supply chain has already started mass manufacturing components for the next iPhone generation. According to recent reports, Apple will unveil the iPhone 6S generation on September 9, with commercial availability estimated to arrive later in the month. While the iPhone 6S and the iPhone 6S Plus are a lock for this fall, it remains to be seen if the often-rumored iPhone 6C will see an unveiling next month along the two premium smartphones.


Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 8. 17. 01:56

퀄컴의 custom ARM core를 가진 하이엔드 다음 모델이 공개되었습니다. 연말에 상용화 예정입니다. S810에 홍역을 치른뒤라 여러면에서 준비를 많이 하고 있는것으로 알고 있고 실제로도 초기에 비해 많이 좋아졌다고들 많이 합니다. 여러 고객회사에서 이 칩을 기반으로 차세대 하이엔드 기기를 준비중일것으로 기대됩니다.

퀄컴의 자체 core인데, ARM core로만 만들어진 칩들과 성능이 어떻게 나올지도 관전 포인트 입니다.

Adreno 530의 성능도 스펙상 초고급인것 같은데, 역시 ARM에서 나오는 Mali와 대결도 볼만하겠네요. 



퀄컴 `스냅드래곤 820` 그래픽 성능 40% 높이고 전력소모 40% 줄였다

퀄컴 차세대 프로세서 ‘스냅드래곤 820’에 탑재하는 그래픽프로세서(GPU) 성능이 40% 높아지고 전력소모는 최대 40%까지 줄었다. 앞선 그래픽 성능과 전력 효율로 내년 상반기 스마트폰 시장은 물론 자동차, 비주얼 컴퓨팅 등 다양한 시장을 겨냥한다.

퀄컴 자회사 퀄컴테크놀로지는 지난 9일부터 13일(현지시간)까지 미국 로스앤젤레스 컨벤션센터에서 열린 ‘시그라프 2015’에서 차세대 비주얼 프로세싱 기술을 적용한 새로운 최고사양 GPU와 새로운 이미지시그널프로세서(ISP)를 공개했다. 스냅드래곤 820 프로세서의 전력 효율과 성능을 대폭 향상시켰다.

새로운 퀄컴 아드레노 5xx 시리즈는 이전 제품인 아드레노 430 GPU 대비 전력소모는 최대 40% 줄이고 그래픽 성능은 40% 높였다.

저전력 범용 연산 코프로세싱도 지원한다. 64비트 가상 주소를 지원해 공유가상메모리(SVM)와 64비트 CPU간 효율적인 병렬 프로세싱을 구현한다. D램 사용을 최소화하며 저전력으로도 높은 성능을 낼 수 있게끔 전력관리, 렌더링, 압축 기술 등을 적용했다.

스마트폰에서 4K 영상을 감상하고 외부 디스플레이로 출력할 수 있다. HDMI 2.0을 지원해 초고해상도 UHD급 디스플레이에 최대 60fps 4K HEVC 비디오 출력을 지원한다.

아드레노 530과 아드레노 510 GPU는 스냅드래곤 820과 스냅드래곤 620·618 프로세서에 장착할 예정이다.

퀄컴 차세대 프로세서 ‘스냅드래곤 820’에 탑재하는 그래픽프로세서(GPU) 성능이 40% 높아지고 전력소모는 최대 40%까지 줄었다. 앞선 그래픽 성능과 전력 효율로 내년 상반기 스마트폰 시장은 물론 자동차, 비주얼 컴퓨팅 등 다양한 시장을 겨냥한다.<퀄컴 차세대 프로세서 ‘스냅드래곤 820’에 탑재하는 그래픽프로세서(GPU) 성능이 40% 높아지고 전력소모는 최대 40%까지 줄었다. 앞선 그래픽 성능과 전력 효율로 내년 상반기 스마트폰 시장은 물론 자동차, 비주얼 컴퓨팅 등 다양한 시장을 겨냥한다.>

특히 스냅드래곤 820 프로세서에는 DSLR급 화질 카메라와 고화질 컴퓨터를 지원하기 위한 새로운 14비트 ‘퀄컴 스펙트라’ ISP를 함께 탑재했다. 최대 3개 카메라를 동시 지원하며 더 자연스러운 피부색을 표현하는 등 높은 화질을 제공한다. 최대 25메가픽셀 데이터를 초당 30프레임까지 시간 시연없이 처리한다.

