IT이야기2015. 7. 10. 04:12

싸이노젠보다 싸이노겐이 더 발음에 가까운듯.

구글로 부터 안드로이드를 가져오고 싶다는 말도안되는 회사에서 이제 가능할것 처럼 보이는 회사가 되었네요. 아주 오래된 삼성 노트1에 싸이노젠을 설치했더니 정말 날라다닙니다. 지금 노트4보다 더빠릿해진것 같네요.

이미 투자회사도 많이 있고, 요즘 hire하는것 보니, 이미 날라가기위한 펀드는 충분한것으로 보입니다.내년 상장을 목표로 하고 있을듯.


Our Investors



Cyanogen Taps Microsoft, Qualcomm Veterans For Fight To Control Android

It’s hard to keep Kirt McMaster quiet.

The CEO of Cyanogen, the Palo Alto startup with a bold plan to wrest control of Android from Google, is known for his brashness and bravado. Minutes into my first interview with him in January, he was summing up Cyanogen’s improbable mission: “We’re putting a bullet through Google’s head.” Even one of his leading investors told me they wished McMaster wouldn’t “poke the bear too many times and so loudly.”

Yet in the past few months, McMaster has been unusually circumspect. After a flurry of partnership announcements at the Mobile World Congress in early March, and news that Microsoft MSFT +1.16% had joined forces with the company in April, Cyanogen and McMaster went largely silent.

But on Tuesday, when I caught up with him to check on the progress of his crusade, McMaster was his usual, blustery self.

“I’m even more bullish,” he said.

On Wednesday, Cyanogen announced two key engineering hires: Stephen Lawler, a veteran of Amazon and Microsoft, who is joining as senior vice president of engineering, and Karthick Iyer, a Qualcomm QCOM +0.27% vice president and engineering lead on Android, who will be vice president of global systems.

McMaster said Lawler, an Amazon vice president who previously worked as CTO for Bing Maps at Microsoft, will help to lead Cyanogen’s efforts to develop a suite of mobile services — in house and through partnerships — to compete with those offered by Google GOOGL +0.87%. Iyer, he said, will help broaden the Cyanogen platform as more and more manufacturers agree to build smartphones based on the Android variant.”When we are able to attract people like that to the team, it’s invigorating,” McMaster said. “Other people tend to follow. It’s good for the company. It shows people we can deliver on the promise.”


사이애노젠모드(CyanogenMod)는 안드로이드를 구동하는 일부 스마트폰에 설치 및 구동할 수 있는 비공식 안드로이드 펌웨어이다. 현재 60개 이상의 안드로이드 스마트폰에서 펌웨어 업데이트가 가능하며,FLAC멀티터치microSD 카드에서의 프로그램 설치 및 실행, 향상된 메모리 스왑(compcache), 거대 APN 리스트, 재부팅 메뉴, 블루투스 및 USB를 이용한 테더링 등 기존의 AOSP에서 지원하지 않는 기능등을 다수 탑재하고 있다. 모바일 OS 중에서는 최초로 BFS를 작업 스케줄러로 사용하는 운영 체제이기도 하며(이는 현재 안드로이드 공식 소스 트리에도 시범 반영되었다.[1]) 경우에 따라서는 공식 안드로이드 펌웨어보다 높은 성능을 발휘하기도 한다. 2015년 1분기 현재 정식 배포 중인 CyanogenMod는 CM7과 CM9, CM10, CM10.1, CM10.2,cm11이 있고, 나이틀리로 배포 중인 Android 5.0.x 기반의 CM12과 그의 메니저 업데이트 버전인 안드로이드 5.1.x 기반에 cm12.1이 있다


Cyanogen and Qualcomm Collaborate to Raise the Bar on User Experience

MARCH 1, 2015Cyanogen and Qualcomm Collaborate to Raise the Bar on User Experience

Cyanogen, Powers New Offering for Snapdragon Processors

Palo Alto, CA.  March 1, 2015 — At Mobile World Congress today, Cyanogen Inc. and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, announced details of a collaboration that will provide support for the best features and UI enhancements of the Cyanogen Operating System on certain Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ processors. This will be available for the upcoming release of Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) planned for April.

Cyanogen is widely known through the industry for its commercially distributed Cyanogen OS and the CyanogenMod community distribution. Through the enhanced solution, Cyanogen brings a number of feature-rich enhancements, including a new launcher and personal information management apps across dialer, messaging, contacts, and calendar. The Cyanogen OS experience arrives on the most current Android™ 5.0 Lollipop release, and will be available to device makers globally.

"We're delighted to collaborate with Qualcomm on their QRD program," said Kirt McMaster, CEO, Cyanogen Inc. "We're addressing the needs of device makers in developed and developing markets looking for a truly differentiated software experience that matter to consumers."

The features and UI enhancements will be available from Cyanogen Inc. for Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ processors in the 200, 400 and 600 series, bringing the Cyanogen experience across multiple device tiers. Additionally, Cyanogen features such as the new Launcher will also be available for the QRD program across these tiers of Snapdragon processors. The QRD program is designed to streamline the rapid introduction of devices at lower development costs — drawing on the technical innovation and product quality that have made Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. an industry leader.

"We chose to work with Cyanogen based on their deep Android expertise and innovative approach to enhancing smartphone software," said Jason Bremner, SVP of Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies . "By collaborating with Cyanogen, we are able to offer unique experiences to users of Snapdragon based devices."

Through this ongoing collaboration, Cyanogen will be adding exciting new features and services in future releases as the company continues to drive advancements in mobile computing across a range of devices that incorporate Snapdragon processors.