하이브리드 오토포커스 프레임워크를 비롯해 다양한 센서와 결합하면 컴퓨테이셔널 포토그라피(CP)를 지원하는 한층 진일보한 사진 촬영이 가능하다.

퀄컴은 스냅드래곤 820 프로세서를 탑재한 단말기는 2016년 상반기부터 출시될 예정이라고 밝혔다.

팀 리랜드 퀄컴 테크놀로지 제품 담당 부사장은 “퀄컴 스펙트라 ISP는 아드레노 5xx시리즈 GPU와 결합해 모바일 기기 이미징 분야의 새 지평을 열 것”이라고 강조했다.

스냅드래곤 820을 탑재한 스마트폰을 이용하면 흔들리거나 까다로운 조도 환경에서도 깨끗하고 생생한 사진과 영상을 찍을 수 있고 자연 그대로의 색상을 표현할 수 있다고 설명했다.

그는 “자동차를 비롯해 새롭게 주목받는 분야에서 현실적인 시각적 경험에 대한 요구에 대응하기 위해 스냅드래곤 820 프로세서로 차세대 인포테인먼트, 컴퓨터 비전, 첨단 프로세싱을 지원할 것”이라고 덧붙였다

'IT이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

퀄컴 CSR 인수 완료  (0) 2015.08.17
아이폰 6S에 반은 인텔 모뎀으로  (0) 2015.08.17
윈도우 10 용 노트북  (0) 2015.08.12
우버 이후 헬스케어도 우버화 될듯  (0) 2015.08.12
IPhone6/6 Plus 분해정보  (0) 2015.07.25
Posted by 쁘레드
경제이야기/Stock2015. 7. 24. 03:04

미디어텍 상황입니다. 한줄 요약은 성장 동력이 꺽이고 있는것으로 보입니다. 

미디어텍이 대만업체라서 중국에서 독주가 오래가지 않을거라 생각하고 있습니다.

퀄컴이 실적이 안좋은 것도 미디어텍과 관련이 없는것 같습니다.

중국 시장에서 인텔을 업은 spreadtrum이 약진하고 있습니다. 미디어텍은 LTE시장에서 성장은 하고 있찌만 아직까지 모뎀쪽이 원하는 수준까지 성장을 못하고 있는것 같습니다.

Marvell, NVidia가 모바일 시장에서 철수하면 그 파이를 누가 가지게 될까요? 누가 날개를 달게될까요.

(좀더 조사해서 update예정)





Posted by 쁘레드
경제이야기/Stock2015. 7. 24. 02:40

공개자료만 모았음을 밝힙니다.


Qualcomm Corp. moved to appease an activist investor and slash costs in response to a nearly 50% drop in quarterly profit.

The San Diego-based chip designer said would cut spending by $1.4 billion and consider restructuring its operations, such as separating its design and patent-licensing businesses. Qualcomm previously has considered splitting into two but always wound up rejecting the idea.

Chief Executive Steve Mollenkopf on Wednesday promised to take a fresh look at potential breakup options to reflect recent heightened competition. He told analysts Qualcomm now would examine “any and all ways to maximize shareholder value.”

The cuts include paring 15% of its full-time employees and “significantly” cutting its temporary staff. Qualcomm last year employed about 31,300 full-time and temporary employees, indicating that more than 4,500 workers could be affected.

Qualcomm also plans to cut $300 million from its annual share compensation grants to employees. The staff cuts will result in between $350 million and $450 million in restructuring charges, it said.


2015Q3 (날짜로는 Q2)


회사에서 밝힌 회생방안(Strategic Realignment Plan)


Reported on the income statement, it is the sum of all direct and indirect selling expenses and all general and administrative expenses of a company. 

Direct selling expenses are expenses that can be directly linked to the sale of a specific unit such as credit, warranty and advertising expenses. Indirect selling expenses are expenses which cannot be directly linked to the sale of a specific unit, but which are proportionally allocated to all units sold during a certain period, such as telephone, interest and postal charges. General and administrative expenses include salaries of non-sales personnel, rent, heat and lights.


지난분기 Q2(일반 달력으로 Q1)

Qualcomm Q2 2015 Financial Results (GAAP)
Gross Margin19.4%29.1%31.3%
Operating Income$1.336B$2.064B$1.990B
Net Income$1.053B$1.972B$1.959B
Earnings Per Share$0.63$1.17$1.31

Qualcomm Devices
MSM Chip Shipments233M270M188M
Total Reported Device Sales$75.8B$56.4B$66.5B
Est. reported 3G/4G device shipments384-388M284-288M295-299M
3G/4G Device Average Selling Price$193-$199$194-$200$221-$227


For fiscal Q1 2014, the company had QCT revenue of about $4.6 billion and MSM shipments of 213 million. These two metrics will be areas of focus for investors on Wednesday's earnings call. The other metric is revenue per shipment, which has been in decline:






Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 15:16

퀄컴 주가가 약세를 면치 못하고 있는데요. 이후 먹거리를 아직 못찾고 있는것으로 보이는데, IoT시장이 향후 5년간 엄청난게 크게 성장한다는 예상에 따라 모든 노력을 집중할것이라는 뉴스입니다. 향후 5년간 $5 trillion까지 성장한다고 하니 10-20%만 먹어도 충분할것 같습니다. IoT시장은 한 회사가 독점하기는 어려운 시장이지요.

Qualcomm Targets The Internet of Things Sector Full Force

Continued from page 1

Leading mobile chipmaker Qualcomm recently provided guidance on how big the Internet of Things (IoT) sector is for the company. The company said it made $1 billion in revenue last year on chips used in a variety of city infrastructure projects, home appliance, cars and wearables. There were 120 million smart home devices shipped with Qualcomm chips in them last year. In addition, there are 20 million cars equipped with its chips, and Qualcomm silicon is used in 20 types of wearable devices. Even though the company makes the most money selling the wireless chips and processors for a large share of the smartphone market, it expects about 10% of its chip division revenue to come from non-smartphone devices in 2015.

In the semiconductor and telecom industries, along with Qualcomm, other major IoT players are AT&T, Cisco, ARM Holdings, Intel, and Samsung Electronics. Qualcomm doesn’t break out its IoT revenue (like Intel does) so we don’t know the precise size of the company’s IoT offering right now. But that doesn’t mean it’s not positioning itself in the space

In this article, we discuss the growth potential of the IoT segment and how Qualcomm is adapting its business model to accommodate this major trend.

Our price estimate of $71 for Qualcomm is marginally higher than the current market price.

A Perspective On The Internet Of Things: Sizing Up The Opportunity

As broadband Internet becomes more widely available, the cost of connecting things is decreasing. More devices are being created with wifi capabilities and censors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smart phone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a perfect storm for the IoT segment. Simply put, IoT is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet and, by extension, to each other. This includes everything from coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. This also applies to components of machines. The IoT revolves around increased machine-to-machine communication; it’s built on cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors. It offers mobile, virtual, and instantaneous connection.

The global IoT market is expected to grow by more than $5 trillion over the next six years, according to research firm International Data Corporation. IDC estimates the global IoT market will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020, as people around the world – and particularly in developed nations – develop an affinity for full-time connectivity. Economic value-add (which represents the aggregate benefits that businesses derive through the sale and usage of IoT technology) is forecast to amount to $1.9 trillion across sectors by 2020. The verticals that are leading IoT’s adoption are manufacturing (15%), healthcare (15%) and insurance (11%).

For semiconductor companies, IoT is a high-volume, low-revenue opportunity. Since, the competition is high, as almost all the companies are looking forward to this new segment, the price war is anticipated. Companies would be playing on the volumes by collaborating with high end brands and customizing them accordingly. To grow and increase their share of the IoT opportunity, chip companies will have to differentiate their product offerings. IoT will therefore drive product marketing managers in the semiconductor industry to focus on innovation targeting end product features and on new ways to sell as the primary means to differentiate their offerings targeting the IoT market.

Qualcomm Marches Forward Into The Internet Of Everything

The largest growth opportunity for Qualcomm over the next five to ten years is in the IoT segment, in the company’s view. We believe that Qualcomm is positioned advantageously to profit from this emerging industry. Consider our reasoning as follows:

Qualcomm has made strides to leverage the Internet-of-Everything (IoE) by implementing its technologies in automobiles, homes, cities, wearables, and integrated devices. The company acquired Cambridge Silicon Radio in 2014 for $2.5 billion. It is a UK-based semiconductor company that makes Bluetooth and wireless radio frequency devices (i.e., radios) for machine-to-machine communication. This acquisition isexpected to drive the Qualcomm’s growth by 8% to 10% in the coming years by fortifying its position in providing critical solutions for the IoT market.