About Cyanogen Inc.

Cyanogen is reimagining mobile computing, giving power to the people to customize their mobile device and content experiences. The CYANOGEN® operating system is built on Android and known for its revolutionary personalization features, intuitive interface, speed, improved battery life, and enhanced security. With a rapidly growing global user base and a vibrant community of developers, we're intelligently connecting smartphone and tablet consumers to people, apps, and things they love. For more information, visit Cyanogen's websiteGoogle+Twitter, and Facebook.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 15:46

Black Friday보다 더 많이 더 싸게 내놓는다면, 아마도 작년 블랙 프라이데이보다 더 많이 살것 같다. 헉~

아마존은 항상 신생기업이라고 생각하고 있었는는 벌써 20주년 기념이라니.. 우리가 대학에서 코 흘리고 있을때 아마존을 창업할 생각을 했다니. 정말 세상에는 다른 사람보다 미래에 사는 사람이 많은것 같다.





Prime Day: More Deals than Black Friday exclusively for Prime Members

Prime Day is a global shopping event, offering more deals than Black Friday, exclusively for Prime members. On Wednesday, July 15 new and existing members will be able to shop thousands of Lightning Deals, Deals of the Day, and will receive unlimited Free Two-Day Shipping. Members will find deals starting at midnight PDT, with new deals starting throughout the day, as often as every ten minutes. Not a Prime member? Try Primetoday and get immediate access to deals on July 15.

Prime members can find deals on products across categories including electronics, toys, video games, movies, clothing, patio, lawn and garden, sports and outdoor items and more. Members will enjoy deals on items perfect for summer adventures, their to-do list, family road trips, back to school supplies, and everyday essentials. Prime members can shop on any device, including smartphones and tablets and enjoy deals anytime, and anywhere.

Posted by 쁘레드
경제이야기/Stock2015. 7. 8. 15:39

벌써 내일 어닝발표가 있네요. 회사의 바램과는 다르게 알루미늄가격과 100% 싱크로율을 보여주는 알코아라서 어닝도 좋지않고 그리스나 중국저성장으로 전망도 좋지 못할것 같습니다.

작년에 좋은 수익률을 돌려줘서 좋아하는 주식인데... 년초까지 꿈의 주식이었는데 방향을 획돌렸네요.언제가 될지 모르겠지만 또 살것 같네요. 중국시장이 바닥을 치고 올라올때와 알루미늄 가격을 잘 지켜봐야 할듯.

예상대로 최근에 알루미늄 가격이 더 많이 떨어졌고, 앞으로도 더 떨어질 확률이 높을것 같네요.


Alcoa Inc. Kicks Off Earnings Season: 2 Trades for AA Stock

AA stock bears smell blood in the water, but are they too late to the game?

Alcoa Inc. (AA) will kick off the unofficial start to third-quarter earnings season after the close of trading on Wednesday. The aluminum giant has been pressured this year by a strong U.S. dollar and slowing demand, forcing the company to trim high cost operations, sell low value assets, and focus on lower-cost production.

Despite these moves, AA stock bears smell blood in the water, but are they too late to the game?

By the numbers, Wall Street is looking for fiscal second-quarter earnings of 23 cents per share from Alcoa — up 28% from year-ago levels.  Revenue is seen arriving down 1% at $5.8 billion. However, whispers are swirling that Alcoa will miss earnings targets, with reporting a whisper number of just 21 cents.

Bearish sentiment has begun to take hold in the analyst community for AA stock. The last several moves within the community have been downgrades, resulting in eight “hold” or worse ratings and 10 “buys,” according to data from Thomson/First Call.  Meanwhile, the 12-month price target currently rests at $16 per share.

Pessimism is also swelling among short sellers. Specifically, the number of AA shares sold short surged by 23% in the most recent reporting period. As a result, some 72.5 million shares of AA stock, or nearly 6% of the stock’s total float, are now sold short.

But, judging from recent options activity, there may be a lack of conviction from the short-selling crowd.  Typically, short sellers will buy short-term call options as a way to hedge their bets, especially ahead of events such as earnings reports.

Along these lines, AA stock’s July/August put/call open interest ratio has fallen to a reading of 0.41, with calls more than doubling puts among options set to expire within the next two months. Taking a closer look at just July options, the put/call open interest ratio falls even further, arriving at 0.38.

 Overall, weekly Jul 10 series implieds are pricing in a potential post-earnings move of about 5% for AA stock. This places the upper bound at $11.54, while the lower bound lies at $10.46.  Historically, implieds seem a bit on the low side, meaning that AA option prices may be low at the moment.

Technically speaking, AA stock is trading deep in short-term oversold territory. The stock is currently perched just above its 2014 lows, which currently correspond with potential support from AA’s 200-week moving average. Despite the overwhelming negativity levied against AA, there is a possibility of a surprise post-earnings rally.

2 Trades for AA Stock

Call Spread: Pessimism toward an underperforming stock is largely par for the course, and AA stock has earned much of its negative reputation on the Street.  However, the recent selloff has placed AA in oversold territory, hinting that the stock’s recent losses may be overdone.  As such, there is the possibility of a snap-back rally for AA following this week’s earnings report, especially if there are any positive nuggets to be gleaned.

As such, traders wanting to take a chance on an AA rally might want to consider a Jul $11/$12 bull call spread.  At last check, this spread was offered at 31 cents, or $31 per pair of contracts. Breakeven lies at $11.31, while a maximum profit of 69 cents, or $69 per pair of contracts, is possible if AA stock closes at or above $12 when July options expire.

Straddle: Alternately, traders with a higher risk tolerance might want to take advantage of this high volatility situation and enter a straddle. A straddle involves the simultaneous purchase of an at-the-money call and an at-the-money put in an attempt to take advantage of a greater than expected move from the underlying stock.

By employing a straddle on AA stock, you are likely betting that the company is going to either handily beat earnings expectations, resulting in a reversal of sentiment and a rush in buying activity, or confirm the Street’s bearish bias, resulting in a flood of sell-on-the-news activity. At last check, the AA Jul 11 straddle was offered at 68 cents, or $68 per pair of contracts. Breakeven for this trade lies at $11.68 on the upside and at $10.32 on the downside.


Aluminum Pricing

Aluminum has diverse applications in industry. It is an important input in the packaging, aerospace, automotive, construction, commercial transportation, power generation, capital goods, and consumer durables industries. Thus, demand for aluminum is broadly correlated with industrial growth. Economic weakness in Europe and slowing Chinese growth have contributed to the weakness in aluminum demand, and consequently prices, over the last few quarters. [1] China, the world’s largest consumer of aluminum, is expected to witness a slowdown in GDP growth to 6.8% and 6.3% in 2015 and 2016, respectively, from 7.4% in 2014. [2]

On the supply side, production capacity has not been reduced corresponding to the weakness in demand over the last few quarters. Persistently high aluminum inventory levels relative to demand have kept LME aluminum prices depressed. This inventory was built up partially as a result of aluminum being tied up in financing deals, which were made possible due to low interest rates. [3] Despite inventories being at a record highs, market forces failed to rationalize supply through the shutdown of smelting capacity. Though global aluminum majors like Alcoa and Rusal did make significant smelting capacity cuts, the same was not true of Chinese companies. This was primarily due to state intervention in the form of provisions of subsidies or renegotiated power contracts to smelters, which serve as a disincentive to cut production. China accounts for around half of the world’s aluminum production, and the expansion in production by Chinese producers has more than made up for capacity cuts by global majors. [4] This oversupply situation is expected to keep aluminum prices depressed.

As a result of the fall in LME prices, regional aluminum prices in China are trading below the costs of production of a majority of Chinese domestic smelters. [5] However, Chinese aluminum producers were boosted by a recent decision of the Chinese government to provide tax breaks and subsidized power to domestic aluminum smelters. [6] In addition, the Chinese government also reduced export taxes on Chinese exports of the metal earlier in the year. [7] A combination of these factors is likely to lead to an increase in Chinese production and exports, which could further worsen the gap between supply and demand, resulting in weak global aluminum prices. This is reflected in the trajectory of London Metal Exchange (LME) aluminum prices so far this year.

LME aluminum prices averaged roughly $1,800 per ton over the course of the second quarter in 2014. These prices averaged close to $1,750 per ton in Q2 2015. [8]  Lower aluminum prices are likely to weigh on the company’s results, particularly those of the Primary Aluminum and Alumina business segments.


Aluminum Bear Market Piles Pressure on World’s Biggest Smelters

Record Supply

The trend echoes a similar one in steel in the second half of last year, when Chinese exports of excess supplies sent prices tumbling 30 percent. The nation’s aluminum industry quadrupled in the past decade with smelters churning out record amounts of the metal used in everything from packaging to car bumpers.

Aluminum for delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange fell 1.7 percent on Tuesday to $1,666 a metric ton, entering a bear market. The metal price extended the decline to $1,631.50 on Wednesday. Prices may trade closer to $1,500 a ton by the end of the year, the lowest since 2009, amid record inventories worldwide, according to Colin Hamilton, London-based head of commodities research at Macquarie.

About 20 percent of smelters outside China are losing money at current prices, according to Standard Chartered Plc.

Supply Forecast

Global supplies will exceed demand by 800,000 tons this year, with the surplus tripling from 2014, according to Societe Generale SA. While global aluminum demand is poised to rise by the most among the six main industrial metals, Chinese production is already up 16 percent this year and expected to grow further, according to Macquarie.

Stockpiles of the metal are also easier to obtain after the London Metal Exchange took steps to cut lengthy wait times at its warehouse locations. The backlogs that stretched to almost two years had boosted surcharges added to the exchange benchmark to a record last year, helping producers’ profits.

Moscow-based Rusal, the world’s largest producer, forecasts that China will increase exports of partly processed aluminum by 20 percent, the company said June 25. It will decide whether to cut capacity in the third quarter. Shares of Rusal have dropped 40 percent in Hong Kong trading this year.


Aluminum Glut Dents Alcoa’s Prospects

Alcoa shareholders should pay close attention to what happens in Beijing.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 15:16

퀄컴 주가가 약세를 면치 못하고 있는데요. 이후 먹거리를 아직 못찾고 있는것으로 보이는데, IoT시장이 향후 5년간 엄청난게 크게 성장한다는 예상에 따라 모든 노력을 집중할것이라는 뉴스입니다. 향후 5년간 $5 trillion까지 성장한다고 하니 10-20%만 먹어도 충분할것 같습니다. IoT시장은 한 회사가 독점하기는 어려운 시장이지요.

Qualcomm Targets The Internet of Things Sector Full Force

Continued from page 1

Leading mobile chipmaker Qualcomm recently provided guidance on how big the Internet of Things (IoT) sector is for the company. The company said it made $1 billion in revenue last year on chips used in a variety of city infrastructure projects, home appliance, cars and wearables. There were 120 million smart home devices shipped with Qualcomm chips in them last year. In addition, there are 20 million cars equipped with its chips, and Qualcomm silicon is used in 20 types of wearable devices. Even though the company makes the most money selling the wireless chips and processors for a large share of the smartphone market, it expects about 10% of its chip division revenue to come from non-smartphone devices in 2015.