Qualcomm is using much of the same technology it puts into phones in IoT devices. It’s modifying its Snapdragon processors for mobile phones, for example, for use in automobiles and smartwatches. To date, the company has invested a total of $33 billion in research and development aiming to bring together technologies. Within IoT, the company is looking to connect everything from wearables and cars to lightbulbs and health care devices. Qualcomm is beefing up its own IoE tech industry partner ecosystem with six new integrations for cloud and software services. Among them are LogMeIn’s Xively, an Internet of Things platform catering to enterprises building connected products, and Proximetry, an IoT performance management provider.

It makes sense that Qualcomm commands so dominant a position in the market, given its strengths in wireless communications. The company holds a large share of global wireless baseband revenue, and it only seems natural to parlay its strong wireless chip business into IoT. Last year Qualcomm turned over its AllJoyn protocol to the Linux Foundation and set up the AllSeen Alliance. The basis of the alliance is for tech companies to use the standards Qualcomm created with AllJoyn to allow different companies to connect their IoT devices to each other. The alliance includes 50 companies in all right now.

Hardware competition among manufacturers preparing IoT products will be fierce, so Qualcomm will have a number of competitors to deal with in the coming years. Unlike the smartphone market where Qualcomm had a first-movers advantage, we don’t believe one – or a small group of companies – will be able to snag control of the IoT market. Qualcomm, however, can look forward to a strong position.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 14:26

지난 글에서 2014년 year to year로 집계된 data를 정리한 적이 있는데요. 그 이후로 상황이 많이 바뀌었네요. LTE provider에서 Mediatek이 10%로 독보적 2위로 성장하고 삼성도 S6에 자체 모뎀을 넣음으로서 많이 성장했다고 합니다. 자세한 data는 회사 라이브러리가 업데잇이 안되서 확인이 안되네요.

2014 y2y - Mobile AP Processor 시장 점유율과 이익

trategy Analytics: MediaTek Captures Double-Digit Share in LTE Basebands in Q1 2015

Boston, MA - July 1, 2015 - The global cellular baseband processor market registered strong 27 percent year-over-year growth to reach $5.8 billion in Q1 2015, according to Strategy Analytics Handset Component Technologies service report, "Baseband Market Share Tracker Q1 2015: Samsung LSI Grabs Number Three LTE Spot ."

Click here for the report:

·         Samsung LSI beat out Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 in Samsung Mobile's Galaxy S6 and moved up to number three in LTE baseband shipments

·         The wait for the strong number two player in LTE basebands is over and MediaTek has now firmly established itself as the solid number two to Qualcomm

·         In the global 3G baseband market Spreadtrum overtook MediaTek to capture the number two spot

According to this research report from Strategy Analytics, QualcommMediaTekSpreadtrum,Samsung LSI and Marvell captured the top-five baseband revenue share spots in Q1 2015. Qualcomm maintained its baseband market leadership with 61 revenue share, followed by MediaTek with 18 percent revenue share and Spreadtrum with 7 percent revenue share.


Qualcomm, Inc. Top Position In LTE May Be Threatened By Rising Competition

Qualcomm, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM) is still at the first position in terms of market share in cellular radios, but the company’s competitors are trying to bridge the share gap. Cellular radios link smartphones to wireless networks.

At present, the semi-conductor company holds 61% of the global 3G/4G mobile market. The percentage is based on revenues according to Strategy Analytics, a market research firm. Although it’s an astounding figure, it fell from 66% that was reported during the same quarter, last year.

It should be noted that the total 3G/4G semiconductor market is on a growth trajectory, and has risen to $5.8 billion, depicting a 27% year-over-year (YoY) increase. Qualcomm was quick to jump in the 4G LTE technology market in 2012, when the technology was becoming widely adopted. This early initiative helped the company grab a lead over its rivals, as it supplied LTE cellular chips to smartphone vendors, which included Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL).

Sravan Kundojjala, the associate director of strategy analytics, spoke about the development, and stated that competitors would eventually catch up, and take some of Qualcomm’s market. He said: “The wait for the strong No. 2 player in the LTE baseband market is over and MediaTek has now firmly established itself as a solid No. 2 to Qualcomm.”

In terms of LTE radio market share, Qualcomm is on top again, with 70% market share in the first quarter. MediaTek holds the second place, and has a 10 % share. Last year, during the same quarter, Qualcomm commanded an even higher LTE market share – at 90% – whereas last year, MediaTek was not shipping LTE radio devices in large numbers.