In the semiconductor and telecom industries, along with Qualcomm, other major IoT players are AT&T, Cisco, ARM Holdings, Intel, and Samsung Electronics. Qualcomm doesn’t break out its IoT revenue (like Intel does) so we don’t know the precise size of the company’s IoT offering right now. But that doesn’t mean it’s not positioning itself in the space

In this article, we discuss the growth potential of the IoT segment and how Qualcomm is adapting its business model to accommodate this major trend.

Our price estimate of $71 for Qualcomm is marginally higher than the current market price.

A Perspective On The Internet Of Things: Sizing Up The Opportunity

As broadband Internet becomes more widely available, the cost of connecting things is decreasing. More devices are being created with wifi capabilities and censors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smart phone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a perfect storm for the IoT segment. Simply put, IoT is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet and, by extension, to each other. This includes everything from coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. This also applies to components of machines. The IoT revolves around increased machine-to-machine communication; it’s built on cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors. It offers mobile, virtual, and instantaneous connection.

The global IoT market is expected to grow by more than $5 trillion over the next six years, according to research firm International Data Corporation. IDC estimates the global IoT market will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020, as people around the world – and particularly in developed nations – develop an affinity for full-time connectivity. Economic value-add (which represents the aggregate benefits that businesses derive through the sale and usage of IoT technology) is forecast to amount to $1.9 trillion across sectors by 2020. The verticals that are leading IoT’s adoption are manufacturing (15%), healthcare (15%) and insurance (11%).

For semiconductor companies, IoT is a high-volume, low-revenue opportunity. Since, the competition is high, as almost all the companies are looking forward to this new segment, the price war is anticipated. Companies would be playing on the volumes by collaborating with high end brands and customizing them accordingly. To grow and increase their share of the IoT opportunity, chip companies will have to differentiate their product offerings. IoT will therefore drive product marketing managers in the semiconductor industry to focus on innovation targeting end product features and on new ways to sell as the primary means to differentiate their offerings targeting the IoT market.

Qualcomm Marches Forward Into The Internet Of Everything

The largest growth opportunity for Qualcomm over the next five to ten years is in the IoT segment, in the company’s view. We believe that Qualcomm is positioned advantageously to profit from this emerging industry. Consider our reasoning as follows:

Qualcomm has made strides to leverage the Internet-of-Everything (IoE) by implementing its technologies in automobiles, homes, cities, wearables, and integrated devices. The company acquired Cambridge Silicon Radio in 2014 for $2.5 billion. It is a UK-based semiconductor company that makes Bluetooth and wireless radio frequency devices (i.e., radios) for machine-to-machine communication. This acquisition isexpected to drive the Qualcomm’s growth by 8% to 10% in the coming years by fortifying its position in providing critical solutions for the IoT market.

Qualcomm is using much of the same technology it puts into phones in IoT devices. It’s modifying its Snapdragon processors for mobile phones, for example, for use in automobiles and smartwatches. To date, the company has invested a total of $33 billion in research and development aiming to bring together technologies. Within IoT, the company is looking to connect everything from wearables and cars to lightbulbs and health care devices. Qualcomm is beefing up its own IoE tech industry partner ecosystem with six new integrations for cloud and software services. Among them are LogMeIn’s Xively, an Internet of Things platform catering to enterprises building connected products, and Proximetry, an IoT performance management provider.

It makes sense that Qualcomm commands so dominant a position in the market, given its strengths in wireless communications. The company holds a large share of global wireless baseband revenue, and it only seems natural to parlay its strong wireless chip business into IoT. Last year Qualcomm turned over its AllJoyn protocol to the Linux Foundation and set up the AllSeen Alliance. The basis of the alliance is for tech companies to use the standards Qualcomm created with AllJoyn to allow different companies to connect their IoT devices to each other. The alliance includes 50 companies in all right now.

Hardware competition among manufacturers preparing IoT products will be fierce, so Qualcomm will have a number of competitors to deal with in the coming years. Unlike the smartphone market where Qualcomm had a first-movers advantage, we don’t believe one – or a small group of companies – will be able to snag control of the IoT market. Qualcomm, however, can look forward to a strong position.

Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 14:54

뒷떨어진 공정, 설계, 성능, 가격 뭐하나 좋은게 없는 상태로 너무 오래동안 지속되어 왔네요. 작년처럼 Windows XP지원종료에 따른 PC교체수요도 없고, 심지어 새로나올 Windows 10은 저사양 PC에서도 잘 돌아갈거라는 비보가. 예상대로 실적도 안좋고 전망도 안좋게 발표했네요. 장중에 20%가까이 급락하다 15%급락으로 마무리. Market Cap 이 $1.63B로 정말 껌값. 중국업체도 아직 입질이 없는걸 보면 아무것도 남은게 없는가 하는 생각도 듭니다.

AMD는 이번년에 인수되지 못하면 결국 청산절차로 들어가야할것 같습니다. MS가 미친척하고 사주면 얼마나 좋을까요. MS의 자본력으로 밀어붙이면 죽어가던 AMD도 살수 있을것 같은데요.


Intel is sucking the life out of AMD

By Matt Krantz July 7, 2015 12:10 pm


Remember the days when Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) was a viable rival to Intel (INTC)? Those days are long gone.

Forget about the fact for now shares of computer chipmaker AMD are down 38 cents, or 15%, to $2.09. Forget even the fast that 38 cents is 15% of the stock's value. And forget that the company warned last night that quarterly results would be weaker than expected.

You can blame soft PC sales. And that's partly true – and it's what AMD blamed saying weaker-than-expected consumer PC demand is hurting revenue and profitability.

But the real evidence of AMD's swift decline is clear in the massive dropoff compared with industry titan Intel, which continues to pull ahead. AMD's revenue has been headed in the wrong direction. AMD's revenue of $5.5 billion last year is essentially flat with 2012 and down 14% from 2010. And while Intel hasn't been exactly growing like wildfire, it's been steadily increasing revenue.

Chart source: S&P Capital IQ

But the gap between AMD and Intel gets even more vast when you compare them directly to one another. Back in 1990 – when AMD was offering legitimate competition to Intel, it had revenue that was more than a quarter of Intel's. That ratio climbed back to about 15% on AMD's resurgence in the mid 2000s.

Now, AMD's revenue is 9.9% of Intel's.

Chart source: S&P Capital IQ via Microsoft Excel

Things aren't looking much better going forward, according to a note to clients from Christopher Roland at FBR. The lure to buy a new PC with the latest version of Windows isn't the case – sinceMicrosoft (MSFT) has changed its strategy. Typically, new versions of Windows give PC makers a boost as consumers bought new machines – but that's not likely to be the case with Windows 10 since Microsoft is writing the software to run perfectly well on existing PCs. Windows 10 is also free upgrade to current Windows users. AMD is expected to lose an adjusted 37 cents a share this year.

"We do not think the market yet realizes the impact of Microsoft's new free Win10 upgrade strategy on PC units. Historically, consumers have overwhelmingly upgraded their PC operating systems through the purchase of new PC hardware. While this was our original outlook for the Win10 upgrade cycle, we recently reduced our 2H15 and 2016 PC outlook as Microsoft is offering consumers a free Win10 cloud upgrade for all Win 7 and 8.1 owners," Rolland says.



Shares of Advanced Micro Devices fell sharply after the chip maker estimated second-quarter revenue and gross margins below its earlier projections. PHOTO: ASHLEY PON/BLOOMBERG NEWS

The pain isn't over for Advanced Micro Devices.

The chip maker also known as AMD tumbled on Tuesday. The shares slid sharply after the company announced that second-quarter revenue and gross margins would fall short of its earlier projections. The shortfall was blamed on weak PC sales, along with a one-time charge for pushing more of its chip production to newer manufacturing technologies.

The fact that AMD has fallen short of Wall Street earnings targets in three of the preceding four quarters should have damped the surprise from Monday's announcement. But the company had issued a relatively bullish forecast for the year just two months earlier, calling for revenue in the year's second half to jump 15% from the first.

That projection—underpinned in part by hopes that PC sales will get a boost from the coming launch of Microsoft's Windows 10—looked aggressive then. It seems downright dicey now.

The result is that AMD may have to make more painful adjustments to its outlook when it reports full second-quarter results next week. And in the longer term, the company's potential remains hazy.

While AMD's position with gaming consoles remains strong, the PC market still accounts for about half of total revenue. AMD is seeking opportunities in areas such as data centers and connected devices. But it faces tough competition there from much larger rivals. Data centers are of particular interest to Intel, which spent more on R&D and marketing last quarter than AMD is expected to generate in total revenue this year.


Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 14:49


70여년 전 발견된 알루미늄과 마그네슘 소재가 정보기술(IT) 시장에서 기술을 꽃피우고 있다.

두 소재는 최근 스마트폰·발광다이오드(LED) 조명 등 첨단 IT 시장을 차지하고자 치열한 기술 경쟁을 벌이고 있다. 알루미늄은 플라스틱을 밀어내고 IT 시장 내 대세 금속 소재로 자리매김했지만 최근 마그네슘 소재 도전에 직면했다. 다이캐스팅(주조)·압출·압연 등 새로운 공법 적용도 두 소재 간 기술 경쟁을 더욱 뜨겁게 달구고 있다.

알루미늄은 1827년 발견된 원소로 규소(Si) 다음으로 지구상에 많이 존재한다. 비중은 2.7로 공업용 금속 중 마그네슘 다음으로 가볍다. 다른 금속과 합금하기 쉽고 상온과 고온에서 쉽게 가공할 수 있다. 대기 중 내식력이 강하고 전기와 열을 모두 전달하는 도전체다.

가장 큰 매력은 무궁무진하게 변형할 수 있다는 점이다. 순수 알루미늄 97%에 어떤 합성 원료를 3% 채우는지에 따라 9000가지가 넘는 조합이 가능하다. 오래전부터 알루미늄 소재가 산업용으로 쓰인 이유다.

건자재·자동차 경량화 소재 등에 주로 쓰였던 알루미늄 소재가 IT 산업에 대거 적용된 것은 애플 덕분이다. 애플은 '맥북'에 유니보디라는 이음 없는 일체화된 알루미늄 케이스를 적용해 주목을 끌었고 아이폰 시리즈에 알루미늄 소재를 본격적으로 적용했다. '아이폰4'에 처음 금속 소재 테두리를 사용하기 시작해 '아이폰5' 뒷면 전체에 알루미늄을 썼다. 지난해 출시된 '아이폰6'도 역시 몸체 전체에 알루미늄 합금을 채택했다.