Qualcomm suffered a setback when Samsung Group (OTCMKTS:SSNLF) started to develop its own 4G LTE radio chip for the new flagship Galaxy S6 series. Samsung has a substantial share in the smartphone market, and ships millions of its S6 and S6 Edge devices. This helped the company jump to third place in the LTE market.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 22. 06:30

Spreadtrum 홈페이지를 훌터봤더니 모뎀,SOC, Modem/Baseband, RF, Power management, Multimedia, Connectivity 등 게다가 펩리스! 완전 Qualcomm을 보고 만들었다고 해도 과언이 아닌 회사네요.

퀄컴 바로 옆에 오피스도 하나 있네요. 화웨이랑 같은 빌딩에 들어있는 것으로 보입니다.


LTE쪽도 현재 마켓쉐어는 작지만 증가율이 무시무시 합니다. 퀄컴의 경쟁자중 삼성만 성장율이 두자릿수도 너무지는 세자리 무시무시 하네요.


인텔, 54조 반도체 파운드리 시장 정조준

연내 중국 스프레드트럼 14나노 모바일 AP 생산 … 삼성·미디어텍 등 긴장 

입력: 2015-05-28 19:14 [2015년 05월 29일자 9면 기사]

54조원 규모의 세계 반도체 파운드리 시장을 향한 인텔의 행보가 빨라지고 있다. 인텔은 올해 중 반도체 업계 다크호스로 부상하고 있는 중국 스프레드트럼의 14나노 모바일 애플리케이션프로세서(AP)를 위탁 생산하며 파운드리 시장에서 존재감을 키운다는 방침이다.

28일 주요 외신과 업계에 따르면 인텔은 연내 중국의 스프레드트럼으로부터 14나노 핀펫 파운드리(위탁생산)을 맡을 예정이다. 스프레드트럼은 내년부터 출시할 저사양, 고사양 모바일 프로세서의 대부분을 TSMC, 삼성전자 대신 인텔을 통해 생산할 계획이다.
인텔, 54조 반도체 파운드리 시장 정조준

스프레드트럼이 인텔의 파운드리를 사용한다는 건 기존 ARM을 적용한 프로세서뿐만 아니라 인텔의 x86 설계를 채택한 칩도 만들겠다는 의미다. 현재 모바일 프로세서를 생산하는 90% 이상의 기업은 영국의 ARM 설계를 사용하고 있고, 인텔의 x86 아키텍처를 기반으로 한 칩은 사실상 인텔 외에 없는 상황이다.

이번 인텔과 스프레드트럼의 파트너십은 지난해부터 예견된 일이다. 지난해 인텔은 칭화유니그룹에 15억달러를 투자해 자회사인 스프레드트럼과 RDA 마이크로일렉트로닉스의 지분을 20% 확보했다.

하지만 인텔과 칭화유니그룹의 투자 합의서에 반드시 인텔 파운드리를 사용해야 한다는 의무 조건이 없다는 점을 감안하면 양사의 이해관계가 맞아떨어졌다는 분석이 우세하다. 인텔 입장에서는 ARM 일색인 모바일 시장에서 자사 x86 기반 칩의 점유율을 늘려야 하는 입장이고, 스프레드트럼은 대만의 미디어텍을 뛰어넘기 위해서는 인텔의 공정 기술력이 필요하다.

퀄컴 깨고 인텔 포섭, 中 스마트폰칩 공략 작전

최종수정 2014.10.30 13:41기사입력 2014.10.30 13:25

중국 스프레드트럼 2분기 삼성전자 제치고 4위로 도약

[아시아경제 백우진 기자] #1.중국 국가발전개혁위원회(NRDC)는 지난해 말부터 미국 모바일 반도체업체 퀄컴이 불공정거래 행위를 했는지 조사하고 있다. NRDC는 퀄컴이 중국 스마트폰 제조업체들에게 받을 로열티를 산정할 때 부품가격이 아니라 최종가격을 기준으로 산정했는지, 기한이 만료된 특허에 대해서도 로열티를 받았는지 등을 조사한 것으로 전해졌다. 