애플은 당분간 차기 제품에도 알루미늄 소재를 적용할 방침이다. 향후 출시할 '아이폰6S'에는 스포츠 용품 등에 주로 쓰이는 고강도 알루미늄 7000계열이 쓰일 것으로 알려졌다. 알루미늄은 합금 원소에 따라 뒤에 따라오는 숫자가 달라진다. 알루미늄 7000계열은 기존 아이폰 알루미늄 케이스 대비 60% 이상 강도가 뛰어나다.

IT업계 한 전문가는 "애플은 제조 기반이 없지만 소재 이해도가 굉장히 높은 기업"이라며 "탄탄한 소재부품 공급망(SCM)을 구축하고 신제품마다 혁신을 이어갈 수 있는 것은 내부에 소재 전문가가 많은 덕분"이라고 말했다.

애플에 이어 삼성전자도 알루미늄 소재를 스마트폰에 대거 채택했다. 삼성전자는 '갤럭시S5'까지 플라스틱 케이스를 쓰다 지난해 하반기 알루미늄 메탈 케이스로 바꿨다. 지난해 8월 선보인 '갤럭시 알파'에 알루미늄 테두리를 처음 썼고 최근 선보인 '갤럭시S6'에는 메탈 풀 보디를 적용했다. 삼성전자는 갤럭시S6과 갤럭시S6 엣지에 스마트폰 업계 최초로 6013 알루미늄 합금을 썼다. 알루미늄 6013은 항공기·자동차·요트 등에 쓰이는 초고강도 합금이다.

알루미늄은 얇고 튼튼하게 만들 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 방열 효과가 뛰어나다. 알루미늄은 철과 비교해 세 배나 열이 잘 빠진다. 스마트폰·태블릿PC뿐만 아니라 노트북PC·스마트TV에 이르기까지 고성능 반도체와 고집적 회로가 적용되는 추세다. 제조업체는 IT 제품 설계 시 방열 문제를 최우선적으로 고민한다. 방열 성능은 갈수록 중요해지고 있다.

열이 잘 통하지 않는 기존 플라스틱 소재로는 한계가 있다. 알루미늄은 몸체 전체가 방열판 역할을 해 발열 문제를 덜어준다.

IT 산업 내 철옹성을 구축한 알루미늄 소재에 마그네슘 소재가 도전장을 던졌다. 그동안 마그네슘 소재는 알루미늄 합금 첨가제나 제철소 탈황제 등 보조 용도로만 쓰였다. 마그네슘도 IT 기기에 적합한 소재지만 가공하기 어렵고 비싼 가격에 팔리는 탓이다.

마그네슘은 1808년에 험프리 데비에 의해 발견됐다. 상업화는 알루미늄과 비슷한 시기에 진행됐지만 제련이 어려워 산업 용도로 크게 확산되지 못했다. 그나마 제1차 세계대전을 계기로 군사용에 제한적으로 쓰이기 시작했다.

지난 10년간 마그네슘과 알루미늄 가격차가 점차 좁혀졌다. 금융위기를 기점으로 전력난 및 구조조정 여파로 알루미늄 가격이 상승했기 때문이다. 마그네슘 소재 생산 및 가공 기술이 발전한 것도 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 2000년대 초반만 해도 마그네슘 가격은 알루미늄보다 갑절 이상 비쌌지만 지금은 10% 내외까지 좁혀지기도 한다.

마그네슘 무게는 알루미늄 65%, 철강 22%에 불과하다. 현재 사용되는 금속 중 가장 가볍다. 지각의 약 2.1%를 차지하고 있으며 지구상에서 여섯 번째로 많은 금속 원소다. 마그네슘을 포함한 광석은 광범위하게 존재한다. 해수에도 포함돼 있어 제련 기술만 있으면 세계 어디에서나 생산할 수 있다.

지난 금융위기 때도 생산량이 줄지 않을 정도로 마그네슘 수요는 탄탄한 편이다. 지난 10년 동안 연평균 5% 이상 생산량이 늘고 있다. 현재 중국이 전체 마그네슘 생산 80%가량을 차지한다. 미국 5%, 러시아 5%, 이스라엘 4%, 카자흐스탄 3%, 브라질 2% 순이다.

최근 마그네슘 소재가 각광받는 것은 여러 이유가 있다. 우선 알루미늄 소재보다 훨씬 가볍다. 박판 성형성이 뛰어나고 방열 효과도 좋다. 내진동성에 강하고 전자파 차폐(EMI) 특성이 우수한 것도 장점이다.

IT용 마그네슘 소재 생산업체 영신기업의 백진욱 사장은 "알루미늄 소재가 이미 레드오션화된 반면에 마그네슘 소재 시장은 떠오르는 블루오션"이라며 "차별화된 소재 기술만 있다면 마그네슘 사용처는 무궁무진하다"고 말했다.

Posted by 쁘레드

2015년에도 대규모 펑크가 예상되는데… 기존에 계산했던 고갈시기가 아주 많이 당겨질것 같네요.


[the300]국회예산정책처 '2014회계연도 총수입 결산 분석' 보고서

[머니투데이 이상배 기자] [[the300]국회예산정책처 '2014회계연도 총수입 결산 분석' 보고서]

향후 재정 악화로 2060년 기금 고갈이 예상되는 국민연금의 보험료가 지난해 당초 예산보다도 1조8000억원 덜 걷힌 것으로 나타났다. 전년의 약 2배에 달하는 결손액이다. 국민연금 수입 결손은 기금 고갈을 앞당겨질 수 있다는 점에서 우려된다.

또 근로소득세 면세자는 늘고 과세 대상자의 세부담은 불어나게 한 정책이 앞으로 세입기반을 훼손할 수 있다는 우려 섞인 지적도 나왔다.

↑ 그래픽= 이승현 디자이너

◇ "국민연금 가입자 늘려야"

16일 국회예산정책처의 '2014회계연도 총수입 결산 분석' 보고서에 따르면 지난해 국세와 기금 등 정부의 총수입은 356조4000억원으로 당초 예산에 비해 12조9000억원 부족했다.

국세수입 결손액이 10조9000억원으로 총수입 결손액의 대부분을 차지했다. 2012년 이후 3년 연속 세수 결손이다.

Posted by 쁘레드
실없는 이야기2015. 7. 8. 14:34

한국이나 미국이나 젋은이들이 미래를 불확실하게 보고 있는것 같습니다. 젊은이가 가진것은 없어도 꿈을 먹고 살아야 하는데 우울하고 정신실환이 많아지는 것은 세상이 너무 바쁘게 돌아가서 그런것이 아닐까요? 세상이 더 천천히 돌아가도 아무런 문제가 없으면 좋으련만

◆ "미래, 매우 불안" 17.3% vs "전혀 안 불안" 3%

◆ 고졸 20대 70% "10년 후 미래 예상하기 어렵다"


Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers


 MAY 27, 2015 12:07 PM May 27, 2015 12:07 pm 377 Comments


A therapy dog named Sparky gives some love to Ashley Perez, 18, and Nik Keebler, 22, during an event at the University of Central Florida's Center for Counseling and Psychological Services.Credit Douglas Bovitt for The New York Times

ORLANDO, Fla. — One morning recently, a dozen college students stepped out of the bright sunshine into a dimly lit room at the counseling center here at the University of Central Florida. They appeared to have little in common: undergraduates in flip-flops and nose rings, graduate students in interview-ready attire.

But all were drawn to this drop-in workshop: "Anxiety 101."

As they sat in a circle, a therapist, Nicole Archer, asked: "When you're anxious, how does it feel?"

"I have a faster heart rate," whispered one young woman. "I feel panicky," said another. Sweating. Ragged breathing. Insomnia.

Causes? Schoolwork, they all replied. Money. Relationships. The more they thought about what they had to do, the students said, the more paralyzed they became.

Anxiety has now surpassed depression as the most common mental health diagnosis among college students, though depression, too, is on the rise. More than half of students visiting campus clinics cite anxiety as a health concern, according to a recent study of more than 100,000 students nationwide by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State.

Nearly one in six college students has been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety within the last 12 months, according to the annual national survey by the American College Health Association.

The causes range widely, experts say, from mounting academic pressure at earlier ages to overprotective parents to compulsive engagement with social media. Anxiety has always played a role in the developmental drama of a student's life, but now more students experience anxiety so intense and overwhelming that they are seeking professional counseling.

As students finish a college year during which these cases continued to spike, the consensus among therapists is that treating anxiety has become an enormous challenge for campus mental health centers.

Like many college clinics, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Central Florida — one of the country's largest and fastest-growing universities, with roughly 60,000 students — has seen sharp increases in the number of clients: 15.2 percent over last year alone. The center has grown so rapidly that some supply closets have been converted to therapists' offices.

More students are seeking help partly because the stigma around mental health issues is lessening, noted Stephanie Preston, a counselor at U.C.F.



불안한 대학생들

2015 6 11  |  By: rukahs  |  의학  |  댓글이 없습니다

미국 전역의 대학생 10 명을 대상으로 실시한 최근 조사 결과, 불안을 증상으로 대학 상담소를 찾는 학생들이 절반 이상을 차지하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 또한, 미국 대학 건강 협회(the American College Health Association) 따르면, 대학생 6 1 꼴로 최근 12개월 이내에 불안 장애로 진단 받거나 치료를 받은 경험이 있습니다.

불안의 원인은 대학생활 초기의 과중한 학업 부담에서부터 과잉 보호적인 부모, 그리고 소셜 미디어에 대한 과도한 심취 등에 이르기까지 매우 다양합니다. 적정한 수준의 불안은 학생의 발달 과정에 있어 필요합니다. 하지만 갈수록 많은 수의 학생들이 너무도 강렬하고 심각한 불안으로 인해 전문가들의 도움을 청하고 있는 것입니다.

대학 상담소를 찾는 학생들의 정신적 문제들 또한 과거에 비해 심각한 상황인 경우가 많았습니다. 상담소를 찾는 대학생의 절반 이상은 대학 입학 전에 어떤 형태로든 상담을 받은 경험을 가지고 있었으며, 1/3 정신과 약물을 복용한 적이 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. 또한, 1/4 자해를 경험이 있었습니다.

미국 노스캐롤라이나 아팔래치안 주립 대학(Appalachian State University) 심리 상담소장인 존스(Dan Jones) 씨는 '불안' 대학생 세대를 상징하는 현상이라고 말합니다. 전문가들은 날이 갈수록 증가하는 고등학교에서의 학업 스트레스로 인해 학생들이 이미 스트레스로 가득찬 상태에서 대학에 입학한다고 말합니다. 또한, 부모의 과잉 보호로 인해 자기 스스로 상황을 통제하지 못하는 경향을 보이며, 불편하거나 어려운 상황을 견디지 못한다고 말합니다. 소셜미디어를 통해 타인의 재미있고 신나는 경험들을 보면서 필연적으로 스스로의 현실과 비교를 하게 되며, 이에 따라 자존감이 낮아지는 것도 불안을 가중시키는 원인일 있습니다.