#2.중국 칭화유니그룹은 지난달 말 미국 반도체업체 인텔을 주요 주주로 끌어들였다. 지분 20%를 15억달러에 넘겼다. 칭화유니그룹은 지난해 스마트폰용 모바일 칩 업체인 스프레드트럼(Spreadtrum) 커뮤니케이션스와 무선통신 칩 개발업체 RDA마이크로일렉트로닉스를 인수했다. 칭화유니그룹은 국유회사 칭화홀딩스의 계열사다. 이 출자는 중국 정부의 허가를 거쳐 내년 초 완료될 예정이다.


삼성도 저가 모델은 Spreadtrum 칩을 쓰는 모델이 있네요. Value Edition(VE)는 저렴한 Spreadtrum 칩을 넣었나 봅니다. 모델별로 이름도 복잡하고 들어가는 솔루션도 복잡하네요.

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Value Edition benchmarked

A Spreadtrum SC8830 SoC is to be found inside the new variant of the affordable 5-incher. This new intel comes from one of our readers, who it would seem has the smartphone on hand.

The Spreadtrum SC8830 relies on a quad-core Cortex-A7 processor, which in the case of the SGGPVE is clocked at up to 1.3GHz. The CPU is joined by a single gig of RAM, just like in the S410 version. It's not exactly up to the standard set by the Qualcomm chipset though, as the quick comparison below shows.


인텔이 Spreadtrum에 $1.5B 을 투자해서 중국시장과 인도시장에 우군을 얻었다는 뉴스입니다. 2014년 뉴스는 2015년 초에 딜이 마무리 됐겠네요.

기사입력 2014-09-29 10:00

인텔이 모바일 기기 시스템온칩(SoC) 시장 점유율을 늘리기 위해 중국 유력 팹리스에 우리돈 1조5000억원에 달하는 투자를 단행했다.

25일(현지시각) 인텔은 중국 칭화유니그룹에 15억달러를 출자하고 지분 20%를 취득키로 했다고 밝혔다. 칭화유니그룹은 중국 칭화대학이 설립한 칭화홀딩스의 자회사. 칭화유니그룹은 시스템반도체 팹리스인 스프레드트럼 커뮤니케이션과 RDA마이크로일렉트로닉스를 자회사로 거느리고 있다. 두 회사 모두 스마트폰 및 태블릿에 탑재되는 SoC가 주력 제품이다. 이번 출자는 내년 초 완료될 예정이다. 중국 정부의 최종 허가가 떨어져야 한다.

Intel's Investment in Tsinghua Unigroup/Spreadtrum: WellTimed Strategy to Expand x86 Architecture in Chinese and Emerging Smartphone Markets 

Intel's $1.5 billion investment in Tsinghua Unigroup for a 20% stake as a shrewd and welltimed strategy to further the x86 architecture and Intel technology into the mobile market, given the Chinese government's desire to expand and spur domestic semiconductor production and reduce smartphone silicon imports especially for the low-range and midrange markets. In essence, this investment significantly increases Intel's access to China, India, and other emerging markets through Spreadtrum and RDA's smartphone vendor relationships.


2015 LTE Baseband Competition Hotting up, Qualcomm’s Lead Shrinking

Spreadtrum Profile - Well Positioned For Mobile Processor Success

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 22. 03:48

Mobile AP Processor 2014년 market data입니다. PC에서 CPU같은거라고 보시면 되겠습니다.

퀄컴이 39% 점유율에 이익은 전체에 52%를 가져갔습니다. 안드로이드쪽에서는 완전히 독주하며 땅파장사했다고 보여집니다.

Spreadtrum은 인텔이 지분을 20% 인수한 기업인데, 중국에서 상당히 잘하고 있는것 같습니다. 앞으로 FAB도 인텔공장에서 14nm로 찍어낼 계획이라는데 엄청 무시무시 할것 같습니다. 가진 기술을 보니 중국의 퀄컴정도 되는것 같습니다. 중국 공산당 입장에서는 위국 기업인 퀄컴도 별로 안좋을것 같고, 대만기업은 MediaTek이 잘해도 별로일것 같고 자국기업을 미뤄주고 싶을것 같네요.


standalone 시장은 Apple이 다 먹다시피했고


스프레드트럼에 대한 내용은 다른 글에 정리하고 있습니다.

Posted by 쁘레드
경제이야기/Stock2015. 6. 22. 01:56

퀄컴에 대한 Sell과 Buy의 의견이 둘다 있어서 공유합니다. 어느 주식이든 둘다 있을수 밖에 없고 판단은 각자 알아서 하는것이지요. 저는 어느쪽일까요.

팔자에 대한 생각은 인텔과 비교했을때 프리미움이 붙어있다고 보여지는데 이제는 그럴 만한 이유가 없다고 지적합니다. 성장도 못하고 있고 심지어 margin까지급격히 줄고 있습니다. 그리고 4G, 5G로 갈수록 license 비율이 떨어져서 수익이 줄거라 생각하고, 다른 chipset업체와의 경쟁이 치열해 지기때문에 어려울 것이라고 합니다.

사자에 대한 생각은 smartphone 시장이 계속 grow하고 있고, 로얄티 비즈니스가 아주 잘되고 있다. 그리고... 읽어봐도 납득할만한 다른 이유는 못찾겠네요. ^^


Why I'm Selling Qualcomm

This Fool has held Qualcomm for over two years, and the mobile chip giant has lagged the broader market for the whole time. Is it time to move on?

On valuation
In some ways, Qualcomm represents the Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) of the mobile world. It was quite a symbolic milestone when Qualcomm's market cap overtook Intel's for the first time, although Intel has since reclaimed a higher valuation. However, if we look at how the two companies stack up right now, Qualcomm's premium valuation relative to Intel may not be fully justified.










Revenue growth (TTM)



Operating margin (TTM)



Return on equity (TTM)




Qualcomm trades at a premium relative to Intel's valuation metrics, yet fundamental metrics related to growth and profitability don't do much to justify the relative premium.

On royalties
Qualcomm has a lock on 3G technologies, but Qualcomm has a relatively weaker hold on 4G technologies. To be clear, Qualcomm still enjoys its fair share of royalties, but its average royalty rate is undeniably on the decline. Its average royalty rate has fallen from an estimated 4.3% in 2008 to 3.2% in 2013.

There are a couple of other royalty headwinds going forward. Since Qualcomm's royalty depends on the prices of phones, the continued hardware commoditization that's taking place will hurt Qualcomm's piece of the action. Additionally, Qualcomm has been having trouble collecting its royalties in China, believing that local OEMs were underreporting their shipments in order to skirt paying up.

None of this is to say that Qualcomm's royalty business is falling apart; the licensing business saw revenue jump 17% last quarter. Rather, my concern is just that there are some noteworthy challenges going forward.


Why I More Than Doubled My Qualcomm, Inc. Holdings

A cheap stock with improving prospects? Count me in.

What could make the stock rise?
I view Qualcomm's technology licensing business as a stable "cash cow". The business' revenue is more or less a function of the royalty rate that Qualcomm is able to command and "total reported device sales." The smartphone market is growing, and it seems as though cellular technologies could become more prominent in other areas of computing, spanning from notebook PCs to the Internet of Things.

That's a pretty solid foundation for the company's "cash cow" wireless technology licensing business for years to come.

The chip business, on the other hand, is a bit trickier. MediaTek isn't going away, Samsung's own applications processors seem to be improving, and if Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) ever gets its act together in smartphones, the competitive environment for merchant smartphone silicon will become fiercer.

If Qualcomm can stay ahead of the competition when all is said and done, however -- and I believe Qualcomm's technology is best in class -- the company should retain solid market share, and should benefit from industrywide smartphone unit growth.

Qualcomm also has ambitions to compete outside of the traditional smartphone chip market and is aiming to attack the data center, where unit volumes are lower but average selling prices (and gross profit margins) are higher. Whether Qualcomm will ultimately be successful in leveraging its mobile technology in servers remains to be seen, as competing against Intel will be quite tough.


이번분기 다음분기 이 가치를 유지할수 있을지가 관건일것 같습니다.

Forward P/E (fye Sep 28, 2016)1:13.04

Profit Margin (ttm):26.03%
Operating Margin (ttm):31.24%

Growth & Valuation

Earnings growth (last year)+12.53%
Earnings growth (this year)-8.85%
Earnings growth (next 5 years)+11.50%
Revenue growth (last year)+6.52%
P/E ratio15.8


Next reporting dateJuly 22, 2015
EPS forecast (this quarter)$0.95
Annual revenue (last year)$26.5B
Annual profit (last year)$7.5B
Net profit margin28.46%

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 6. 20. 05:11
퀄컴이 만들어파는 드래곤보드. 레즈베리 파이 같은 거라고 생각하면 될듯. raspberry pi.
410c가 나올예정인데 내부사람들도 안쓰는 dragonboard인데, $50정도에 판다면 하나 사고싶다. s410은 8x16칩이 들어간 모델이다. 모뎀빼고 apq8016. 저럼한것이 전력도 적게 먹고 적당한 성능도 내준다.