(뉴욕 타임즈)





Posted by 쁘레드
IT이야기2015. 7. 8. 14:26

지난 글에서 2014년 year to year로 집계된 data를 정리한 적이 있는데요. 그 이후로 상황이 많이 바뀌었네요. LTE provider에서 Mediatek이 10%로 독보적 2위로 성장하고 삼성도 S6에 자체 모뎀을 넣음으로서 많이 성장했다고 합니다. 자세한 data는 회사 라이브러리가 업데잇이 안되서 확인이 안되네요.

2014 y2y - Mobile AP Processor 시장 점유율과 이익

trategy Analytics: MediaTek Captures Double-Digit Share in LTE Basebands in Q1 2015

Boston, MA - July 1, 2015 - The global cellular baseband processor market registered strong 27 percent year-over-year growth to reach $5.8 billion in Q1 2015, according to Strategy Analytics Handset Component Technologies service report, "Baseband Market Share Tracker Q1 2015: Samsung LSI Grabs Number Three LTE Spot ."

Click here for the report:

·         Samsung LSI beat out Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 in Samsung Mobile's Galaxy S6 and moved up to number three in LTE baseband shipments

·         The wait for the strong number two player in LTE basebands is over and MediaTek has now firmly established itself as the solid number two to Qualcomm

·         In the global 3G baseband market Spreadtrum overtook MediaTek to capture the number two spot

According to this research report from Strategy Analytics, QualcommMediaTekSpreadtrum,Samsung LSI and Marvell captured the top-five baseband revenue share spots in Q1 2015. Qualcomm maintained its baseband market leadership with 61 revenue share, followed by MediaTek with 18 percent revenue share and Spreadtrum with 7 percent revenue share.


Qualcomm, Inc. Top Position In LTE May Be Threatened By Rising Competition

Qualcomm, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM) is still at the first position in terms of market share in cellular radios, but the company’s competitors are trying to bridge the share gap. Cellular radios link smartphones to wireless networks.

At present, the semi-conductor company holds 61% of the global 3G/4G mobile market. The percentage is based on revenues according to Strategy Analytics, a market research firm. Although it’s an astounding figure, it fell from 66% that was reported during the same quarter, last year.

It should be noted that the total 3G/4G semiconductor market is on a growth trajectory, and has risen to $5.8 billion, depicting a 27% year-over-year (YoY) increase. Qualcomm was quick to jump in the 4G LTE technology market in 2012, when the technology was becoming widely adopted. This early initiative helped the company grab a lead over its rivals, as it supplied LTE cellular chips to smartphone vendors, which included Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL).

Sravan Kundojjala, the associate director of strategy analytics, spoke about the development, and stated that competitors would eventually catch up, and take some of Qualcomm’s market. He said: “The wait for the strong No. 2 player in the LTE baseband market is over and MediaTek has now firmly established itself as a solid No. 2 to Qualcomm.”

In terms of LTE radio market share, Qualcomm is on top again, with 70% market share in the first quarter. MediaTek holds the second place, and has a 10 % share. Last year, during the same quarter, Qualcomm commanded an even higher LTE market share – at 90% – whereas last year, MediaTek was not shipping LTE radio devices in large numbers.

Qualcomm suffered a setback when Samsung Group (OTCMKTS:SSNLF) started to develop its own 4G LTE radio chip for the new flagship Galaxy S6 series. Samsung has a substantial share in the smartphone market, and ships millions of its S6 and S6 Edge devices. This helped the company jump to third place in the LTE market.

Posted by 쁘레드

한국에겐 대선후보에게 까지 각서까지 받더니, 그리스에는 30%정도 빛을 탐감해야한다는 건의하는 IMF. 이제라도 긴축만이 답이 아니라는 것을 인정했다고 상줘야 할까요?

한국은 IMF때에도 기업이 줄도산 하면서도 실업률이 3%를 안넘었나요? IMF도 깜짝 놀랐을듯. 


[그리스 쇼크] 닮은듯 다른 3가지 이유

1. 한솥밥 - 그리스는 유로존 구성원, 유럽의 정신·문화적 고향
2. 채권단 - IMF·EU·獨 등 얽혀 있어 IMF가 한국과 협상 주도
3. IMF의 전략 변화 - 한국서 외환위기 사례 첫경험… "너무 가혹했다"는 비판 받아

저자세로 일관했던 한국과 달리 그리스 정부는 벼랑끝 전략을 구사하면서 채권단을 괴롭히고 있다. 유럽의 정신적·문화적 고향이라는 점까지 이용해 "그리스 없이 유럽 통합은 없다"며 부채 탕감을 요구하고 있다. 세계은행에서 근무했던 전광우 전 국민연금공단 이사장은 "채무국이 '배 째라'는 식으로 버틸 때까지 버틴 후, 부채를 최대한 탕감받는 것은 사실 아주 일반적인 전략"이라며 "금 모으기 캠페인까지 벌였던 한국은 매우 순진했던 편"이라고 말했다.

IMF는 한국에 강요했던 조건이 너무 가혹했다는 비판을 받고, 전략을 많이 수정했다. IMF 상임이사를 지낸 오종남 전 통계청장은 "IMF라는 의사가 '외환위기'란 병에 걸린 환자를 처음 보고, 무조건 가장 센 약을 먹인 셈"이라고 말했다. 권태신 한국경제연구원장은 "IMF가 구제금융 3개월 만에 처방이 과도했음을 인정했을 정도로 우리에 대한 구조조정은 지나쳤다"며 "이후 IMF는 구제금융 프로그램을 최대한 각국 경제상황에 맞추는 쪽으로 전략을 수정해 나갔다"고 말했다.

Posted by 쁘레드