DragonBoard 410c brings affordable prototyping to the Internet of Everything

Qualcomm products mentioned within this post are offered by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
The potential of a completely connected world has galvanized people’s imaginations. Every day we see new predictions about how the Internet of Everything (IoE) will streamline our lives and radically change how we interact with each other and our environment—and how we might use it to build a platform for the future.

When it comes to the business side of the IoE, though, some developers, innovators, and entrepreneurs looking to contribute have been discouraged by the lack of affordable technology. Without collaboration and the resources necessary to serve as the foundation for a scalable IoE solution, many of the great ideas they come up with fizzle out when faced with real-world financial considerations.

With the DragonBoard 410c, based on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor, a low-cost development board the size of a credit card, Qualcomm Technologies and Arrow Electronics aim to democratize the business of IoE so that big thinkers and innovators—whether tinkering in corporate labs or suburban garages—can turn their projects into venture-ready prototypes.

From kiosks in bustling bus stations to manufacturing plants buzzing with robots, Snapdragon processors are at the heart of a number of OEM-created products for the IoE. Now the power and efficiency of Snapdragon processors can be utilized at a much smaller scale with the DragonBoard 410c (the “c,” as a side note, stands for community), allowing developers to work on prototypes without having to drain their savings accounts. The board is designed to be compatible with Linaro’s 96Boards Consumer Edition specifications, providing an open platform targeted at software developers, the maker community, higher education, and embedded OEMs.

Moreover, these developers will have access to one of the greatest strengths of Snapdragon processors: optimization for mobile integration. Snapdragon processors have been integral in transforming hand-held devices from cell-and-text-machines to mobile computing powerhouses—a wealth of experience which has been particularly useful in furthering the robotics industry. The DragonBoard 410c has the same focus on mobile, allowing innovators and entrepreneurs to tackle IoE applications that execute on platforms found in nearly everyone’s pocket (smartphones, not robots. At least not yet).

Announced today, the board will be available from Arrow through their web site. Featured applications of the DragonBoard 410c will debut on June 18 at this year’s Maker Faire in Shenzhen, which is showcasing how the IoE community is turning the board into a bridge between robotics and smartphones. View feature highlights at the Qualcomm Developer Network site.

For dreamers and developers, those great ideas no longer have to be shelved by the fear that IoE products are too capital- or resource-intensive. Just like its applications, the Internet of Everything can now be reached by everyone—from the largest OEM down to the smallest garage lab— giving developers the ability to realize their visions, and maybe even change the world.

Feature Highlights

  • OS Support: Android 5.1 (Lollipop) on Linux Kernel 3.10 , Linaro Linux release based on current Linux kernel and Ubuntu, and planned support for Windows 10
  • CPU: quad-core ARM® Cortex® A53 at up to 1.2 GHz per core, 32-bit and 64-Bit capable
  • Memory/storage: 1GB LPDDR3 533MHz/8 GB eMMC 4.51/SD 3.0 (UHS-I)
  • Graphics: Qualcomm Adreno 306 400MHz GPU for PC-class graphics
  • Video: 1080p HD video playback and capture with H.264 (AVC)
  • Camera support: support for 13 megapixel camera with Wavelet Noise Reduction, JPEG decoder, and other post-processing techniques done in hardware
  • Connectivity and Location: Connectivity – integrated 802.11 b/g/n, BTS
    • Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz
    • Bluetooth 4.0
      • On-board BT and Wi-Fi antenna
    • GPS
      • On-board GPS antenna
  • I/O Interfaces: HDMI Full-size Type A connector (1080p HD @ 30fps), one micro USB (device mode only), two USB 2.0 type A (host mode only), micro SD card slot. Note: Micro USB (device mode) and USB 2.0 (host mode) are mutually exclusive and cannot be operated at the same time.
  • Expansion:
    • One 40 pin low speed expansion connector: UART, SPI, I2S, I2C x2, GPIO x12, DC power
    • One 60 pin high speed expansion connector: 4L-MIPI DSI, USB, I2C x2, 2L+4LMIPI CSI
    • Footprint for one optional 16 pin analog expansion connector for stereo headset/line-out, speaker and analog line-in
      • The board can be made compatible with Arduino using an add-on mezzanine board

Posted by 쁘레드